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Windows 10 - Privacy Tools (Help Needed)


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Hello. I've been seeing a lot of tools on nsane that help "stop" the spying and privacy invading that Windows 10 does. I wanted to ask the community members about their opinions on which ones they prefer the most or whether they prefer a different method altogether, then to use software. I am content with using Windows 10, it works really well but, the invasion of privacy is what is bothering me.

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Good question ! There a many softs, but I am confused also. If members have a good feedback et can give same advice, this will be nice.

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Don't use any,,Just go to SETTINGS/PRIVACY and switch off what you don't use.

All this paranoia about Win10 :) If you value your privacy ,Don't have an internet connection,Don't have a Bank Ac,Don't use Credit/Debit Card,Don't use a Cell Phone and don't go anywhere where there is CCTV cameras :)

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Unfortunately none of the tools will guarantee your privacy 100% since Microsoft changes the telemetry settings in the background thru the updates without any notification. Don't take my word for it though, check the connections your system makes after applying the tools and then after the next update from microsoft. If you are concerned about your privacy you shouldn't be running windows 10, because you don't have any.

Don't use any,,Just go to SETTINGS/PRIVACY and switch off what you don't use.

Oh yeah, that really works...NOT! There is no way to turn it all off in windows, but you keep believing Microsoft and telling yourself that.

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Another vote for O&O ShutUp10. I disable EVERYTHING except for Windows Updates. However, after installing updates, I have to re-enable some things, so don't forget to run the program again.

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Microsoft introduced a lot of new "features" in Windows 10

  1. Microsoft can collect any personal data.
  2. Your identity.
  3. Passwords.
  4. Demographics.
  5. Interests and habits.
  6. Usage data.
  7. Contacts and relationships.
  8. Location data.
  9. Content like emails, instant messages, caller list, audio and video recordings.

When downloading Windows 10, you are authorizing Microsoft to share any of above mentioned data with any third-party, with or without your consent.

Try This:

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Thank you for the input guys. I've actually tried O&O ShutUp 10 before. Isn't that program already portable to begin with? One thing I don't understand about it is, when you make changes with it, it shows no extra files created with saved configurations or anything like that at all. It is just one executable file. Where is it saving the settings?

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Thank you for the input guys. I've actually tried O&O ShutUp 10 before. Isn't that program already portable to begin with? One thing I don't understand about it is, when you make changes with it, it shows no extra files created with saved configurations or anything like that at all. It is just one executable file. Where is it saving the settings?

Ben, the O&O app add entries and change settings in your registry.

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