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Can not activate MBAM Premium Keygen does not work


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I wonder if anyone know how to activate the premium mbam. The keygen does not work.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.

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Hi che, try and try, and you will get a working key, maybe 15 or more times, but you need try the keygen.

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@solitario and Joe 13...I sent you both PM's. Hope they help. :)

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@solitario and Joe 13...I sent you both PM's. Hope they help. :)

No PM so far, maybe later on it'll arrive.

Hi Joe 13...just sent a third PM to you...fingers crossed!!!

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Passing by.

@solitario.. you've done that in wrong way.... anyway... at your current state which you have displayed. heres what you can do/try.


1. Off internet.(important!)

2. Add these to your host file first and make sure its read only just in case. keystone.mwbsys.com sirius.mwbsys.com bactem.mwbsys.com data-cdn.mbamupdates.com
3. Here's the license file from old FFF keygen which i just generated/activated. Download below:
4. Extract the downloaded file to replacing your old license file with the downloaded one. @:
C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MalwareByte Anti-malware\Configuration\license.conf
5. Restart PC .
6. After PC restart, open MB program then turn on your internet connection.
that's it.
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I want to remind you one old thing. Posted 25 June 2015 - 10:14 AM

I'm fairly confident that it will soon comes new version, which can be used only with updated keys.
This is a transition version, where can be used both - old and new keys. This is a good option to void the huge number of generated keys. (which are not in use now, when is the transition period).
So, now is the time to re-generate all old keys, before it is too late.

Now, isn't do nothing no more, than a try, perhaps some old key will work . If will not, you need to accept that this train is gone, and get this 1 year free license, what is offered.

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