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AnyDVD works in the background to automatically remove the copy protection of a DVD movie as soon as it's inserted into the drive, allowing you then to backup the movie using a DVD backup tool such as CloneDVD and CloneDVD mobile. You can also remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software.

Thanks to Siddharta for the update.


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If you have a patched working version installed, just copy the ElbyCDIO.dll and keep it somewhere. Install the new version, patching with BRD and replace the ElbyCDIO.dll with the one which you had kept.

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i can confirm what alloanwong is saying, this has been the case for the last two updates, updated mine tonight using that method and works fine.

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I have anydvd hd installed on my notebook which is the last working version with the BRD patch. If I apply alloanwong's method, won't it be running on a core ? Incidentally, what kind of file is this ElbyCDIO.dll ? What does it do ? Is it the actual core of the program ?

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When i installed over previous version anydvd the "ElbyCDIO.dll" is no longer there in the directory, sure enough copy old "ElbyCDIO.dll" in definitely works.

Point, if "ElbyCDIO.dll" not there it could be a licencing file CMIIW.

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10 hours ago, ShadyStan said:

If I apply alloanwong's method, won't it be running on a core ?


Thats exactly what i ask me.


I dont think it´s a good idea to mix .exe´s and .dll´s of different versions.

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On 2/15/2016 at 11:09 PM, ShadyStan said:

I have anydvd hd installed on my notebook which is the last working version with the BRD patch. If I apply alloanwong's method, won't it be running on a core ? Incidentally, what kind of file is this ElbyCDIO.dll ? What does it do ? Is it the actual core of the program ?

no, the core program is AnyDVD,exe as for what a DLL is/ does ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library

and what (probably) happens using the ElbyCDIO.dll ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library#DLL_hijacking

(the newest official version of ElbyCDIO.dll can be found in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (on x64 pc's)


theoretically from its name ELaborate BYtes Compact Disc Input Output, just links all Slysoft programs with the disc drives

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1 hour ago, KP333 said:

The dll i provided is untouched as it was registered with a key

Sorry KP333 I should have been more specific. I needed the actual software AnyDVD But thanks I got it.

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What is funny is that their database servers are still up and going because my legit licensed anydvd hd connects and gets updated bd keys so while they are not selling it anymore, their database server is still hard at work.  ;)

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3 hours ago, xanax said:
HD Key
Site: http://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /d/7b6f7a126d/



The license key working on my system W7 Ultimate x32, thanks to xanax




3 hours ago, xanax said:
but no database update, because whenever reinstall or install on another machine you need valid email and renewal license here


What do you mean with no database update?

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@Cerberus & @ ontryit


in Information window above say BDPHash.bin 15-08-10, this is default which come with several last versions

is not that file which need to be updated via update?

if it is i was think maybe someone with legal license like Cerberus can share that newer BDPHash.bin (if newer exist, don't know) in case it's not somehow watermarked, in bond with a legit key so SlySoft can't track who share updated files

or maybe sniff links to that update files and share them if not require some kind of authorization on update server.




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Closed sad

Due to recent regulatory requirements we have had to cease all activities relating to SlySoft Inc.
We wish to thank our loyal customers/clients for their patronage over the years.
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