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Ballistic Gelatin

FYI: If you participated in MBAM's "amnesty" program earlier this year, you can use the program's internal updater to update to v2.2.0.1024 and your registration will remain intact. No need to jump through a bunch of hoops.

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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Config Courtesy knowledge nsane


No longer working for me. I followed directions....Not activated.

can be fixed very easy with host block keystone.mwbsys.com will fix it i think so the same key can work again u may need to recopy and pasta files again with host block

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if the key is noted to be compromised, the key will be blocklisted once it connects to mbam service, then re writes your activated license.conf( better backup that file first once activated if not get an activated license.conf which is not modified yet by mbam) then you need to combine it with either of the following to re-use blocklisted keys: Note: make sure you off mbamservice and mbam.exe before doing this. After applying, you can re open the program again.

1. a host block ( easiest as posted by knowledge)

2. patch net.conf ( no need host or firewall block)

3. firewall block ( using windows advanced firewall tested already)

Save as bat and run as admin.

@echo offclsIf Exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (Set "MBPath=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe") Else ( Set "MBPath=%ProgramFiles%\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe"):: Assigning Firewall Rule InBound for MBAMnetsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Malwarebytes Anti-Malware FWB" dir=in action=allow program="%MBPath%"netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Malwarebytes Anti-Malware FWB" dir=out action=block program="%MBPath%" enable=yes remoteip=, Show All Application Rule for MBAMnetsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="Malwarebytes Anti-Malware FWB":: Export Rules netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="Malwarebytes Anti-Malware FWB" > C:\Windows\MBM_WFW_Rules.txtpauseExit
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Would locking the conf.file work?

u can try but it changes sometime from when the program is open or close

but can try i tryed to rename but it just adds a new file again

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@club , no please don't, ive tried locking it or making it read only especially net.conf. you will expect program issues such as updating and even not opening it.

Ive already posted the net.conf patch. i think its here in other forum post... or James/Knowledge do have it i guess

If you want the file patch method its about 6K

Just copy the file to to Programdata/.../Configuration and restore folder. But create a back up of the original net.conf in case you want to enable deactivate and change license button.

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if i am right i think my patched is 8k not sure ill have to relook again later or can repost and new file if needed or better yet sledge101

can help people if u ask him nice he may help people ? i am sure if we all use are heads we can help fix for everyone

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I'll try it read only then..

Read Only - is only valid for the users, and trusted system installer does what it wants.

If locked, it means You or your friend cannot make changes mistakenly, but süstem can do everything.

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actually you just need the activated license.conf then combine it with blocking mbam server.

If you first use the method of keygening a valid key, then activate that in the normal way, there is no need to block host or anything. Just backup the activated license.conf.. In case , that key generated by the keygen was used by other people, then combine it with the blocking feature to maintain the premium version.

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I'll try it read only then..

Read Only - is only valid for the users, and trusted system installer does what it wants.
If locked, it means You or your friend cannot make changes mistakenly, but süstem can do everything.

I think this software use its own (not windows) protection engine..It blocks system rights and even machine rights on files and folders....


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actually you just need the activated license.conf then combine it with blocking mbam server.

If you first use the method of keygening a valid key, then activate that in the normal way, there is no need to block host or anything. Just backup the activated license.conf.. In case , that key generated by the keygen was used by other people, then combine it with the blocking feature to maintain the premium version.

I have a working conf file I made with your proggy...It still works even on these beta release :)

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@club.. yes mate because mbam toolbox was design during the time of mbam transition.... after v2.1.8 it has changes..( keys selective, net.conf, etc etc). i have not updated some few minor files because was too busy with work and family. in v2.2 it will work....

what are lacking are the:

1. restore function to Free/Trial back as it is FIX PREMIUM. To enable back deactivation and change license button

2. Firewall block. ( i posted the script here)

3. Key selection which is really quite selective, you need patience HERE + good combinations of ids )

The issues i guess in keygen:

1.is the mbam developers already started blacklisting keys from FFF and other C gorups

2. Billion users are using FF keygen so your random generated keys may work or may not work after a specified amount of time, we dont know when it will stop as there is a possibility that other people might generate a key the same as yours even though you did not share it....

so for now, blocking is a good way of prevention at this time.

If i have time i will update the toolbox with those lacking...

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Here is the update MBAM Toolbox 2.2

Some changes:

- added restore to Free/Trial Edition.

- 3 pre activated keys included

- Can activate using your own existing key

- FW Block included for windows firewall, File net.conf , host block - choose your method.

Attached image.


File info:

SHA256: 9d522e0486432a9af735f022589d1366d71f7fef3b475a578d1696fe0aee23a0
File name: MBAMToolBox2.exe
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
Analysis date: 2015-10-17 16:32:33 UTC ( 1 minute ago )
MD5 93129d6fa4e1a90a31136be26dc45cfc
SHA1 bad8a7431b0361ce756f8946afee16cfabadaf06
SHA256 9d522e0486432a9af735f022589d1366d71f7fef3b475a578d1696fe0aee23a0
Download Link: ( pass = 101)
Sorry , i did not included the documentation esp for new ones(members).. but its easy to use this ... just select your choice , click activate and your done.
You have the option of using your own activated license file already or use the preactivated keys in XXXXX and XXXXX-XXXXX format.
Secondly the Blocking Method, just choose either of the 3, it includes deactivation of blocking functions if you wish to do this manually but clicking activation button automatically handles this one.
( default block method is Net.conf patch and if you are too meticulous, you can combine it with host block of firewall your choice ....)
Lastly, Tools like backup your activated license file and reset to free trial incase you want to enable deactivation or change license button reverting it back to the FREE/Trial. This is if you have a valid license from the developer.
Issues of keygen: see previous post i have. They are now blacklisting keys. Be wary.
Additional 5 activated license file for you guys.( pass = 101) Please do block the program.
I think that's it.
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Hey Sledge, I just wanted to let you know at least on one PC I am getting a .NET framework unhandled exception error. Says "Access is denied". Just thought I would let you know.

Nevermind, it was caused by MBAMs self protection module haha.

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@sam.. :) i was about to tell you that.. yup thats usually result of conflicts.. make sure self protection is off or better yet off mabamservice and mbam.exe.

Thanks for letting me know. :)

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I still get the exception with MalwareBytes not running. I even shut it down. Mine says it can't find the hosts file. It is indeed there.

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I still get the exception with MalwareBytes not running. I even shut it down. Mine says it can't find the hosts file. It is indeed there.

listen , do it simple... uninstall MB and del its dir under program data (restart). now install MB from fresh and copy Knowledge files to program data . see info file for how to block also host files. now restart again and you set to go . works for me that way easily :)

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