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BurnAware Professional 8.5


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BurnAware Professional is a powerful CD, DVD and BD disc burning solution intended for users who need maximum control over every aspect of the burning process and use multiple burners for mass-production of various discs and quick creation of disc-to-disc copies. The program enables users to create data discs (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, bootable CD and DVD discs) and discs with multimedia content (Audio CD, MP3 discs and DVD video discs). Apart from this, BurnAware Pro will help you create and burn ISO images (ISO and CUE/BIN image files supported), erase rewritable discs, burn multisession discs and even extract specific files from disc sessions and tracks from Audio CDs. A simple and intuitive interface of the program will make even novices feel comfortable with the program features.

Thanks to sternog for the update.


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So we need new medicine :(

You can use ADMIN@CRACK it's still working

So we need new medicine :(

... and a portable version too.

ADMIN@CRACK don't work well with my portable i will wait any new patches

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If previously you were using v8.4 with crack done by Admin@crack, then you just need to update and the program will be shown as registered.

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Oh, how many different versions - but in fact, it is all one and the same "Pach & Crack"
Dear Cyrillic users, please save your text files encoded in UTF-8, otherwise not russian pc users will not be able to read !
Here is example:

(ANSI)1. Āūįåščņå ā źīģįīįīźńå ķóęķóž āåšńčž (Professional čėč Premium)2. Ńźīļčšóéņå ļąņ÷ ā ļąļźó ļšīćšąģģū (čėč āūįåščņå BurnAware.exe ā īņźšūāųåģń˙ īźķå ļīńėå ķąęąņč˙ 'Apply Patch') č ķąęģčņå 'Apply Patch'   (ļīä āčńņą č āūųå ēąļóńźąņü ń ļšąāąģč ąäģčķčńņšąņīšą)3. 'Fix Unreg' - óįčšąåņ ķąäļčńü 'Ķåēąšåćčńņščšīāąķķą˙ īöåķī÷ķą˙ āåšńč˙' čē żįąóņīā. Ķóęķī ņīėüźī äė˙ óńņąķīāėåķķīéļšīćšąģģū, ņ. å. äė˙ ļīšņąįėīā (ķąļščģåš, īņ PortableAppZ), żņī ķå ķóęķī ļščģåķ˙ņü(UTF-8)1. Выберите в комбобоксе нужную версию (Professional или Premium)2. Скопируйте патч в папку программы (или выберите BurnAware.exe в открывшемся окне после нажатия 'Apply Patch')   и нажмите 'Apply Patch' (под виста и выше запускать с правами администратора)3. 'Fix Unreg' - убирает надпись 'Незарегистрированная оценочная версия' из эбаутов. Нужно только для установленной   программы, т. е. для портаблов (например, от PortableAppZ), это не нужно применять

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Dear Cyrillic users, please save your text files encoded in UTF-8, otherwise not russian pc users will not be able to read !

Hm, there have also is description in English...

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Hm, there have also is description in English...

Yes, there is at this time, but usually not. And yet, is it very difficult to use UTF-8.

Finally. It does not disturb me, I will open those hieroglyphs and also I can read in Russian, but I have a principle that if something to do, then it is not much harder to do properly.

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Oh, how many different versions - but in fact, it is all one and the same "Pach & Crack"

Dear Cyrillic users, please save your text files encoded in UTF-8, otherwise not russian pc users will not be able to read !

Here is example:

(ANSI)1. Āūįåščņå ā źīģįīįīźńå ķóęķóž āåšńčž (Professional čėč Premium)2. Ńźīļčšóéņå ļąņ÷ ā ļąļźó ļšīćšąģģū (čėč āūįåščņå BurnAware.exe ā īņźšūāųåģń˙ īźķå ļīńėå ķąęąņč˙ 'Apply Patch') č ķąęģčņå 'Apply Patch'   (ļīä āčńņą č āūųå ēąļóńźąņü ń ļšąāąģč ąäģčķčńņšąņīšą)3. 'Fix Unreg' - óįčšąåņ ķąäļčńü 'Ķåēąšåćčńņščšīāąķķą˙ īöåķī÷ķą˙ āåšńč˙' čē żįąóņīā. Ķóęķī ņīėüźī äė˙ óńņąķīāėåķķīéļšīćšąģģū, ņ. å. äė˙ ļīšņąįėīā (ķąļščģåš, īņ PortableAppZ), żņī ķå ķóęķī ļščģåķ˙ņü(UTF-8)1. Выберите в комбобоксе нужную версию (Professional или Premium)2. Скопируйте патч в папку программы (или выберите BurnAware.exe в открывшемся окне после нажатия 'Apply Patch')   и нажмите 'Apply Patch' (под виста и выше запускать с правами администратора)3. 'Fix Unreg' - убирает надпись 'Незарегистрированная оценочная версия' из эбаутов. Нужно только для установленной   программы, т. е. для портаблов (например, от PortableAppZ), это не нужно применять

Sure they'll be able to translate. Just go to this transcoding website: http://www.artlebedev.ru/tools/decoder/

Enter the ANSI code into the empty box then press the button located at the bottom/middle of box. After pressing the button, the ANSI will translate to UTF-8, or real Russian language. Then go to translate.google.com, enter the Russian language and translate it into whatever language you want.

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How do you not get it in place, the problem is not a translation, but the coding?


Если вы хотите, я могу поговорить с вами на русском языке. Это не является проблемой.
If you want, I can talk to you in Russian. This is not a problem.

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sorry for the wait i did not post as it seem lots of people posted new fix ?

but can post a patch if people still want ?

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