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The ultimate Online Privacy Test Resource List


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Whenever you connect with a program to an Internet resource, a web browser to a website for instance, information are revealed to the server hosting the site.


That's automatic, and often not the only thing happening. If that site loads resources from other servers, they too gain information, and depending on what is running on the site and supported by the browser, additional information may be revealed.


Usually, information such as your computer's IP address, a user agent that reveals browser, operating system and language, and a handful of other information are revealed automatically during connections.


While there are methods available to hide or block certain information from being made known to sites you connect to, there are also methods that sites can use to find out more about you.

Online Privacy Test Resource List



Online privacy tests help you find out what kind of information your browser (or other programs) reveal.  The information itself is useful, but you can also act upon it, for instance by disabling certain features in the program you are using if you don't require it.


You find two listings below. The basic tests listing contains resources that perform simple tests (usually one) only while the advanced tests listing resources that run a series of tests.


Basic Tests


Name What Link
Bad SSL Tests how the browser handles certain SSL certificates and other SSL-types https://badssl.com/
Battery Status API Tests the status of the battery http://pstadler.sh/battery.js/
BrowserRecon Fingerprinting test based on user agent http://www.computec.ch/projekte/browserrecon/?s=scan
Canvas Fingerprinting Checks whether Canvas can be used to fingerprint the browser https://www.browserleaks.com/canvas
Content Filters and Proxy Test Tests network filters, TOR browser and local content filters https://www.browserleaks.com/proxy
DNS Leak Test Tests whether your IP address is leaked by DNS https://www.dnsleaktest.com/
DNS Spoofability Test Comprehensive analysis of DNS resolving nameservers https://www.grc.com/dns/dns.htm
Do Not Track Detects support for Do Not Track https://www.browserleaks.com/donottrack
Email IP Leak Finds out whether your email provider leaks your IP address http://emailipleak.com/
Email Privacy Tester Tests whether your email client leaks back information to the sender of an email https://emailprivacytester.com/
Evercookie Test Checks if persistent data can be saved to the local user system. http://samy.pl/evercookie/
Firefox Addon Detector Checks if certain Firefox add-ons are installed https://thehackerblog.com/addon_scanner/
Flash Player System Test Lists information about Flash Player https://www.browserleaks.com/flash
Flash Player Test Checks whether Adobe Flash Player is installed https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
How's My SSL Checks SSL support and provides a rating https://www.howsmyssl.com/
HTML5 Features Detection Checks HTML5 capabilities https://www.browserleaks.com/modernizr
HTML5 Geolocation Test Tries to look up your location in the world https://www.browserleaks.com/geo
HTML5 Test Tests the browsers HTML5 capabilities http://html5test.com/
Java Test Tests whether Java is installed https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp
JavaScript Browser Information Lots of information about the browser's JavaScript capabilities https://www.browserleaks.com/javascript
Mozilla Plugin Check Checks which plugins are installed in the Firefox web browser https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/
Popup Blocking Tests Tests how well your browser handles (blocks) popups http://www.kephyr.com/popupkillertest/index.html
RC4 Fallback Test Runs a Fallback Vulnerability test https://rc4.io/
Redirect test page Run a series of redirect tests to find out how your browser handles those https://jigsaw.w3.org/HTTP/300/Overview.html
Silverlight Test Reveals information about Silverlight https://www.browserleaks.com/silverlight
SSL Check Reveals the SSL cipher used to connect to the website https://www.fortify.net/sslcheck.html
SSL Cipher Suite Details Lists all cipher suites supported by the browser https://cc.dcsec.uni-hannover.de/
System Fonts Detection Uses CSS+JS, Flash, Silverlight or Java to detect fonts https://www.browserleaks.com/fonts
The Joys of HTML Tests whether sites can fill your hard drive with data http://www.filldisk.com/
Universal Plug n'Play (UPnP) Internet Exposure Test Tests whether your computer rejects UPnP probes https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2
WebRTC Leak Test Tests whether local or public IP addresses are leaked https://www.perfect-privacy.com/webrtc-leaktest/
WebRTC Test Tests WebRTC capabilities https://test.webrtc.org/
Whois Test Reveals IP address, host name, IP address location information and other IP related information https://www.browserleaks.com/whois
Weak Diffie-Hellman and the Logjam Attack Tests whether your browser is vulnerable to the Logja, attack https://weakdh.org/


Advanced Tests


Name What Link
Am I Unique Tests whether the browser is unique by checking the following information: User-agent, Accept, Content Encoding, Content Language, List of Plugins, Platform, Cookies, Do Not Track, Timezone, Screen Resolution, Use of local storage, Use of session storage, Canvas, WebGL, Fonts, Screen resolution, Language, Platform, Use of Adblock https://amiunique.org/fp
Browser Spy Runs the following individual tests: Accepted Filetypes, ActiveX, Adobe Reader, Ajax Support, Bandwidth, Browser, Capabilities, Colors, Components, Connections, Cookies, CPU, CSS, CSS Exploit, Cursors, Date and Time, DirectX, Document, Do Not Track, .Net Framework, Email Verification, Flash, Fonts via Flash, Fonts via Java, Gears, Gecko, Geolocation, Google Chrome, Google Apps, GZip Support, HTTP Headers, HTTP, Images, IP Address, Java, JavaScript, Languages, Mathematical, MathML Support, MIME Types, Mobile, Network, Objects, Object Browser, Online/Offline, OpenDNS, OpenOffice.org, Opera Browser, Opreating System, Google PageRank, Ping, Plugins, Plugs, Prefetech, Proxy, Proxy, Personal Security Manager, QuickTime Player, RealPlayer, Resolution, Screen, Security, Shockwave, Silverlight, Sound Card, SVG, Text Formatting, File Upload, User/Agent, VBScript, WAP Device, WebKit, Web Server, Window, Windows Media Player http://browserspy.dk/
Cross Browser Fingerprinting Test Tests locality, operating system, screen resolution, time zone, User Agent string, HTTP Accept, Plugins, Fonts http://fingerprint.pet-portal.eu/#
IP Lookup Checks IP address, browser user agent, referer http://www.ghacks.net/ip/
Jondonym Full Anonymity Test Tests IP, location, net provider, Reverse DNS, Cookies, Authentication, Cache (E-Tags), HTTP Session, Referer, Signature, User-Agent, SSL Session ID, Language, Content Types, Encoding, Do Not Track, Upgrade-Insecure-Requests http://ip-check.info/?lang=en
Panopticlick Tests Supercookies, Canvas Fingerprinting, Screen size and color depth, browser plugins, time zone, DNT header, HTTP Accept headers, WebGL fingerprinting, language, system fonts, platform, user agent, touch support and cookies https://panopticlick.eff.org/
Onion Leak Test For CORS and WebSocket Requests http://cure53.de/leak/onion.php


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