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Communications Satellite (rare pictures that you hardly get to see)


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This is How it Looks Inside a Communications Satellite (rare pictures that you hardly get to see)


The world’s first artificial satellite was the Sputnik. Back then in 1957, people would have never imagined even in their wildest dreams that satellites would revolutionize our lives the way it is today!

You already know it’s awesome!

The moment you remember someone, you can ring them, you can text them and yeah, video call too. And I need not say about the television, it has become one of our greatest sources of entertainment for decades now.

I feel the very term – “Global Village” was possible only with the advent of satellites. Agree? Well, one can write a big 1000 page book about satellites and their uses, I guess! Let me not do that here!


In this post, let’s take a look at some of the inside pictures of communication satellites. Yeah, the inside pictures and not just the outer look that you usually get to see on TV or YouTube.

You would have seen many satellites revolving around the earth most of the times. But, I am sure you would have hardly seen the interiors of satellites as very rarely such photos become available to the general public.


Are you not curious to know how does it look inside? Well, then take a look at it.

Here you go,


Some of the most Complex Machines made by Humans






how does it look inside a satellite


interiors of a satellite

Inside a Communications Satellite

inside communication satellite 2

com sat interiors

inside communications satellite


More about Communications Satellite

Often abbreviated as comsat, a communications satellite is an artificial satellite primarily meant for the purpose of providing telecommunication.

Telecommunication involves cell phone services, radio broadcasting, television programs, and even communications in ships, vehicles, planes and handheld terminals. They usually use microwaves to communicate.


Communications Satellites are usually called Geosynchronous Satellites as they move in a geostationary orbit. A Geosynchronous Satellite has an orbital period same as the Earth’s rotation period (i.e. 24 hours). It always returns to the same position in the sky each day.


The main components of a communication satellite are transponders, antenna, and switching systems. A transponder is the series of interconnected units that forms the communications channel between the receiving and the transmitting antennas. It is mainly used to transfer the received signals from ground station to large masses.

The bandwidth available from a satellite depends upon the number of transponders provided by the satellite. Each service, like TV, Voice, Internet, radio, etc. requires a different amount of bandwidth for transmission.


Solar cells are the main source of power for these satellites while some batteries are also used to maintain power during some emergencies.

The ground control stations are the ones primarily responsible for monitoring and functionality control of satellites.


There are thousands of communication satellites that are orbiting the earth of which only a few hundreds are operational, the rest forms a part of space debris.

You can read more about the communications satellite from the Wiki Page here.


Last Thoughts

All credits of the above images, go to Benedict Redgrove (http://www.benedictredgrove.com/) who has some great talent for capturing really detailed images of extremely complex technology.

His award-winning images are used by many MNCs worldwide. So, all thanks to him and to Société Européenne des Satellites (SES).


Even though you didn’t understand much about the satellite (like name, function, country and other stuff), I am sure you would have liked looking at those rare pictures which you hardly get to see.




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