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We all know someone who tried to switch to Linux but was unsuccessful. The system that he tried was too different from what he was used to, there were too many new things and the old things were not where he expected. The goal of this project is to let anyone get used to Linux.

This system is not too different from Xubuntu, on which it is based, but ChaletOS has a style that everyone knows well, appealing simplicity and an impressive speed. All this will let them to fall in love with this system quickly. Because of its small hardware requirements it will revive some old machines and refresh others, not so old.
The name ChaletOS came from the style of the mountain houses in Switzerland. The concept of these houses is similar to the concept that we had while we made this system: simplicity, beauty and recognizability.
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That looks beautiful, but what's the point of switching to Linux when It's no different than Windows? most people switch to Linux to try something different and new..just saying.

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Good point.It would be nice though to be free of windows,or not, depending on the person.

Linux is becoming more windows familar I,m assuming to get more newbies over.

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I think it is a clever idea as it is a window (excuse the pun) of opportunity. Whilst Microsoft Windows is justifiably receiving some unfavourable reviews Linux is sitting back as per usual gather dust and why? well that may well be because it is not like windows in some ways.
This will always be different and new to any new comer so its well worth a look.
Right now there are probably several people thinking about their future on the pc platform and questioning every single move Microsoft is making as its clear that we are coming towards some sort of crossroad and not everyone is happy about that.
Linux needs a foot in the door but weather this is enough is anyone's guess but in my personal opinion it is not enough, if you are going to look like windows it must run windows software which is not going to happen (wine is simply not good enough) for a multitude of reasons.

Anyone remember Lindows. :D

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When windows 8 came out there was so much angst about the metro interface that we installed linux on a lot of senior citizen computers whose primary use was email, chat, and surfing. Some of those users have since bought new computers and called me to setup linux on them. Entire retirement homes have made the switch to the friendlier operating system....linux.

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Thank you for the news. Its apparently based on Ubuntu, which is nice for beginners, it has XFCE for its desktop environment, which is also simple and fast.

This distro sure can help Windows beginners make the transition, i'm sure. Although any other distro with KDE/LXDE/etc. can do the same, this will still be good for some users. I for one, was looking for something completely different when i started with Linux. Nowadays i use Arch but i think Debian/Ubuntu is still the best place to start in the Linux world.

Kudos to the 'developers'/designers. Wish them all the best.

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Unless one uses Linux one never gets to see just how amazingly stable it is.

Also, when running XP in a VM under it as I do - windows runs better than it ever did natively.

So - someone not wanting too much drastic change can easily get this ChaletOS, install VMWare Player for free, make a VM of their best windows installation - and have it all AND better stability besides.

Download page for this free OS:


At SF where files are hosted:

The only folks who would scoff at this idea are gamers, and that's OK because mikr0$0ft still needs some customers !!

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