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5 Best Countries To Move To Before The Coming Collapse


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5 Best Countries To Move To Before The Coming Collapse
They say home is where the heart is, and the family.
But if home becomes a sinkhole and a threat to your life and your family, one is left with a difficult choice.
Some say it’s cowardly and unpatriotic to abandon a sinking ship and escape to a better setting. I agree. I would like to stay until the last minute. The thing is that you’ll never know for sure when it’s your last train.
Jews who left Germany before the WWII, lived a lifetime in other countries (like the USA). They had kids, they became grandparents. Those who stayed were starved to death and killed together with their families.
This week I tried to find some other countries (in 3 of them I’ve already been to) in which I may live a similar life with the one I live here (together with my family), but safer in so many ways.
The criteria for determining the best safe haven countries were:
social stability
fewer enemies
economic freedom and opportunity
freedom of self-expression
cost of living
ease of visas and residency
insulation to western collapse or wars
Costa Rica
Costa RicaCosta Rica is a mountainous country a lot like Switzerland, but located in a warm, though not tropical part of the world. There are a number of valleys where most of the people live but there are lots of mountain nooks and crannies to get lost in.
Here is an actual account of an American survivalists who retreated to Costa Rica a few years ago and started a new life there:
“Costa Rica is quite small (like West Virginia) and is relatively close to the Equator, but the country actually contains about thirty different climate zones, with the temperatures ranging from 90 degrees on the beach to the low 50’s in the mountains. What that means among other things is that you don’t need to worry unduly about heating in the winter nor air conditioning in the summer. Also, the growing season is about 365 days long!
The soil is incredibly rich and farming is very easy. Fruit trees and berries considered expensive rarities in the states grow like weeds here. Also, for its size, the country is blessed by an abundance of water, since the country lies between the Caribbean and the Pacific and the mountains running the length of the country ensure lots of rainfall. Rivers are everywhere and the mountain streams are crystal clean. All electricity is generated by hydro!” (Source)
Costa Rica is a safe Heaven!
The only problem with Costa Rica is that it’s really expensive to obtain a permanent residency there.
According to the government of Costa Rica an US citizen has 4 alternatives for obtaining legal residency. You are eligible if:
1 – If you are receiving a lifetime pension such as military pension, social security or state retirement benefits of no less than $1,000 US per month. They even stated that “We have many retired military retiring here who are in their forties and are qualified pensionados” (Source)
2 – If you have a guaranteed income of $2,500 per month;
3 – If you make a deposit to a Costa Rica bank in the amount of $60,000. From this deposit you will be paid at the rate of $2,500 per month for 24 months. This residency is for two years after which it must be renewed (another 60,000) or you must leave the country. Not cool Costa Rica, not cool!
4 – If you are an investor, who has at least $200,000 or more invested in Costa Rica
The government is so restrictive because they are going thru what out southern border is going thru: a lot of Colombian and Mexican immigrants.
Related: US Nuclear Target Map. Do You Live in The Death-Zone?
Sweden ruralFew people know this, but Sweden isn’t part of NATO, so in case of an all-out war it has a big chance of staying aside, just like it happened in the WWII.
But at the same time, Sweden is part of the European Union. And that has a lot of benefits like traveling in all Europe countries without visa. And if you obtain a citizenship, all you need is an ID.
If the Euro collapses, Sweden will not be very affected, since they don’t use Euros (they have Swedish krona – SEK).
I’ve been to Sweden myself and I can tell you that English is their second language. Everybody speaks fluent English there.
Sweden has been for many years the country with the highest salaries in Europe.
It’s expensive to live in, but at the same time you can find a better paid job than here. My cousin, who left United States to live there (20 years ago) now earns 10K / month in construction.
He pays around 35% Tax and has Full Healthcare (everybody has there) until the day he dies.
malaysia beachMalaysia has one of the most robust economies in Asia, and this is reflected in the consistently high standard of living available to locals and expats alike.
On a modest budget, you truly can savor a life of luxury there. For as little as $5, you can enjoy an excellent meal, with a bottle of wine setting you back the same price. The street food is similarly scrumptious and one of the true charms of Malaysian cuisine.
New Yorker Thomas O’Neal speaks about his new life in Penang (Malaysia):
“I rent a 1,600-square-foot apartment with an amazing pool, just five minutes’ walk from the ritzy Gurney Plaza shopping mall. It costs me just $850 a month. I don’t need a car, either, so I’m saving money left, right, and center.
I love the weather – 82 F on average – and the ease of getting to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan and Laos. When you combine that with a cost of living of $1,500 per month, including my rent, it’s almost unbeatable.” (Source)
BannerBecause they were a British colony, English is widely spoken by locals, making it all the easier to adjust and find your way around.
Malaysia’s economy in 2014–2015 was one of the most competitive in Asia, ranking 6th in Asia and 20th in the world, higher than countries like Australia, France and South Korea.
Between 2013 and 2014, Malaysia has been listed as one of the best places to retire in the world too, with the country in third position on the Global Retirement Index. This in part was the result of the Malaysia My Second Home program to allow foreigners to live in the country on a long-stay visa for up to 10 years.
Here are the requirements:
Applicants below 50 years old are required to open a fixed deposit account in Malaysia of $72,000 at any bank with a local branch.
After a period of one year, the participant can withdraw up to $36,000 for approved expenses relating to house purchase, education for children in Malaysia and medical purposes. However, a minimum balance of $36,000 must be maintained from the second year onwards and throughout stay in Malaysia under this program.
Applicants 50 years old and above are required to have a monthly off-shore government pension of at least $2,300 and have a bank deposit of $36,000
After a period of one year you can withdraw up to $12,000 for approved expenses relating to house purchase, education for children in Malaysia and medical purposes. However, a minimum balance of $24,000 must be maintained from the second year onward and throughout your stay in Malaysia.
chile ruralChile is today one of South America’s most stable and prosperous nations. It leads Latin American nations in rankings of income per capita, state of peace, economic freedom, education and low perception of corruption.
There are a lot of opportunities and vast expat communities in Chile
Chile is a fully developed country with modern cities and a rich countryside with stunning views of the Andes Mountains from almost any location.
Chile maintains a lower cost of living than North America especially for rent and fresh food. Americans can get a tourist visa (good for 90 days) on entry to Chile for a cost of $160. Residency requirements in Chile are relatively flexible. Escapees can qualify for a Chilean Retirement and/or Income Visa by proving an income of between $500-$1000/month. Entrepreneurs can get residency by starting a business and foreigners can easily get a visa by working for a Chilean company.
tasmania touristsTasmania is an island state that is part of Australia (country) with half a million population.
TAS has plenty of water and fertile ground. It’s completely safe from every nuclear war or war of any kind. Nobody will ever bomb TAS (it wouldn’t be cost effective).
The whole island is about the size of South Carolina and about 45% of Tasmania is National Parks, Wildlife Reserves, etc.
It has mountains and hills so it’s pretty safe from tsunamis.
There is a LOT of land per capita, so buying a farm is pretty cheap. Here’s an idea:
“I saw a news piece a while back about a whole town for sale – houses going for $20k etc. Rename it Preppertown.” (Source)
On top of this, it’s Australia, so everybody speaks English (sort of).
The only downside of this heaven is that winters (actually summers) are cold and daily products are pretty expensive (like gas). And the Christmas is in full summer (actually winter). It would be weird to adapt living in the South Hemisphere (and kind of cool).
Obtaining a VISA is really easy. In most cases all you need to do is prove you have a skill that they need and that you would like to settle there to work. Australia is about the size of the USA (without Alaska) with only 23 mil inhabitants, so they’re always looking for skilled labor force.
Or if you want to invest in a farm or buy land… that will also do it.
Again, I don’t want to leave America and I probably never will. But I want to find a country where I can move to in two weeks if things get really, really bad.
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And stay away from South Africa where corruption is the norm from Zuma to all his fellow ANC members.

Since this "showerhead" took over the ANC he is the one to show us how to steal and get away with it.

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