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K-Lite Codec Pack 11.3.8 Update


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K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of components needed for audio and video playback in DirectShow players such as Windows Media Player, Media Center, and Media Player Classic. It contains everything you need to play all common audio and video file formats. It also provides additional functionality such a thumbnail generation in Explorer. The pack has a very advanced installer which is highly flexible and has unique problem solving capabilities.

Thanks to nanana1 for the update.


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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack Online Installer | Unattended


* Program Unlimited Updates.
* Full unattended setup
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I just noticed that Media Player Classic can not play protected Blu-Rays. I tried Blu-Rays that I copied with DVDFab with no prob. Why? What should I check first?

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It is because Media Player Classic is not licensed to play protected Blu-Ray. So in order for MPC to be able to play, the copy protection must be removed. DVDFab removes the copy protection, so MPC can now play the movie. If you want to play encrypted Blu-Ray, then you need to use something like Corel WinDVD or Cyberlink PowerDVD. It is why my first choice when ripping a Blu-Ray is AnyDVD, followed by DVDFab, but just as likely as not, they database has not been updated and both of these programs will pop-up a request for internet access in order to decrypt the disk, and that is when I default to my third choice MakeMKV. CloneBd is capable of burning the mastroka decrypted MakeMKV file to a blank Blu-ray disc. But I don't burn to blu-ray disk. I use cyberlink and navigate to the folder, select the folder and play the movie.

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Thx! I am not aware of DVDFab requesting internet access? I may have to check my firewall and see if I blocked it by accident?

[i may have to post this in a DVDFab thread]

I have been using DVDFab to copy some Blu-Rays: The Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse [typically using the "Main Movie" option to aim for better quality]. I have only one Blu-Ray drive. So, I save the results to an ISO. Next, I use IMGBurn to burn the image to a Blu-Ray. For these Blu-Rays mentioned, when I attempt to burn the ISO using IMGBurn, I get a "weird" error from IMGBurn. The resulting Blu-Rays don't seem to play in MPC or my home theatre Blu-Ray player. [i'm not home at the moment, but when I get home, I will try to post the log file if anyone thinks it will help]

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For me, if I don't block AnyDVD or DVDFab from the internet, they call home and no longer work. So I must block them. With the older movies, like the ones you mention, the latest AnyDVD and DVDFab have been updated and the necessary information needed to decrypt the disk is part of the program. So they will work without the need to call home. So for older disks, all is good. However, with the new release Blu-ray's, AnyDVD and DVDFab have not yet been updated with the required information needed to decrypt the disk. And because I have the programs blocked, I will get the pop-up that they are not able to process the disc without internet access. And if I give them that access, they call home and become disabled. MakeMKV usually bails me out because i am able to allow MakeMKV internet access without it becoming disabled. So that is why i receive DVDFab requesting internet access when i am trying to back-up a newer Blu-ray.

As for your IMGBurn, i have never used the program. But my first instinct tells me perhaps the movie wasn't decrypted properly? Maybe try and rip the disk to a folder and see if you can play the movie from the folder? If you can, that would eliminate the first step, decryption as the problem and you could turn your attention to IMGBurn. Or perhaps try another program to burn the DVD, such as Clone BD?

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1. [When I use DVDFab to copy a Blu-Ray, I let it run overnight. on my dual-core processor, it takes 5 hours, give or take, to copy the average Blu-Ray. This usually only happens when DVDFab has to "process" the video to fit on a single-layer Blu-Ray.] Q: If DVDFab did require internet access and was denied, would it continue? Or, would it stop and "log" this info?

2. I can try to use the built-in image writer in Windows 7 and see if that makes any difference? But, I wanted to rule out DVDFab being the problem before doing that?

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Question 1, no, if DVDFab needed internet access and didn't have it, it would not continue. It would stop and log. So if DVDfab is continuing I would assume it is decrypting the disc correctly. (but that is not always the case, however given those are old movies, it is pretty much certain DVDFab is not the issue). I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try AnyDVD in combination with CloneBD?

Question 2, given it appears DVDFab is doing it's job, I would try a different writer. Just a thought, in the past, have you had any issue with the particular brand of blank blu-ray disk you are using? Is it a new burner?

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1. AnyDVD requires internet access and if granted will revert to trial. Trial mode will NOT decrypt Blu-Ray.

2. I have used the same process - DVDFab and ImgBurn with the same blank media on many Blu-Rays at this point. What I can't figure out is what has changed [if anything]?

EDIT: The only "big" change is when my desktop had some invasive malware. I went through quite a bit of "damage control" to rid myself of this. But, I still can't figure out what changed to result in this?

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1. AnyDVD requires internet access and if granted will revert to trial. Trial mode will NOT decrypt Blu-Ray.

It's hard to figure, because as you say it was working, and now it's not despite there being no major changes to the system. I do know, at the time of release, there were major problems backing up the Twilight DVD's. But AnyDVD and DVDFAb had those issues solved pretty quickly.

So this is just another suggestion, I don't know if it will work for you.

Download the latest MakeMKV from the link Below.


Find a working key here:


or a permanent key here thanks to sledge101 and likuri (post #6)


Now rip the disc with MakeMKV. In MakeMKV you will see the top menu (file view help) Just below that, the second folder in is backup. Click this folder to make an exact decrypted copy of the movie.Note that the movie can now be played in Kodi, Power DVD, Arcsoft TotalMediaTheatre, I would assume MediaPlayer Classic, etc, etc. YOU SHOULD TEST THE IMAGE by playing it one of these programs to make sure the movie has been decrypted correctly. Same goes for testing the image created by DVDFab. Test before burning to prevent creating a coaster. If it doesn't play, there is something wrong in the decryption process.

After MakeMKV is finished ripping the disk, try using IMAGBurn "Write files/folders to disc" and it should work. Make sure the burn speed on IMAGEBurn is not set at the fastest burn. 1x takes longer, but will be the most reliable. However there may be a possibility MakeMKV's m2ts output needs to be converted to some other format before ImageBurn can burn it. This shouldn't be the case though

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Now rip the disc with MakeMKV

I am confused. I thought this software created an MKV file and not the Blu-Ray structure itself?

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With the default option yes, but when you select the "backup" folder icon, it backs up the movie in the m2ts format without modifying the contents of the disk. I believe imageburn can burn m2ts format to disk, though I am not certain of this because I have never used Imagburn.

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