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Sandboxie 5.04


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When you browse the Web, changes occur to your computer system. Some of these might be harmful, like the unsolicited installation of malware. When you use Sandboxie to protect your browsing session, it catches all these changes just as the browser is about to apply them into your computer system. Sandboxie does record these changes on behalf of the browser, but it records them in a special isolated folder, called the sandbox. Thus, with Sandboxie, you can browse the Web securely while still keeping all your browser's functionality for active and dynamic content, such as javascript and ActiveX. All undesired side effects can be easily undone.

Thanks to ARMOUR for the update.


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Does this program its job better then Shadow Defender ?

If it does ,want to chance from SD to Sandboxie.

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Keygen-patch by uuk fixed by diogen / ru-board

My patch is cosmetic

diogen just hex-edited the hardcoded version and date to 5.04 and year 2112

thought there were auto detection for version & syscode

Yes. Hardcoded.

Long time going to explore a licensing system Sandboxie to automate the extraction of the information necessary for keygen. But the generation algorithm activation keygen I do not know. You need to understand.

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Does this program its job better then Shadow Defender ?

If it does ,want to chance from SD to Sandboxie.

i think Shadow Defender is better but its just me

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Does this program its job better then Shadow Defender ?

If it does ,want to chance from SD to Sandboxie.

i think Shadow Defender is better but its just me

Those are two different types of software... SD is more like DeepFreeze while SB allows for individual use of applications. The main advantage of SB is that it allows you to run multiple instances of single-instance apps through different boxes. SB is not just a security tool... it's more.

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Why I can't Activate license on Windows XP x86?

1. Installed Sandboxie,

2. Clicked "Patch",

3. Pasted Syscode,

4. Clicked "Activare and have error: "This is not a valid Activation Key. [FFFF0013]" :(

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Sandboxie 5.04 do not working if I use Comodo (Firewall Only). Antivirus, HIPS, Viruscope etc. are disabled. I have Firewall only, but Sandboxie still do not working. If I select "Run in Sandboxie" nothing happen, but if I removed Comodo Sandboxie again working fine. Why? :(

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Thanks to the clue that there is a incompatibility with Comodo I manage to find a solution. Please follow the instruction listed here or the quote below:

Site: http://forums.sandboxie.com

Sharecode[?]: /phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=21539&hilit=comodo&start=30

For other antivirus see this thread:

Sharecode[?]: /phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=21539

Open Comodo and click Open Advanced Settings.

Go to Defence+ / HIPS / HIPS Settings. You will see a setting called "Detect shellcode injections". Make sure it's checked because the solution doesn't work if it's disabled. (You don't need to have HIPS enabled if you don't want to, just make sure "Detect shellcode injections" is checked).

Now click on Exclusions. In the window that opens right click and choose Add -> Files.

Go to the Sandboxie folder located in Program Files or Program Files (x86) and select all the executables you find there


Click OK to add them, then click OK in all Comodo windows that are opened.

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