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Should I use Pale Moon?


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Recently I came up to Pale Moon browser.  It's free so can be installed, used and tried it. So, now I have it installed.

Am I happy?

My very personal opinion: really can't see why I should use it. Clearly, Pale Moon is a Firefox clone.  I don't find it faster than Firefox, uses more or less the same amount of resources, has a similar display... So, being Firefox a freeware, with a good follow up by it's authors, with any number of ad-on, plug-ins and complemente available, updated permanently (oh, well, I'm not sure if this is really good or just means that it's getting out of hand and they keep finding more and more bugs...) well, why should I use another browser whose attractivei s that... it's compatible with Firefox's complements! OK., they are developing some proper ones too.

One point on favor to Pale Moon migh be that if's not using Adobe Flash Player or so I understood. Did I understand correctly that it plays flash using HTML5?

Anyone can "help" me with my doubts about Pale Moon? Am I right, should I stick to  Firefox or maybe I don't see the obvious for others, how great of piece of software is it?

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It is Just a Browser, try it out.  I would stick with Firefox myself.

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Pale Moon has 64-bit native version also, with useless stuff removed a lot of improvements and fixes over FF. It's constantly updated and also recently Pale Moon changed the engine to Goanna, which some (+myself) find it better than Gecko.

You can check http://www.palemoon.org/releasenotes.shtml and see by yourself it's maintained often and regularly. On homepage they compare the main differences. The only disadvantage I find is language packs are limited to contributers.

I use it with couple of add-ons for security and had no issues browsing in some security-risk locations.

Best way is try it for longer and decide by your experience as browser preference is very user dependent.

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Use palemoon 32bit myself, some of my addons no longer work, but thats understandable due to the changes they made with the new 26.0.3 version, on 25 the addons worked. They are in the mix of fixing the issues.

I personally stoppped using firefox when they added the Axel-something to firefox, never really had any problems with palemoon.

I've also tried other browsers waterfox, slimjet, avant browser, and a few others i cant remember the names of at the moment.

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