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Fix: Taskbar Auto-Hide Feature Not Working On Windows 10


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Because we are accustomed to seeing the desktop with the taskbar,

the Windows desktop looks incomplete without the taskbar.

The tiny bar at the bottom of the screen (by default) is one of the very important areas

of Windows operating system.

That said, for power users, the taskbar is not really important.

Many power users prefer automatically hiding the taskbar as one can switch between programs

and launch the Start menu with the help of keyboard shortcuts.

As with the case of previous Windows versions, Windows 10 also allows you auto-hide the taskbar

and this can be enabled by opening Taskbar and Start Menu Properties and then checking the option

titled Auto-hide the taskbar.

It looks like many Windows 10 users are unable to auto-hide the taskbar after enabling the same under

Taskbar and Start Menu Properties.

As you likely know, the taskbar will not auto-hide when the mouse cursor is on it.

According to a few users who had to deal with this issue, when the taskbar auto-hide is enabled,

the taskbar hides for a few seconds and then appears again even when the mouse cursor is away from it.

If the taskbar is not automatically hiding itself even when the mouse cursor is off it and you are sure

that the taskbar auto-hide is enabled (please double check it), you can fix the issue by following given below methods.

Fix: Taskbar Auto-Hide Feature Not Working On Windows 10


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