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4 overblown Windows 10 worries


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I found Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N from murphy78. It has all the metro removed giving a pure desktop experience. You can find more info on MDL forums. There is an optional download that adds all the media functionality back from Microsoft for "N" versions. I found myself wanting to like modern apps and never using them. This version has no cortana, no store, & is what I'm writing on now. Have been running Zombi, Mass Effect 2 & 3, Left4Dead 1 & 2 with no issues. If your paranoid or simply don't need modern apps this is the way to go.

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google and apple does the same thing.

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if you people are so paranoid about "big brother" why even use computers just move way back into the woods and hide out

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Windows 10 phones home to Microsoft even if you change privacy settings (betanews)

Even when told not to, Windows 10 just can’t stop talking to Microsoft (arstechnica)

Do you know what started this whole thing ? some guy took wireshark and posted pictures of Microsoft calling out to

Bing from Cortana on a internet forum if you so worried about Cortana disable the service or/and block M$ ips with a good firewall.

They are a few things like Telemetry that can only be turned down to basic you need to block these if you dont want it.

But its crazy there's a million articles based on this one guys finding . but not one article that proves

what they do with the data they collect. :lol:

Was it only a Cortana issue?

30 Ways Your Windows 10 Computer Phones Home to Microsoft (howtogeek)

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Windows 10 phones home to Microsoft even if you change privacy settings (betanews)

Even when told not to, Windows 10 just can’t stop talking to Microsoft (arstechnica)

Do you know what started this whole thing ? some guy took wireshark and posted pictures of Microsoft calling out to

Bing from Cortana on a internet forum if you so worried about Cortana disable the service or/and block M$ ips with a good firewall.

They are a few things like Telemetry that can only be turned down to basic you need to block these if you dont want it.

But its crazy there's a million articles based on this one guys finding . but not one article that proves

what they do with the data they collect. :lol:

Was it only a Cortana issue?

30 Ways Your Windows 10 Computer Phones Home to Microsoft (howtogeek)

If you read here they explain how telemetry works . explained by Microsoft .


Turning things off because you're over paranoid is not always the best thing . Back when before windows 8 most everyone didn't have telemetry on and they thought no one used the start menu. And Windows 8 had none because of us . So now they force it on us to at lest a basic level . We caused it .


So no wonder there using hardcoded ips to get past host blocks. They mean for windows 10 to get the fixes it needs .

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Turning things off because you're over paranoid

I would never call 'paranoid'

the ones who really care about their Privacy...

Especially, when Privacy is so much violated nowadays...

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Turning things off because you're over paranoid

I would never call 'paranoid'

the ones who really care about their Privacy...

Especially, when Privacy is so much violated nowadays...

The amount of paranoia around Windows 10 is too high!

It is a bit laughable when you think of the fact the people jabbering about microsoft... Probably all have cells phones which are a far bigger privacy concern.

Any government federal or state has access to tools to track your every move And listen to every word you speak. Thanks to the personal tracking device you carry in your pocket.


:P :lol:

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Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, who many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

Me being English with dyslexia i know how the rest of the non English world must look at you all . Not everyone speaks English and some of us has other problems but you people hide behind you're keyboard making fun of peoples text need to get a real life because you never would say it to peoples face . you need a reality check you been on the internet too long . Coming in topics being off topic. I had driver problems I over came them by stopping driver updates with that tool and installing ones that work. No one says you have to upgrade to windows 10 dude some people still are on XP with no windows updates .

How many people had the same kind of problems on windows 7 an windows 8.1 ? lots did I posted topics about this before win 10 went live. Thing is now windows 7 and windows 8.1 development is dead . You want receive nothing but security updates tell the end of its life how boring to be stuck in the past another 5 or 7 years . :lol:

Well firstly, I'm not hiding behind a keyboard and I DO say it to peoples face. Also, you're being too sensitive, I wasn't making fun of you at all. Trust me it would have been worded a lot differently if that was my intention. I was simply/friendly making you aware that what you wrote was incorrect, get over it.

The problem with textual talk rather than speaking out loud and using body language is that you invent the tone in your own head so many people jumping down people's throats over the slightest thing. Stop being a drama queen.

If you was in my face you would never know I have a grammar problem. I dont have a speech implement or reading problems . But if you came to my house making fun of anyone you would leave in a hurry I bet you money on that.

Well obviously I wouldn't, Grammar is written form. Unless you have speech bubbles above your head?

I'm not saying you have a speech impediment or reading problems ffs, stop being a bloody drama queen and trying to blow this out of all proportion. All I did was point out you was using "there" by mistake, get over it!

With regards to saying it to peoples face I was referring to real life and friends/family. If I see somebody write wrong word or say wrong word I inform them. I'm just a bit OCD when it comes to that and I do not mind people pulling me up for same thing either, As I said we ALL make mistakes.

Now calm down, relax, stop being sensitive, taking things personally and being a drama queen.

I use there when its supposed to be their and I know its wrong I have ocd and it makes me type the way I do I dont see anyone else correcting the way users type in this forum I think your anal retentive and need to calm down. as for the privacy concerns I want them to get destroyed I want to believe microsoft is not invading privacy like users are saying Im just standing by for the proof..

Firstly, I am calm. I made a passing comment about use of wrong word in a friendly manner, I wasn't being an arse.

Secondly, I'm not being anal at all.

Thirdly, It's "you're" not "your" :P (Also meant in a joking/friendly manner so no need to act all offended or jump down my throat).

Some people just need to learn to take/give a bit of friendly banter instead of automatically being on defensive and throwing a hissy fit.

Now your (your your your) just trolling and we are not having hissy fits we are simply saying we are typing the way we want to type and your the only one complaining just stop and technically your being a drama queen to (if we are). Are we done with this I mean seriously (I think I have seen you be the grammar police before I remember someone was) and worse your going off topic the topic is windows ten and paranoia and I do remember when it all started it started thanks to one thread and I think (damn keyboard is repeating characters) one of you posted it. I honestly think there releasing the telemetry updates to windows seven and windows eight (did they release them for xp to) to help figure out exactly how many users are on windows seven and windows eight or am I just trying to make a shitty situation sound less shitty lawls..

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got a better understanding of wifisense thx.

Wi-Fi Sense is turned on by default in Windows 10. But even when it's turned on, it doesn't automatically share your Wi-Fi passwords with anyone's system. You have to take another step to allow access, and you have control over which networks to share -- and with which groups of contacts to share them. And remember, even then, the passwords are encrypted -- and your guest users are blocked from getting to local resources such as computer files or other devices connected to your network.

Unfortunately, there's no granularity to the way you can share network access to your contacts -- in other words, you can only share with all your friends in, say, Facebook; you can't pick out individuals. It's essentially all or nothing.

however this doesn't seem to mention about selecting out of those facebook group which specific users are allowed access.... it should not be group wide.... there should also be finer granularity by also having an option to set which facebook users can auto connect.

also the default shares, are enabled until you manually disable/limit it is that right ? cause if so then i don't think that is a good idea. it should have some sort of prompt and/or be listed in action center for further action by the OS10 user whether or not to go to the next step of proceeding to allow shares. not to be enabled off the bat, which then later requires manually disabling some share access, if that makes sense :x

as for windows 10 updates, they really should integrate update management into the OS rather than a tool downloaded separately cause it's damn annoying.

And yes there's an uninstall, but you shouldn't have to install first in order to uninstall later... you should be able to not have it installed to begin with. probably possible to do that with the tool.

yes updates for everyone is good for most part (especially to prevent zombie bots from spreading), but we shouldn't be blindly trusting. it's not like microsoft hasn't ever fucked an update. hence why some of us prefer a wait and see approach. yes there is defer, and yes there is an exclusion tool. but maybe my gripe is they didn't just add this as part of an option to exclude stuff within os, but rather a tool you have to keep going back to do the exclusions. and the fact home users are fucked over by not having the defer option without the trick you mentioned.

OS patches aside, the biggest issues had to do with drivers. this is one instance where auto update does not do the user any favors .... especially obfuscating the method to prevent auto updates like prior versions e.g. win 8.1 allowed, to make updating drivers an easy process (i use iobit driver booster which i recommend)


i'm not against p2p especially when your downloading updates yourself. but when your not, you shouldn't be forced to provide your bandwidth for the benefit of microsoft. some isps set a bandwidth quota, so this is unfair to the user. for this bit either leave disabled by default, or at the very least during installation prompt the users permission to enable it after explaining their p2p policy for when upload will be used.

Telemetry:There are some privacy settings that you can't turn off completely. Behind the scenes, Windows 10 gathers information about how you use the operating system, such as which apps you use frequently. It also takes memory snapshots and sends them to Microsoft. Microsoft claims all this information, which it calls telemetry, is used to improve Windows 10 and related hardware and services.

sounds innocent enough, but your source conveniently left out other specific things like forwarding info to anti piracy groups ;_; or any mention of files on hdd also being part of the data being relayed.

Torrent group BB claims to have seen it first hand that Windows 10 is gathering information and sharing with anti-piracy groups. This is what they had to say: “We have also found [Windows 10] will be gathering information on users’ P2P use to be shared with anti piracy group… what’s particularly nasty is that apparently it sends the results of local(!!) searches to a well known anti piracy company directly so as soon as you have one known p2p or scene release on your local disk … BAM!”


but not one article that proves what they do with the data they collect.

i'm no tech wiz so i can only go by what this certain group is alleging. but from the pro microsoft camp, i have not seen any convincing argument either that directly examines bb's claim to convince me that isn't the case...

So by glossing over the areas of concern like the quote above, is hardly going to convince people by ignoring the claims. the only way anyone can convince me otherwise that windows 10 is not a concern, is if they can disprove BB's claim that their findings were falsified or wrong :/ till then i'll remain a vigilant netizen.

typing on google search to find stuff is one thing, searching on hdd for filenames is something altogether different ballpark. besides i've stopped using google in favor of duckduckgo :x

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yea with 90 million or more windows users mcrosoft is certain to have someone sitting at a desk writing down every single thing about every single one of us....get over yourself... if you got a bank card or a credit card or a loyalty bonus card you are getting tracked far more with those than anything microsoft is doing

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