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How to keep your portable storage secured and clear from threats.


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This is a tutorial on "How can I keep my USB flash RAM, HDD free from Viruses, Trojans, Spywares or any type of threats.

It's a very common problem that our portable storages are get hit by threats. There were always these two solutions available:

1) To scan it with the Anti-Virus software and delete the threats.

2) Format it (If we don't have any necessary data).

But sometimes you might be sure that there is some of them and your Anti-Virus showing "No threats detected!" and there is ULTRA-IMPORTANT data inside.

Anyway, try this out... before the infection:

1) Don't put .EXE, .BAT or any files that can be viruses on the root of the storage and "Folderize" every thing that means "Keep everything inside folders". (Strongly recommended step).

2) Try to avoid jacking up your portable storage into RUSTY PCs (PCs that are barely working!).

Well...well...wellllll, my USB flash RAM infected what shall I do?

1) Jack it up into your PC but before that close any programs running, internet tabs, anything (A psychical lie that makes you feel that your PC especially your Anti-Virus and you are ready to ROCK!!!!!! :lol: )

2) Scan it and delete what most you can...

3) Press Win+R or goto Run command or go to Start>Run and type "cmd" (In "Vista" Or "7" type "cmd" in the search then press Enter).

4) Type the following manually.


X: [and press Enter] (Where X is the name of your USBs drive letter. You don't know it, check Windows Explorer).
attrib autorun.inf -s -h -r -a [and press Enter]
press the "Up Arrow" to auto-type it again [and press Enter] (Some viruses are cunning enough to undo the 'attrib' command for once, so we do it twice).
del autorun.inf [and press Enter]
[press "y" if asked and press Enter] (Mostly the guy won't even bother asking you!)

attrib *.cmd -s -h -r -a [and press Enter]
press the "Up Arrow" to auto-type it again [and press Enter]
del *.cmd [and press Enter] (This step is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Make sure that the EXE files on the root are not required! Copy those you still need!)
[press "y" if asked and press Enter]

attrib *.exe -s -h -r -a [and press Enter]
press the "Up Arrow" to auto-type it again [and press Enter]
del *.exe [and press Enter] (This step is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Make sure that the EXE files on the root are not required! Copy those you still need!)
[press "y" if asked and press Enter]

attrib *.bat -s -h -r -a [and press Enter]
press the "Up Arrow" to auto-type it again [and press Enter]
del *.bat [and press Enter]
[press "y" if asked and press Enter]


I wrote in the beginning "Keep everything inside folders" to avoid you from deleting programs or software.

I prefer to do these steps manually without coping them into batch files, In the beginning it's boring after the prof. level. Yo! That's what I'm talking about! So do it every time you jack it up (If you can).

Estimated time for these steps for beginners: 1 Year.

Estimated time for these steps after the prof. level: Less than 30 seconds.


I might bothered you with the [and press Enter] but this is for the insurance only :D .

Have fun!!!!!!!


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