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Microsoft Edge Browser Still Crashing in Windows 10 Build 10565


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Redmond is yet to fix Edge problems in Windows 10

If you’re a long-time Windows insider, you probably know that Edge has experienced several problems, and although many of them have already been fixed, it turns out that others are still there in build 10565.

For example, there are plenty of users out there who are reporting as we speak that Edge browser crashes all of a sudden in Windows 10 build 10565, which makes many curious about the modifications that the company is making and that are practically ruining the browser experience in preview versions.

Windows 10 build 10565 is the latest release for insiders, and it brings several enhancements for Edge browser, but it turns out that a fix for these crashes is not yet on the list.

The previous build, 10547, was also impacted by similar problems, and as we reported to you earlier this month, the exact same crashes occurred at that point too, which is clearly living proof that we might be dealing with a widespread bug affecting many computers.

The browser seems to be working fine on our PCs here at Softpedia, but judging from the number of complaints that are posted in the Feedback app, something is indeed wrong with Edge on some PCs that crashes the app all of a sudden.

A workaround is not available at this point and we’re still waiting for Microsoft to acknowledge the bug, so in the meantime, you might want to try out another browser and give Edge a rest.


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