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Ohio hikers inadvertently make spine-tingling Blair Witch-style film after encountering 'Devil tree' burning from the inside and with NO smoke


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  • A group of hikers encountered a tree that appeared to be burning from the inside in Ohio
  • One of the hikers filmed video of the tree and shared it to YouTube  

A group of hikers apparently became freaked out after encountering a tree burning from the inside in Ohio. 

The frightening sight shocked two hikers who filmed video of the tree and shared it to YouTube last week.

The incident happened in Defiance, Ohio, which is located about 60 miles outside of Toledo.  

In the beginning of the 30-second video, one of the hikers can be heard saying 'What the f***,' as the person filming aims the camera at the top of the tree, which is engulfed in flames from the inside.

Video: Tree fire in Defiance


The incident happened in Defiance, Ohio, which is located about 60 miles outside of Toledo

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reminds me of the prank using a tennis ball to open a car door...have to love when the video starts after the lighter fluid was sprayed on the tree

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