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Last one to post here wins a prize


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I like this thread as it is. Even if it goes forever. :D

@Atasas, thank you for your sweet comment :) I think, for that, you ought to win. :)


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Ok then! thanks everyone for nominating somebody else to win/ and trying to win them self, but since there is no criteria, we should try establish parameters that do have/would have an effect to an outcome of this "competition". IE something like intelligent thought as in to why you/me should win, reasoning as to why not you/me should winner. We've started having little fun, but it seemed to appear as shallow/quick game and most of the posts, are just posts- no effort behind it. Lite isn't somebody who would be sleazing up to anyone's back side- nor winner would be! (just an elimination process factor). So yah as autocratic as it might appear, joking around is for game, to win though it will take some effort. On that basis, I shall denounce myself from a competition contestant, in order to continue fun posting for the sake of no one winning! B) I still however will posting/spamming in this thread, as a find it to be good entertaining value for nSane members, considering that primarily this site about IT and aspects of it, and hardly Prize driven/motivated. Based on such theory- I am already a winner! :D

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@Atasas: I'm just amazed to see that you are postin like heath. :P . Just jokin. But I win. :P

Hey cmon I took effort to write this whole line. :lol:

Note: ViPs don't have any power. We are just "considered" as honorable spammers. :lmao:

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You missed this one :P

The decision of an administrator is final and not up for discussion.

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OK. I did forgot that part. It's was the only part that I forgot. Otherwise I'm very good in rememberin the rules. The only time I forgot a rule before was in a PM. :(

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You have to be a bot. :bag:


There is a problem with one of the processing units currently, hence the bot "Lee" currently is unavailable.

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Nsane.forums is still on Core 2 Duo processor?

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When did I questioned nsane's skills? :blink:

I respect all the Staffs(that includes Site Staffs, Mods, Admins and the Founder) and their skills. :)

Not to forget the other members. B)

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I smell someone bein paranoid around here. :hehe:

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I think Atasas said it really perfectly - on the previous page :) And it was also funny :D

Yep, +1.

Its on page 82 though, here to be exactly, you started a new page Avonlea (bravo).:dance2:

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