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New Laptop advice please.


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Hello, I know I'm not the most active member but I've followed the site for years and well this is the place I thought of to ask this question! :blink:

My girlfriend wants a new laptop, ( for her photography course, aiming to become pro), not to take pics but to edit them.

Budget is £600

I'm totally out of date on technology, been very sick, used to build PC's and was a tech head...no longer though. And I'm a bit lost on this.

Can anyone please help me with choosing a laptop that is good enough for her needs of running Photoshop cs (and ... probably nothing more taxing to be honest. ^_^ )? Preferrably ssd or even a hybrid flash/mechanical drive.

NOTE: She has a new camera to take the pictures. The laptop is for editing them, etc. Photoshop and lightroom mostly.

Any help or recommendations are most welcomed!


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What a hybrid tablet had to do with professional photography?

However, she need a good one, but I had a friend who do photography use Mac book, it means you're a professional both photography and web design (in front of people of course), but for doing real professional work a good hardware like and i5 / i7 8GB ram and a good graphical card for or to enhance pictures for professional editing and such that will do the job.

How much can you go on cash?

If your budget is between $300 - $500 if more a Mac book will do the job.

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What a hybrid tablet had to do with professional photography?

However, she need a good one, but I had a friend who do photography use Mac book, it means you're a professional both photography and web design (in front of people of course), but for doing real professional work a good hardware like and i5 / i7 8GB ram and a good graphical card for or to enhance pictures for professional editing and such that will do the job.

I get your point, and agree! Personally I'd go for a larger laptop. She isn't pro yet, not for a long time! I should have made that clear, sorry. So she has a great new camera, and is learning. She wants to carry it around a lot and well, I think she wants a tablet too. So she uses it for photographs, and other things like a tablet!

Thanks for replying ;)

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For a tablet, I guess the quality of lens (5-6 MP) on it is important, HD photos if are a feature of any kind of those tablets, you go for that.

MS surface pro 3 is a good choice but a bit pricey.

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If your budget is between $300 - $500 if more a Mac book will do the job

agree about Mac but any lappy for $300 - $500 now is piece of crap imo,at least their displays r...u know.

in case with pro photography it should be at least FHD & IPS so price will be about 1000 bucks.

about tablet-check Lenovo flex 2 14.


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For a tablet, I guess the quality of lens (5-6 MP) on it is important, HD photos if are a feature of any kind of those tablets, you go for that.

MS surface pro 3 is a good choice but a bit pricey.

Sorry mate I should have said, the laptop/tablet is for editing the pictures after transferring them from a dslr camera. I edited the post to make it clear. -_-

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Hi FaeGin

I'm a big user of PS and did a few weddings as a photographer with my Canon DSLR 5d.

So I know it's important to get the right equipment. I lucked out and got a decent second hand desktop from a guy who was into gaming. The specs are below.

intel i5 750 @2.67GHz

Ram 4Gb

x64 bit system

NVidia GeForce GTS 450

I know you asked about a Laptop, but here are a few things to consider.

I find this (the specs above) handle Ps CC 2014 no problem. The secret is to get a Graphics card that can handle the OpenGL feature in Ps. It's a must for 3D work and for a basic functions like zooming in and out and image rotation for intricate work using a Wacom pen.

The Adobe site below discusses Graphic cards they have tested.


Personally intense Ps work on a laptop would do my head in, you get more bang for your buck with a Desktop. Plus a descent Graphics card like mine has 2 O/P for dual screens. I use an old Flat screen Tv and an older Samsung 17 in monitor as a second screen and put my Ps Tools / Pallets there while working on photos on the main screen.

Of course a decent Laptop with 2 Monitor ports could do the same, just be careful as they can have descent specs but not be capable of OpenGL use.

If I had the choice of going from 4Gb of Ram to 8Gb of Ram or getting a better Graphics card, I'd go for the Graphics card.

Ive no connection to or ever bought a PC from Chillblast, (I nearly did before my second hand one became available), but they get good reviews and you can play about on their website customising what you need in your build. So play about there for a while as you familiarize yourselves with what is within your budget. I noticed though that they didn’t give me an option of an Intel i5 chip, which is fine for Ps, and only suggested the Intel i7.

Chillblast Fusion Shield 2 Gaming PC. Our price from: £409.14 ex VAT (£490.97 inc VAT)

I hope my experience will be a little helpful in making your choice. And of course the guys on here... NSANE... are brilliant at helping out with softwear issues.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies. Apologies for my vagueness and going AWOL after posting, got some serious health issue kicking my arse.

Anyway, the result is that she's getting a laptop, with the right graphics card (nvidia gt) and 8gb ram, upgradeable to 16 - which is likely to be done right away. At least I didn't have to buy Lightroom and Photoshop! Thank you all, much obliged. ;)

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Don't take it too heavily. 4th or later generation i3 CPU, 8 GB RAM, a dedicated Nvidia or AMD GPU and a SSD is all you need. You msy not get a SSD preloaded. In that case, screw the mechanical drive away and buy a SSD and screw it in. Sell the spare mechanical drive online or use it as a backup drive for photos fitting it into a external SATA case. You will need a backup drive as SSDs with larger capacities costs ridiculously high.

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