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Aborted baby parts being used to grow human organs in rodents


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Aborted baby parts being used to grow human organs in rodents
Medical researchers are growing human organs in mice by implanting dead human baby organs into rodents, a practice that stands to gain greater scrutiny in light of undercover videos exposing what appears to be Planned Parenthood affiliates selling aborted baby parts to medical procurement companies like StemExpress.
In a fourth video released from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), Planned Parenthood personnel can be seen sifting through aborted baby parts allegedly to show what parts can be salvaged and sold.
These mice or rats are created by removing a human organ such as a kidney from a dead human baby and implanting it into a mouse or rat for the purpose of medical research.
As reported in Live Science, Duke University medical student Eugene Gu co-authored a study released in January in which he said, “Our long-term goal is to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage.” According to the report, Gu is also founder and CEO of Redwood, California biotech company Ganogen, Inc.
“In the new study, Gu and his colleagues obtained human fetal kidneys from StemExpress, a Placerville, California-based company that supplies researchers with tissue from deceased adults and fetuses,” reported Live Science in January. Gu contends that the mothers consented to donation, and scientists were separated from the “donation process.”
StemExpress is a primary buyer of baby parts from Planned Parenthood as noted in a Breitbart News article on the details of a fifth CMP video that was released Tuesday.
Ramesh Akkina of the University of Colorado published on the “future prospects” for a “new generation” of research in January 2013. An abstract for that publication detailed that one model “is prepared by transplantation of human fetal liver, thymus and HSC.”
In Gu’s study, fetal kidneys were transplanted into rats that lacked immune systems in order to keep the organs from being rejected, according to Live Science. Researchers have also attempted transplanting fetal hearts.
CEO and founder of StemExpress, Cate Dyer, claimed that all donors consent to donating the aborted baby parts, according to Live Science. Questions have arisen, however, over whether the mothers donating are truly “informed” as required under parameters for organ donation. Live Science reported that Dyer assured that mothers were not compensated for their donation.
While the mothers may not be receiving direct compensation, the undercover investigative videos documenting Planned Parenthood affiliates show what appears to be financial dealings between these abortion providers and medical waste procurement dealers such as StemExpress.
Ethical questions over these experiments have also arisen over creating a potential incentive to induce a pregnant woman to choose abortion.
After Center for Medical Progress videos began hitting the media, StemExpress promptly acquired a restraining order against CMP regarding further release of videos that involve StemExpress.
CMP released the fifth undercover video Tuesday in which a Planned Parenthood research director appears speaking with undercover investigators about selling whole intact aborted babies for resale to medical researchers.
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