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How to make uxstyle working on windows 10 build 10586? [Guide with screenshots)

john petal

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Hi all, i just share good news from MrGRiM01 ...Big thanks to him for awesome idea... :)

Original thread:






Good news I was able to find an alternative to using patched system files from the RTM build
Doing it this way you can use as many styles as you like with Uxstyle.

1. Rename the default C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\aerolite.msstyles to aerolite.msstyles.bak
2. Make a new folder in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\ called aerolite.msstyles
3. Put your theme in the aerolite.msstyles folder C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\aerolite.msstyles\My Theme\My Theme.msstyles
4. Make sure your .theme file uses this new directory.
5. Select your theme from the personalization menu.

So now you just use the aerolite.msstyles folder as the normal theme folder and you can have as many themes as you like.

Note that if you do sfc/scannow or if you do a large Windows update to say Rs1 the themes will most likely be lost, so keep a backup of your themes.

Not sure what that would result in, I guess it would just fall back to using the aerolite theme which could be a good thing as these large updates seem to break any older themes anyway.


Here step by step :

1. Install UxStyle_0242_x86_x64_preview.exe


2. Rename the default C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\aerolite.msstyles to aerolite.msstyles.bak

    See http://i.imgur.com/b1P70DZ.png


3. Make a new folder in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\ called aerolite.msstyles

    See http://i.imgur.com/g9oyqh3.png


4. How to use custom theme?

    I) copy .theme ekstension to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes  ex: Ubuntu.theme

    maybe like this http://i.imgur.com/FVrY0Td.png

    II) copy "custom theme folder" to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\aerolite.msstyles  ex: Ubuntu

    maybe like this http://i.imgur.com/eMN4WHn.png


5. Make sure your .theme file uses this new directory

    Note :

    You must edit .theme ekstension with notepad++ (recommended) or notepad ex: Ubuntu.theme

    search (Ctrl+F) "\Themes" and replace all with "\Themes\aero\aerolite.msstyles" (without quote)

    save and exit

    maybe like this http://i.imgur.com/T1P3t6b.png


6. Select your theme from the personalization menu>theme>theme settings.


7. Repeat step step 4&5 if you want to use another theme


6. Enjoy....http://i.imgur.com/P0Mvrs4.png


Surplus this method:

a. No need to take ownership and replace themeui.dll, UXinit.dll, and UXtheme.dll

b. No need to restart windows after installing uxstyle

c. Preview of windows default theme not showing black background

d. Low risk (my opinion)

e. etc :D 


Minus this method:

a You must edit .theme ekstension before applying theme

b Need to restart unsigned themes on services if custom theme not working........##Simple solution >>>run as admin the attachment 


Good luck....


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