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WinRAR 5.31


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WinRAR is a powerful archive manager providing complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives. Its RAR format may only take second place for its level of compression – but it is consistently the fastest when it comes to both packing and unpacking files. While RAR files are not native to Windows or Mac, many other compression programs are still capable of unpacking it. WinRAR is available on Windows, OSX, and Linux, despite the name.

Thanks to ARMOUR for the update.


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WinRAR 5.31 Pre-Activated!


32-Bit Installer


Site: http://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/5538783/wrar531.exe.html

64-Bit Installer


Site: http://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/5538785/winrar-x64-531.exe.html


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For me, my current installation was activated. So, when I installed this version on top it remained activated.

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WinRAR - What's new in the latest version

   Version 5.31

   1. Following issues are corrected in Windows high DPI mode:

      a) if text size in Windows settings was set to 150% or larger,
         the font size in WinRAR help was not increased accordingly,
         resulting in too small text;

      b) default columns width in WinRAR file list was less
         than expected for 125% or larger Windows text setting.

   2. Interface improvements for right to left languages:

      a) proper text alignment in simple WinRAR prompts, such as
         confirmations to delete archived files or to clear the log file;

      b) "OK", "Cancel", "Help" buttons in multi-page dialogs,
         such as archiving and extraction options or WinRAR settings,
         are aligned correctly and translated to default Windows
         display language.

   3. Bugs fixed:

      a) WinRAR SFX module could load DLL libraries from its own executable
         folder as a result of calling some Windows API functions.
         It could lead to security threat if DLL files with malicious code
         were stored in the same folder as SFX archive. Now SFX module
         takes additional steps to prevent such situation in Windows Vista
         and newer.

         Be aware that users without latest Windows security patches
         installed also as Windows XP users still can be affected,
         so they must be especially careful to run SFX archive from
         a folder without suspicious DLL files;
      b) WinRAR 5.30 failed to run .lnk files from file list.
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On jueves, 4 de Febrero de 2016 at 3:02 PM, angel said:

WinRAR™  Theme Pack V10 2016.2 Multilingual [32-64 Bits]


You missed Minimal ;)





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PAF Portable by PortableWares


Updated by Dave Green (I think)


  • I've added support for all languages.. however, some have not been published yet.
  • If selected language is currently unavailable, English will be offered.



  • Improved Context Menu icons: (thanks to Max_Payne)
    • previously, if WinRARPortable was moved, icons could revert back to default theme.
  • Improved efficiency.
  • Improved 128px icon: previously contained unsightly shadows & edges.
  • Improved Installer: added additional backup scheme for downloading.



Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/t62bzhn111fwoq5/WinRARPortable_5.31_32bit_64bit_Multilingual_Rev.4_online.paf.exe


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  • 3 months later...

WinRAR 5.31 Final Pre-Activated [Unlimited License] Installer - x86/x64 

  • Unlimited Lifetime License
  • Contains 15 themes.
  • Clean uninstall i.e. completely deletes the WinRAR app folder & winrar appdata folder after uninstall.
  • Credits: Thanks to CORE for the keygen.
  • Credits: Thanks to @alfreire for my setup wizard's theming methods.


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!Vlp3HIAL!_F4Hx9-WuRAd_ksVh7BRn7_fWSbsMrBjoEd02s3Ad5k



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