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DVDFab is all-in-one DVD copying/converting/burning software. In just one or two steps, you can copy any DVD to DVDR/PSP/iPod/etc. DVDFab is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on more than 6 years of DVD copy software development. It allows you to remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc. It is constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections and has a very fast copying speed, normally it's about 10 - 20 minutes.

Thanks to sternog for the update.


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Installed the program and used the patch. The patch is mostly working. It does not activate the new CinaviaRemoval HD feature. The patch needs to be updated.

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21 minutes ago, freeforever03 said:

Installed the program and used the patch. The patch is mostly working. It does not activate the new CinaviaRemoval HD feature. The patch needs to be updated.

The CinaviaRemoval HD feature is critical. i.e I have Jurassic World in which Cinavia is used. After 20 minutes [or so], Cinavia starts to mute the audio.


EDIT: I installed and patched and can verify that the above option is "Trial". I don't know if that means it will be useful?

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16 minutes ago, TheEmpathicEar said:

The CinaviaRemoval HD feature is critical. i.e I have Jurassic World in which Cinavia is used. After 20 minutes [or so], Cinavia starts to mute the audio.

If you are playing a BluRay disc, use Slysoft AnyDVD. It claims to remove Cinavia in real time while the disc is playing. If you are using a BluRay ISO file, mount the file with a vitual disc simulator and use Slysoft AnyDVD.

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Just now, freeforever03 said:

If you are playing a BluRay disc, use Slysoft AnyDVD. It claims to remove Cinavia in real time while the disc is playing. If you are using a BluRay ISO file, mount the file with a vitual disc simulator and use Slysoft AnyDVD.

AnyDVD only works for Blu-Ray if a valid license is found. Trial and patched versions DO NOT WORK for Blu-Ray.

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Portable DVDFab  Multilingual Online

By PortableAppZ


Site: http://www.filefactory.com
Sharecode[?]: /file/2d53z5so8ry7/DVDFab_Portable_9.x.x.x_Multilingual_Online.exe


In first screen enter: 9223

Extract and run DVDFab9Portable or DVDFabPortable.
Settings of installed DVDFab should be preserved.
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1 hour ago, dparadowski said:

Portable version cracked for Cinevera?

Doubtful. The portable is probably created using the same BRD patch [which needs to updated].

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4 minutes ago, Kronus said:

Has anyone tested the Cinavia removal of DVDFab?

Why don't U TRY it? Usually, a trial feature has limitations. I'm waiting for a patch that enables this feature along with all the other features already enabled.

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I tried Jurassic Park and the "Cinavia Removal HD" feature  went right to "Buy Now". This is what I expected. You either pay or wait for an updated BRD patch.

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Of course, I am going to try this. Thx to the great @ChVL!

Q1: Does this enable the "Cinavia Removal HD" feature?

   Qa: If so, before copying your EXE over, do I need to run the v9.2.2.3 installer again?


EDIT: "License Info" displays "CinaviaRemoval HD" feature as "Activated" and "Never Expire". I inserted "Jurassic World", which uses Cinavia, and Cinavia was recognized. On my desktop PC, it takes around 6 hours or so to copy this. So I will start the copy tonight and test the results tomorrow in my hardware Blu-Ray player to see if Cinavia was truly removed and no more audio muting.

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I am still waiting until I can test @ChVL's cracked EXE. I just have to get back home and burn the results onto a blank Blu-Ray and then test.

But, if the patch enables Cinavia Removal as well, this might be good for more than just this version.

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6 hours ago, Kronus said:

BRD fix working great! Unlocked Cinavia Removal

@Kronus [et al]

Did you test this by copying a Blu-Ray w/Cinavia protection? I just finished doing this on "Jurassic World" and am still getting the Cinavia pop-up, error 3, muting the audio. I am using the ChVL cracked/hacked EXE, not the patch.


I wonder if it possible that cracked EXE or patch, I could be doing something wrong? i.e. Common Settings>Enable Cinavia Removal is checked. Is there anything more to do when copying a Blu-Ray with Cinavia?


EDIT: Ah... 

Site: http://blog.dvdfab.cn
Sharecode[?]: /cinavia-protection.html

shows that "Jurassic World" is not included so far.

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