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We'd like to welcome jordan4x, Batu69 and F3dupsk1Nup to our staff!


  • jordan4x will concern himself with the software updates and discussion/chat forums;
  • Batu69 will be responsible for the content in the news forums;
  • F3dupsk1Nup will moderate the news forums and off-topic forums.


We're not looking for any more additions to our staff currently (except maybe a frontpage poster in the near future), but should you feel you are qualified you are always welcome to drop one of the admins a PM with your motivation. We can't promise anything and can't accept everyone, but we will be sure to include you in our considerations ;)

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20 minutes ago, shought said:

NewsWe'd like to welcome jordan4x, Batu69 and F3dupsk1Nup to our staff!


  • jordan4x will concern himself with the software updates and discussion/chat forums;
  • Batu69 will be responsible for the content in the news forums;
  • F3dupsk1Nup will moderate the news forums and off-topic forums.


We're not looking for any more additions to our staff currently (except maybe a frontpage poster in the near future), but should you feel you are qualified you are always welcome to drop one of the admins a PM with your motivation. We can't promise anything and can't accept everyone, but we will be sure to include you in our considerations ;)

Welcome all to Nsane administrators. You are going to have hard work from now on. Enjoy it. Thanks to give of your time to help us here.

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Congrats congrats congrats. :D

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Congratulations to you three.

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5 minutes ago, Recruit said:


Actually there are bad news for Cc : In this way he will have more free time and should spend more money with the beer.:hehe:

you should post under your original banned name here... not like you don;t have a multitude of names to pick from... just start adding a 1 or a 2 or a 3  after each successive banning

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