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Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 9.3.4934.708.2079


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Outpost Firewall Pro, provides a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration by denying unauthorized access by remote hackers and protecting against data theft, denial-of-service attacks, privacy violation, Trojan horses, spyware and more. Four major criteria define Outpost Firewall Pro: security, control, privacy and ease of use. Outpost Free, an heir to Outpost Firewall Pro, provides pure firewall and proactive protection functions omitting extra add-ons.


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Last time I tried using it together with NOD32 I found it was no longer compatible...... <_<

But does this "Setup wizard operation logic on systems with installed ESET Antivirus is improved" mean they can be used together again without issues? I hope so ;)

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Hello, I use this software since I downloaded it here a few months ago & I like it very much.


However, there's no more version update provided.

According to Agnitum's site, "In December 2015 Yandex acquired Agnitum software technology. These technologies will now be used to protect users of Yandex Browser. As a result of the acquisition, Agnitum terminates direct and partner sales of the Outpost product line. Agnitum will provide antivirus base updates, bug fixing and technical support until December 31, 2016." 


I am worried, as I don't know which firewall to use after this deadline.

Does anyone know a good, effective & easy-to-use alternative to this software, please? Thanks in advance for your help.


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maybe you don't know but Microsoft provide a decent firewall. And I'm agree, it's probably not enough to be considered as good and easy-to-use. Because you might rather and need a software like : TinyWall or WindowsFirewallControl.

Neverthess, yes, you can do the same thing via Windows (no XP; advance option firewall) but from my point of view, it isn't more convenient.

With an Internet Security (IS), you might be deceive. Sometimes, you really want just something simple... Well, I don't advice Comodo because the last time was a big failure. I don't remember the exact number (stable but which ? Probably 8.0 or 8.1 etc) but my browser (so any program) was still able to connect to the internet. Despite the fact, I switch off internet (totally via the GUI)...

Another example with Eset, apparently, it's impossible to manage everything as you wish. Basically, you can't remove all the rules and that's specially true, if you want to (re)start from scratch.


PS : Any antivirus company like : KasperSky, BitDefender, Emsisoft, Antivir, Eset (etc) provide such software (IS).


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3 hours ago, LuckyStar said:

However, there's no more version update provided.


Current Outpost versions


KB ID: 1000295


Added: 16-10-2010


Last updated: 28-04-2016



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9.3.4934.708.2079 ? Or I should say 9.3 ?

Sorry, I don't remember (exactly) which one is the latest version. Nevertheless, by the past (few months), I used to check the Agnitum (OutPost) website and I found the same number on Nsane (Down or Forum),

Even if the article was published in april, it seem's to be the same version. So, at the end of the year, maybe a news will be publish... For me (too), this software is discontinued (or abandon).

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  • 1 month later...
On 16/07/2016 at 9:50 PM, Ecarion said:



you might rather and need a software like : TinyWall or WindowsFirewallControl.


With an Internet Security (IS), you might be deceive. Sometimes, you really want just something simple...


Thanks a lot, I'll take a look at your suggestions.

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On 16/07/2016 at 10:57 PM, TheMountain said:


Current Outpost versions


KB ID: 1000295


Added: 16-10-2010


Last updated: 28-04-2016




On 17/07/2016 at 0:15 AM, Ecarion said:

For me (too), this software is discontinued (or abandon).


Although the installed software is still working on computers (& will be until December 2016), it seems indeed that this software/program is no longer updated, nor available for download from the source site cited above.
Whenever you click on the links provided by the Agnitum site, they all refer to a dead end ("404. File ot found"). Just wanted to let you people know...

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You're welcome LuckyStar and indeed, apparently now the file(s) is no longer available on the (Agnitum) site. Did they chose to revoke any link ? I don't know, it could be true... I just discover it.
The last time, I checked (a few files) and the downloading wasn't a problem.

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What's difference between these two set of links you posted above?

there are two links for x86 and two links for x64.

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