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4 overblown Windows 10 worries


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Does Microsoft's new OS really endanger your privacy and security? We examine the four top concerns about Windows 10 -- and what you can do about them.


Not long after Windows 10 was released late last month, it received a different kind of publicity than Microsoft wanted -- concerns about everything from its privacy practices to fears about a new feature called Wi-Fi Sense to unhappiness with the way updates are delivered, and more.
In all the sound and fury, one thing was lost -- common sense. Some of these concerns had a basis in fact; others were based on rumors that blossomed into complete myths.
So I've decided to try to get to the bottom of things and have taken an in-depth look at the four most common concerns about Windows 10. Read on to find what it's all about.

Concern: Wi-Fi Sense will share all your Wi-Fi passwords.
The worry is that Windows 10's new Wi-Fi Sense feature, which is designed to share your Wi-Fi connection with friends and colleagues, will automatically share all your Wi-Fi passwords with your Outlook and Skype contacts, whether you tell it to or not. And that it will also share them with your Facebook friends -- and with all of your friends' friends as well.

One of the primary sources of this rumor is an article headlined "UH OH: Windows 10 will share your Wi-Fi key with your friends' friends" that appeared on UK tech news site The Register. From there, it went viral, including to the normally clear-sighted Krebs On Security and beyond.

Truth: Wi-Fi Sense will not share your passwords.
I'll start off with an explanation of exactly what Wi-Fi Sense is and how it works, how it can help you connect to Wi-Fi networks -- and how you can turn it off if you want.
The concept behind Wi-Fi Sense is a solid one: To make it easier for visitors to find and connect to Wi-Fi networks. Wi-Fi Sense lets you share your network with others without seeing the actual network passwords -- the passwords are encrypted and stored on Microsoft's servers so they aren't visible to outside users.

For example, you can share your home network's bandwidth with guests so that they can log onto it automatically, but without having to know the password. And friends and/or colleagues can share access to their networks with you in the same way.

Microsoft didn't invent the idea. The electronic rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation backs a similar idea called the Open Wireless Movement. And in fact, Wi-Fi Sense isn't even new -- it was rolled out to Windows Phone 8.1. But given that relatively few people use Windows Phone, no one paid it much attention.
Also, keep in mind that thousands of people are already doing this without any security issues. If you use a router from Comcast, for example, it automatically creates an extension of your network that any Comcast subscriber can use if they're just passing by. Whenever you see an Xfinity W-Fi hot spot, it's someone who has a Comcast router that is sharing their network bandwidth.

Wi-Fi Sense is turned on by default in Windows 10. But even when it's turned on, it doesn't automatically share your Wi-Fi passwords with anyone's system. You have to take another step to allow access, and you have control over which networks to share -- and with which groups of contacts to share them. And remember, even then, the passwords are encrypted -- and your guest users are blocked from getting to local resources such as computer files or other devices connected to your network.


You can easily manage all your Wi-Fi Sense settings.

To allow someone to access a network, you go to Settings / Network & Internet / Wi-Fi / Manage Wi-Fi Settings. At the top of the page are the settings that control whether and how to use Wi-Fi Sense; all are turned on by default.

Scroll down, and you'll see "Manage known networks." Listed beneath are all the networks to which you've connected. It isn't until you click the network, then select Share that the network gets shared -- and even then, not necessarily with all of your contacts.

A section labeled "For networks I select, share them with my" offers three checkboxes: Outlook.com contacts, Skype contacts and Facebook friends. Uncheck the boxes for the kinds of contacts you don't want to share access with. If you want to turn Wi-Fi Sense off completely, uncheck the boxes next to all of them.


You can choose whether to share your network's broadband or not.

Unfortunately, there's no granularity to the way you can share network access to your contacts -- in other words, you can only share with all your friends in, say, Facebook; you can't pick out individuals. It's essentially all or nothing.

I still find this useful, because my Facebook contacts are a different part of my life than my Skype contacts. However, if you've got lots of people in your contacts lists, only a few of whom you'd want to share your network with, this setup won't work for you.

Note: Corporate networks that use the 802.1X Wi-Fi security standard can't be shared using Wi-Fi Sense.
For more information about Wi-Fi Sense, check out Microsoft's FAQ.

Concern: Windows 10 updates are automatically installed on your computer -- and that's a bad thing.

The concern here is that, unlike previous versions of Windows, Windows 10 doesn't give you a choice about when (or which) Windows updates will be installed on your computer. What Microsoft sends to you will be installed, whether you like it or not, and as a result, an update could break something on your PC -- for example, a driver for a peripheral like a printer.

This fear actually started with Microsoft. When you agree to install to Windows 10, part of the EULA licensing agreement reads, "Updates. The software periodically checks for system and app updates, and downloads and installs them for you. You may obtain updates only from Microsoft or authorized sources, and Microsoft may need to update your system to provide you with those updates. By accepting this agreement, you agree to receive these types of automatic updates without any additional notice."

Truth: Automatically accepting Windows 10 updates isn't a bad thing. And there are plenty of workarounds.
It's true that if you have the Windows 10 Home edition, you don't have a choice about installing Windows 10 updates -- Microsoft sends them and your system installs them.

But if you have Windows 10 Pro, you do have a choice -- you can defer updates for up to several months. Start by selecting Settings / Update & security / Windows Update / Advanced options. Underneath "Choose how updates are installed" check the box next to "Defer upgrades." Any updates will be deferred for several months, after which time they'll be installed by Windows 10. The advantage to this approach is that, if there is a problematic update, it will be fixed by the time it is installed on your system. Exceptions are security updates, which will be installed without delay.


Windows 10 Pro users can defer operating system updates for several months.

And auto-updates don't apply at all to businesses running Windows 10 Enterprise.
And while Windows 10 Home users won't see the "Defer upgrades" box, there is a sneaky workaround they can use to defer updates as well.
If you tell Windows 10 that you're using a metered connection -- one in which you're charged for your bandwidth --- you'll be able to defer updates, even if you have Windows 10 Home. (This only works if you're on a Wi-Fi network -- it won't work if you're connected via an Ethernet cable.) Select Settings / Network & Internet / Advanced options, and turn "Metered connection" from Off to On.

Once you do that, Windows Update will tell you when an update is available, but won't download and install it. You'll be able to do that at your leisure, by clicking the Download button underneath the update. Again, this does not include security updates.
You can also uninstall an update that's already been installed if it's causing you problems. Select Settings / Update & security / Advanced Options / View your update history / Uninstall updates. Then select any update and click Uninstall.


Windows 10 lets you uninstall any problematic updates.

In fact, Microsoft has a free tool that will check if any updates you've installed are causing any problems, and will then uninstall it and hide it from being installed again. (The tool is at the bottom of this page.)

And let's face it -- automatically installing security updates on people's systems is a good thing. Not only will it keep them safer, but it also helps create a kind of herd immunity effect. Protecting someone's PC isn't just good for that person, but it means that PC won't be able to be used by hackers to launch attacks.
As for automatic installs of non-security updates -- yes, they can be really inconvenient, especially if the update causes an issue with your system. But remember -- you can uninstall them.

Concern: Microsoft's use of peer-to-peer networking for Windows updates will slow down your network connection.
With Windows 10, Microsoft uses a trick borrowed from peer-to-peer networking apps like BitTorrent in order to distribute updates more efficiently. Rather than have everyone get updates from a central server, the updates are also delivered from PC to PC. This feature set Reddit visitors ablaze with fears that their network performance would suffer.

Truth: Windows 10 does use peer-to-peer networking to distribute updates. But it can be turned off -- and a tweak could actually decrease your bandwidth use.
As Microsoft points out in its FAQ titled Windows Update Delivery Optimization, when you get a Windows update or download an app from the Windows Store, the entire file -- or parts of it -- might be delivered from another PC rather than from a Microsoft server. And your computer, in turn, might send updates and apps to other systems.

Keep in mind, though, that only your upload bandwidth will be affected by delivering updates to other PCs, not your download bandwidth.
And Microsoft is far from the first company to use this technology. Both BitTorrent and the media-streaming service Popcorn Time (which now exists in the form of a popular fork both use it. Until a year ago, the Spotify music-streaming service used peer-to-peer technology for streaming music to its desktop application. And Netflix is believed to be exploring using peer-to-peer technology for streaming video.

Note that Microsoft did not deliver the Windows 10 upgrade this way -- it relied on traditional servers. Microsoft told Computerworld that "Downloads of the Windows 10 upgrade are happening through Windows Update."
The peer-to-peer feature is turned on by default in Windows 10, but you can turn it off entirely, or tweak it so that you get updates this way but don't deliver them to others.


You can turn off peer-to-peer updates, or customize the way they work.

To turn off the peer-to-per feature entirely, go to Settings / Update & security / Windows Update / Advanced options / Choose how updates are delivered, and move the slider from On to Off. When you do this, you'll only get updates from Microsoft servers, and your PC won't be used to deliver updates to other PCs.

However, you can actually use peer-to-peer reduce your Internet bandwidth. How? By restricting it to just your network -- the Windows 10 update would then be downloaded to only one computer on your network, and the rest of your computers would update from that first PC rather than external servers, reducing your overall Internet use.
To get updates this way (but not deliver them to others), leave the setting at On, and select "PCs on my local network." When you do that, your PC won't be used to send updates to PCs not on your network, but will deliver them to other PCs on your network.

Concern: Windows 10 is a privacy nightmare.
Search for "Windows 10 privacy nightmare" on Google and you'll get more than 8.4 million results, including a screed on Slate in which the author warns, "Windows 10 is currently a privacy morass in need of reform." He's not alone in thinking that. One writer even suggests that Windows 10 violates HIPAA (the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) privacy regulations.

Most of the fears have to do with Windows 10's default privacy settings, created during the installation if you use the express install option. With those default options, Windows 10 will send your calendar and contact details to Microsoft; assign you an advertising ID that can track you on the Internet and, when using Windows apps, track your location; and send your keystrokes and voice input to Microsoft. All in all, it sounds like a privacy-lover's worst nightmare.

Truth: You can protect yourself by changing the defaults.
Windows 10 isn't alone in tracking your location, sending keystrokes back to a server, assigning you advertising IDs and performing similar tasks. These things are fairly commonplace by now -- in, for example, mobile operating systems, Google search and a variety of other services. Siri, for example, tracks your location and preferences in the same way that Windows 10's Cortana does, in order to deliver customized services such as offering info on the local weather and nearby restaurants.

Let's face it -- every time you use a computer, you're living with tradeoffs between your privacy and getting things done more easily.
It's true that the privacy defaults in Windows 10 tilt things away from protecting your privacy. But if you don't like it, there's plenty you can do about it by changing your privacy settings.


The privacy settings offers a long list of topics that lets you customize the way Windows 10 handles privacy for Cortana, your camera, and more.

Start by selecting Settings / Privacy. Once there, there is a menu on the left that offers a long list of topics within which you can customize your privacy settings to a significant degree for Cortana, your camera, calendar and more.

In fact, it would take a very long article to cover every setting, so I'll offer advice about the most important ones.

Advertising ID: Start off in the General topic. This is where you can tell Microsoft to not use your advertising ID across apps and the Internet. There are also other settings you can change, such as telling Windows 10 not to send your typed input to Microsoft. If you're particularly worried about privacy, you might want to switch off all the settings here (except for the SmartScreen Filter, which protects you from scams and phishing attacks).

Location tracking: In the Location section, you can turn off location tracking completely and delete your location history. (Note: If you turn off location tracking, Cortana won't work.)

However, if you find location tracking useful for some applications -- say, for your weather app -- keep it turned on and scroll down to "Choose apps that can use your location" to select which apps should be allowed to use your location and which shouldn't.

Cortana: If you're wary of all the information Cortana gathers about you, you can turn it off. Click the Windows 10 search box on the bottom left of the screen; you'll see a vertical row of five icons. Click the Notebook icon (it's the third icon from the top) and then select Settings.

From here, you can turn off Cortana completely or select which features to use and which not. For example, one of the things that Cortana does by default is check your email messages for information about your flights and then send you reminders. You can turn that off from here.

Telemetry:There are some privacy settings that you can't turn off completely. Behind the scenes, Windows 10 gathers information about how you use the operating system, such as which apps you use frequently. It also takes memory snapshots and sends them to Microsoft. Microsoft claims all this information, which it calls telemetry, is used to improve Windows 10 and related hardware and services.

To a certain extent, you can customize the kind of telemetry information Windows 10 gathers about you -- but not completely. Go to Settings / Privacy / Feedback & diagnostics. Under the heading "Diagnostic and usage data" there's a setting titled "Send your device data to Microsoft." By default, it's set to Full, which sends the most information possible. You can change that to Basic (sends the least information) and Enhanced (sends the second-most information).


You can customize the kind of telemetry information that Microsoft gathers.

According to a Microsoft FAQ, Basic gathers only data that is "vital to the operation of Windows." The FAQ warns, however, "Some apps and features may not work correctly or at all" with this setting.

The Enhanced setting gathers more information, including "how frequently or how long you use certain features or apps, and which apps you use most often." Full, meanwhile, collects "such [things] as system files or memory snapshots, which may unintentionally include parts of a document you were working on when a problem occurred."

But in the end, you're going to be sending some information to Microsoft -- whereas, as Computerworld reporter Gregg Keizer points out, you could turn it off completely in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

The upshot? If you want to use Windows 10, Microsoft will gather information about you -- as do many (or most) other online services. But in my opinion, it falls short of being a "privacy nightmare."

Bottom line

There's been a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubt raised over various aspects of Windows 10. Some of it has a basis in truth -- for example, Windows 10 does collect a lot of information about you by default, and it's true that Windows 10 Home users are forced to accept all updates unless they resort to workarounds. And Microsoft could do a much better job at explaining Windows 10's defaults and how to change them during the installation process.

But other concerns have been overblown -- in many cases you can change the defaults to make the operating system work more to your liking. And other concerns -- for example, that Wi-Fi Sense automatically shares your Wi-Fi passwords with your friends and friends of friends -- are myths.


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Well its not really and opinion its a fact what do publishers at Computerworld stand to gain by trying save Microsoft's face? The very same site that posted 10 reasons why you should wait to upgrade to windows 10. When I posted that article many disagreed and said it will be the best thing since the internet. And it is a fact people are being paranoid to the point its crazy. :) .

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Do you know what started this whole thing ? some guy took wireshark and posted pictures of Microsoft calling out to Bing from Cortana on a internet forum if you so worried about Cortana disable the service or/and block M$ ips with a good firewall . They are a few things like Telemetry that can only be turned down to basic you need to block these if you dont want it. But its crazy there's a million articles based on this one guys finding . but not one article that proves what they do with the data they collect. :lol:

Windows 10 privacy paranoia leads to ban from private pirate torrent trackers (arstechnica)

t's paranoia unrelated to any real privacy threat from Windows or any other operating system.

Please roll back to XP if you're so paranoid . Rolling back to 7 or 8 is not going to do any good . I hear people say they only install certain updates blah , blah , blah .

But like M$ done in the past all they have to do is send a update out that spys on you that if you dont take it you never get anymore updates. They got you ether way if they wanted too get you. If you stay on windows 7 another 5 years you want get no updates no way . There's no wining with M$. you think Telemetry in win 10 , 8 .7 is magically going go away and it will be ok before its a 100 doallrs to buy and upgrade ? Its never going go away unless you block it yourself that's reality .

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What I notice is that what's normal for Google and Apple with Android and iOS isn't for Microsoft. The first two don't let your choose though.

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What I notice is that what's normal for Google and Apple with Android and iOS isn't for Microsoft. The first two don't let your choose though.

Well bro since they spent all there time talking about this that you can prevent by doing some simple things . if you notice there no cracks for windows 10 . there time is running out the year will be over with and no one will get it free any longer . And in another 4 years Windows 7 will be as dead as XP . :P

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What I notice is that what's normal for Google and Apple with Android and iOS isn't for Microsoft. The first two don't let your choose though.

Well bro since they spent all there time talking about this that you can prevent by doing some simple things . if you notice there no cracks for windows 10 . there time is running out the year will be over with and no one will get it free any longer . And in another 4 years Windows 7 will be as dead as XP . :P

Learn the difference between "their" and "there" bud. It makes it easier for people to read your replies ;)

It depends on what you mean as "crack". If you mean something that removes the activation then no, there is no "crack". If you mean something thct can activate Windows unofficially then you're wrong. There are various activations. It's also extremely easy to activate for free without any unofficial activation.

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Not convincing, in my very humble opinion. Seems to me it is more like a try at saving Microsft's face.

Not at all unless you like wearing a foil hat.

It's blatantly clear that somebody is simply trying to dispel confusion/misleading information.

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What I notice is that what's normal for Google and Apple with Android and iOS isn't for Microsoft. The first two don't let your choose though.

Well bro since they spent all there time talking about this that you can prevent by doing some simple things . if you notice there no cracks for windows 10 . there time is running out the year will be over with and no one will get it free any longer . And in another 4 years Windows 7 will be as dead as XP . :P

Learn the difference between "their" and "there" bud. It makes it easier for people to read your replies ;)

It depends on what you mean as "crack". If you mean something that removes the activation then no, there is no "crack". If you mean something thct can activate Windows unofficially then you're wrong. There are various activations. It's also extremely easy to activate for free without any unofficial activation.

While you are correcting someone else's grammar. Learn the difference between thct and that. Or perhaps both were just typos?

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What I notice is that what's normal for Google and Apple with Android and iOS isn't for Microsoft. The first two don't let your choose though.

Well bro since they spent all there time talking about this that you can prevent by doing some simple things . if you notice there no cracks for windows 10 . there time is running out the year will be over with and no one will get it free any longer . And in another 4 years Windows 7 will be as dead as XP . :P

Learn the difference between "their" and "there" bud. It makes it easier for people to read your replies ;)

It depends on what you mean as "crack". If you mean something that removes the activation then no, there is no "crack". If you mean something thct can activate Windows unofficially then you're wrong. There are various activations. It's also extremely easy to activate for free without any unofficial activation.

Everyone, all ready knows you're the grammar police , Is it really embarrassing when you get caught messing up yourself ? :lol:

Back to what I was saying, its only free for one year. People posting made up nfo scaring people away dont help them to want too install Windows 10 for free . Even torrent sites are banning people . it you dont upgrade on your PC by the time the offer expires you want get it for free . its like an OEM key not retail you cant use you're key on any other pc but the one you upgrade from. What good will it be if you want to upgrade pcs latter on 5 years from now when win 7 gets no more updates ? None . Even if you are going to use win 7 you need to upgrade and get your key and roll back or you will miss out after the year is up. :D

I have a spare pc I rolled back to windows 7 but it can be upgraded back to windows 10 anytime now because i installed and activated it before the year was up.

Then I have one I use with windows 10 on it.

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To each his own. Both sides of the argument are available online, people read and agree or disagree with either side as they see fit.

For some peeople it matters, for others, not so much.

And thanks for posting the article.

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Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, how many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

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What I notice is that what's normal for Google and Apple with Android and iOS isn't for Microsoft. The first two don't let your choose though.

Well bro since they spent all there time talking about this that you can prevent by doing some simple things . if you notice there no cracks for windows 10 . there time is running out the year will be over with and no one will get it free any longer . And in another 4 years Windows 7 will be as dead as XP . :P

Learn the difference between "their" and "there" bud. It makes it easier for people to read your replies ;)

It depends on what you mean as "crack". If you mean something that removes the activation then no, there is no "crack". If you mean something thct can activate Windows unofficially then you're wrong. There are various activations. It's also extremely easy to activate for free without any unofficial activation.

While you are correcting someone else's grammar. Learn the difference between thct and that. Or perhaps both were just typos?

No, mine was a simple typo. Using "there" when you needed to use "their" is not a typo.

What I notice is that what's normal for Google and Apple with Android and iOS isn't for Microsoft. The first two don't let your choose though.

Well bro since they spent all there time talking about this that you can prevent by doing some simple things . if you notice there no cracks for windows 10 . there time is running out the year will be over with and no one will get it free any longer . And in another 4 years Windows 7 will be as dead as XP . :P

Learn the difference between "their" and "there" bud. It makes it easier for people to read your replies ;)

It depends on what you mean as "crack". If you mean something that removes the activation then no, there is no "crack". If you mean something thct can activate Windows unofficially then you're wrong. There are various activations. It's also extremely easy to activate for free without any unofficial activation.

Everyone, all ready knows you're the grammar police , Is it really embarrassing when you get caught messing up yourself ? :lol:

Back to what I was saying, its only free for one year. People posting made up nfo scaring people away dont help them to want too install Windows 10 for free . Even torrent sites are banning people . it you dont upgrade on your PC by the time the offer expires you want get it for free . its like an OEM key not retail you cant use you're key on any other pc but the one you upgrade from. What good will it be if you want to upgrade pcs latter on 5 years from now when win 7 gets no more updates ? None . Even if you are going to use win 7 you need to upgrade and get your key and roll back or you will miss out after the year is up. :D

I have a spare pc I rolled back to windows 7 but it can be upgraded back to windows 10 anytime now because i installed and activated it before the year was up.

Then I have one I use with windows 10 on it.

Yes it probably is. We all make mistakes. I have on many occasions, however none as bad as continuously using "there" when some should have been "their". They are (or they're ;)) are two different words and it makes trying to read replies a pain in the arse if somebody mixes them all up. I'm not trying to be an arsehole I was simply friendly pointing it out for you (hence the emoticon) so that you knew how others perceived it.

As I said we all make mistakes, I do to. Probably some in this sentence but none are bad enough it makes attempting to read annoying or difficult.

Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, who many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

Well said on all counts, especially last bit ;)

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Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, who many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

Me being English with dyslexia i know how the rest of the non English world must look at you all . Not everyone speaks English and some of us has other problems but you people hide behind you're keyboard making fun of peoples text need to get a real life because you never would say it to peoples face . you need a reality check you been on the internet too long . Coming in topics being off topic. I had driver problems I over came them by stopping driver updates with that tool and installing ones that work. No one says you have to upgrade to windows 10 dude some people still are on XP with no windows updates .

How many people had the same kind of problems on windows 7 an windows 8.1 ? lots did I posted topics about this before win 10 went live. Thing is now windows 7 and windows 8.1 development is dead . You want receive nothing but security updates tell the end of its life how boring to be stuck in the past another 5 or 7 years . :lol:

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They defend Wi-Fi Sense with the evil that is ComCast's internet stealing second hotspot? That's probably the scummiest ISP practice I've ever heard of.

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Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, who many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

Me being English with dyslexia i know how the rest of the non English world must look at you all . Not everyone speaks English and some of us has other problems but you people hide behind you're keyboard making fun of peoples text need to get a real life because you never would say it to peoples face . you need a reality check you been on the internet too long . Coming in topics being off topic. I had driver problems I over came them by stopping driver updates with that tool and installing ones that work. No one says you have to upgrade to windows 10 dude some people still are on XP with no windows updates .

How many people had the same kind of problems on windows 7 an windows 8.1 ? lots did I posted topics about this before win 10 went live. Thing is now windows 7 and windows 8.1 development is dead . You want receive nothing but security updates tell the end of its life how boring to be stuck in the past another 5 or 7 years . :lol:

Well firstly, I'm not hiding behind a keyboard and I DO say it to peoples face. Also, you're being too sensitive, I wasn't making fun of you at all. Trust me it would have been worded a lot differently if that was my intention. I was simply/friendly making you aware that what you wrote was incorrect, get over it.

The problem with textual talk rather than speaking out loud and using body language is that you invent the tone in your own head so many people jumping down people's throats over the slightest thing. Stop being a drama queen.

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They defend Wi-Fi Sense with the evil that is ComCast's internet stealing second hotspot? That's probably the scummiest ISP practice I've ever heard of.

i dont even have Wi-Fi Sense on windows 10 anymore I removed it with O&O so i could care less about others , they can download freeware and remove it like i did. its just like people that had reboot problems with updates it most likely had to do with a bad driver . They should fixed them like I had too . Most people complain but dont look for a solution.

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Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, who many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

Me being English with dyslexia i know how the rest of the non English world must look at you all . Not everyone speaks English and some of us has other problems but you people hide behind you're keyboard making fun of peoples text need to get a real life because you never would say it to peoples face . you need a reality check you been on the internet too long . Coming in topics being off topic. I had driver problems I over came them by stopping driver updates with that tool and installing ones that work. No one says you have to upgrade to windows 10 dude some people still are on XP with no windows updates .

How many people had the same kind of problems on windows 7 an windows 8.1 ? lots did I posted topics about this before win 10 went live. Thing is now windows 7 and windows 8.1 development is dead . You want receive nothing but security updates tell the end of its life how boring to be stuck in the past another 5 or 7 years . :lol:

Well firstly, I'm not hiding behind a keyboard and I DO say it to peoples face. Also, you're being too sensitive, I wasn't making fun of you at all. Trust me it would have been worded a lot differently if that was my intention. I was simply/friendly making you aware that what you wrote was incorrect, get over it.

The problem with textual talk rather than speaking out loud and using body language is that you invent the tone in your own head so many people jumping down people's throats over the slightest thing. Stop being a drama queen.

If you was in my face you would never know I have a grammar problem. I dont have a speech implement or reading problems . But if you came to my house making fun of anyone you would leave in a hurry I bet you money on that.

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Love Windows 10. If anyone wants to follow me they will be BORED STIFF. Turn off what you want and leave on what you want.

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Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, who many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

Me being English with dyslexia i know how the rest of the non English world must look at you all . Not everyone speaks English and some of us has other problems but you people hide behind you're keyboard making fun of peoples text need to get a real life because you never would say it to peoples face . you need a reality check you been on the internet too long . Coming in topics being off topic. I had driver problems I over came them by stopping driver updates with that tool and installing ones that work. No one says you have to upgrade to windows 10 dude some people still are on XP with no windows updates .

How many people had the same kind of problems on windows 7 an windows 8.1 ? lots did I posted topics about this before win 10 went live. Thing is now windows 7 and windows 8.1 development is dead . You want receive nothing but security updates tell the end of its life how boring to be stuck in the past another 5 or 7 years . :lol:

Well firstly, I'm not hiding behind a keyboard and I DO say it to peoples face. Also, you're being too sensitive, I wasn't making fun of you at all. Trust me it would have been worded a lot differently if that was my intention. I was simply/friendly making you aware that what you wrote was incorrect, get over it.

The problem with textual talk rather than speaking out loud and using body language is that you invent the tone in your own head so many people jumping down people's throats over the slightest thing. Stop being a drama queen.

I use there when its supposed to be their and I know its wrong I have ocd and it makes me type the way I do I dont see anyone else correcting the way users type in this forum I think your anal retentive and need to calm down. as for the privacy concerns I want them to get destroyed I want to believe microsoft is not invading privacy like users are saying Im just standing by for the proof..

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Also not convinced about the harmlessness of forced updates. Aren't the debacles this month prime examples... the NVIDIA driver fiasco... the endless-reboot fiascos, who many times did that happen this month? Minor inconveniences? I think not...

A functioning PC is vital to some of us, and being forced to play a daily will-microsoft-forced-updates-toast-MY-PC-today lottery is just not acceptable. Period! Exclamation mark!

Grammar Police? Try "spelling nazi". :) That's what those who don't give a shit about their spelling and proudly display it, call those of us who know and care about how we write? Some folks are just so resistant to learning anything, they ridicule anyone who tries to help and educate them. Pretty sad really...

Me being English with dyslexia i know how the rest of the non English world must look at you all . Not everyone speaks English and some of us has other problems but you people hide behind you're keyboard making fun of peoples text need to get a real life because you never would say it to peoples face . you need a reality check you been on the internet too long . Coming in topics being off topic. I had driver problems I over came them by stopping driver updates with that tool and installing ones that work. No one says you have to upgrade to windows 10 dude some people still are on XP with no windows updates .

How many people had the same kind of problems on windows 7 an windows 8.1 ? lots did I posted topics about this before win 10 went live. Thing is now windows 7 and windows 8.1 development is dead . You want receive nothing but security updates tell the end of its life how boring to be stuck in the past another 5 or 7 years . :lol:

Well firstly, I'm not hiding behind a keyboard and I DO say it to peoples face. Also, you're being too sensitive, I wasn't making fun of you at all. Trust me it would have been worded a lot differently if that was my intention. I was simply/friendly making you aware that what you wrote was incorrect, get over it.

The problem with textual talk rather than speaking out loud and using body language is that you invent the tone in your own head so many people jumping down people's throats over the slightest thing. Stop being a drama queen.

If you was in my face you would never know I have a grammar problem. I dont have a speech implement or reading problems . But if you came to my house making fun of anyone you would leave in a hurry I bet you money on that.

Well obviously I wouldn't, Grammar is written form. Unless you have speech bubbles above your head?

I'm not saying you have a speech impediment or reading problems ffs, stop being a bloody drama queen and trying to blow this out of all proportion. All I did was point out you was using "there" by mistake, get over it!

With regards to saying it to peoples face I was referring to real life and friends/family. If I see somebody write wrong word or say wrong word I inform them. I'm just a bit OCD when it comes to that and I do not mind people pulling me up for same thing either, As I said we ALL make mistakes.

Now calm down, relax, stop being sensitive, taking things personally and being a drama queen.

I use there when its supposed to be their and I know its wrong I have ocd and it makes me type the way I do I dont see anyone else correcting the way users type in this forum I think your anal retentive and need to calm down. as for the privacy concerns I want them to get destroyed I want to believe microsoft is not invading privacy like users are saying Im just standing by for the proof..

Firstly, I am calm. I made a passing comment about use of wrong word in a friendly manner, I wasn't being an arse.

Secondly, I'm not being anal at all.

Thirdly, It's "you're" not "your" :P (Also meant in a joking/friendly manner so no need to act all offended or jump down my throat).

Some people just need to learn to take/give a bit of friendly banter instead of automatically being on defensive and throwing a hissy fit.

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i make a lot of typos...but i am dyslexic... and although most of the time i can see the errors...when i am tired i cannot see them...and sometimes i just do not give a damn :lol:

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i make a lot of typos...but i am dyslexic... and although most of the time i can see the errors...when i am tired i cannot see them...and sometimes i just do not give a damn :lol:

same here if i get really tired i dont even try to correct them . So I most the time find something better to do when I get that way . ^_^

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