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Photographer captures rare phenomenon that shows a HALO appear around his shadow in the Norwegian mist

  • The eerie photographs were snapped by Svein Nordrum, 56, from Oslo, Norway, in November this year 
  • Shows his shadow surrounded by glowing halo-like rings caused by sunlight meeting water droplets
  • Known as the Brocken spectre, taken from a German mountain that often experiences the illusion 

These are the eerie pictures of a halo-like spectre surrounding a photographer's shadow in the misty Norwegian hills.

The stunning photographs show a Brocken spectre - an optical illusion where light projects a photographer's shadow through the mist.

Taken by Svein Nordrum, 56, from Oslo, Norway, in November 2015, the amazing pictures they show his shadow surrounded by glowing halo-like rings caused by sunlight meeting water droplets.


The amazing pictures they show his shadow surrounded by glowing halo-like rings caused by sunlight meeting water droplets


The stunning photographs show a Brocken spectre - an optical illusion where light projects a photographer's shadow through the mist

He said: 'The phenomena occurred when I was on the top of a hill as I had the low November sun in the back and fog in the front below.

'When I got above 300 metres, the sun was getting through the mist and I suddenly noticed a strange circle of light below me.

'It was amazing - my shadow was projected into the fog with some pretty trilling effects like the magnified size of the shadow.'

The name Brocken comes from the Brocken Mountain, the highest peak in Northern Germany, as it's a common phenomenon on this misty mountain.

Svein, who works at a publishing company, used a Canon 5D Mark II camera with a 24-105mm lens to capture the stunning photographs.

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