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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 18


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Can you guys post the links of the affected pages, as an example so that the rest of us can confirm what you have been stating. :)

Any video on facebook if you click on it for play and facebook popup a block of video player, then that video doesn't play it just shows the 4 or 5 dialogues of idm to download, and this is happening again and again

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Can you guys post the links of the affected pages, as an example so that the rest of us can confirm what you have been stating. :)

Any video on facebook if you click on it for play and facebook popup a block of video player, then that video doesn't play it just shows the 4 or 5 dialogues of idm to download, and this is happening again and again

No such issue, encountered here — just tried the video at the following link:—


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Internet Download Manager Online Installer 6.23 Build 18 Final Eng | Unattended

Site: https://

Internet Download Manager Online Installer | Unattended

Site: https://

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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 18 Pre-Activated.zip


Site: ht





Tried this version, seems to install over over the top of the previous version with no problems.

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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 18 Final Eng | Unattended




* Full unattended setup

* Installable on top of the old version.

* Cleans up the remnants of the old version.

* Buy and Updates is closed.

* Unlimited License

Site: https:

This is have virus.....

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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 18 Final Eng | Unattended




* Full unattended setup

* Installable on top of the old version.

* Cleans up the remnants of the old version.

* Buy and Updates is closed.

* Unlimited License

Site: https:/

This is have virus.....

autoıt code sees it as a virus.Before installation, turn off antivirus.

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Can you guys post the links of the affected pages, as an example so that the rest of us can confirm what you have been stating. :)

Any video on facebook if you click on it for play and facebook popup a block of video player, then that video doesn't play it just shows the 4 or 5 dialogues of idm to download, and this is happening again and again

No such issue, encountered here — just tried the video at the following link:—


if you open the video link i mean in new tab it works fine but if you just click on it then downloading dialogue open again and again

like this


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@ PriSim

Thanks for the screenshot. F3h9xqz.gif

Just wondering aloud — is the idmmzcc add-on, the latest one? Asking this because the latest add-ons do not seem to be installing with the IDM installer.

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Strange :

1 - In Pale Moon shows IDM CC 7.3.101

2 - In Fire Fox shows IDM CC 6.23.18

but the important for me is that IDM works in both

Fotos for Pale Moon and Fire Fox

First : Pale Moon


Second : Fire Fox


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Strange :

1 - In Pale Moon shows IDM CC 7.3.101

2 - In Fire Fox shows IDM CC 6.23.18

IDM CC 7.3.101 integrates with version V39 and earlier — IDM CC 6.23.18 applies to V40 and later.

Firefox version ATM, ranges from the V39 to the V43 whereas Pale Moon is based on the V29 — a very old Firefox version which in fact, dates even before the V29.

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Strange :

1 - In Pale Moon shows IDM CC 7.3.101

2 - In Fire Fox shows IDM CC 6.23.18

IDM CC 7.3.101 integrates with version V39 and earlier — IDM CC 6.23.18 applies to V40 and later.

Firefox version ATM, ranges from the V39 to the V43 whereas Pale Moon is based on the V29 — a very old Firefox version which in fact, dates even before the V29.

thx for your reply and clarify

for this when I tried to make manual update for IDM CC in Firefox - said no update

:D :D

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You'd have a script, do a reset to IDM?

I've upgrade mine with latest build 18. Nil for issues so far.


- Here is some old share of mine to some others who may need it to search for the visual protect key in the registry using batch file only --- without using the Reg Thrash program.

- Save it as batch file and run as admin.

- Tested in Windows 8.1 and 10.

- you may now delete the vpk registry in your windows system (see the log file if key is present.)


- VPKey deletion ( Thanks to kill for telling me.)

@Echo off:: A simple batch script for IDM Visual Protect Key 3.5+[ Sledge101 ]:: === Start ===Echo Searching for IDM Visual Protect Key ...Set "VPKlog=C:\VPKlog.txt"If exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (Set "VPK=HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID") else (Set "VPK=HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID")Reg query "%VPK%" /v /f ++YcVi8JRaz75 /T REG_SZ /S /DReg query "%VPK%" /v /f ++YcVi8JRaz75 /T REG_SZ /S /D> "%VPKlog%"Echo ========================================Echo.setLocal EnableDelayedExpansionfor /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (%VPKlog%) do (if !VPath!'==' set VPath=%%a):: DELETING VPKEY IF FOUND OTHERWISE CLOSE SCRIPT:ConfirmActionSet /p ConfirmAction=Confirm key deletion if exist [Y/N] ?:if %ConfirmAction%==y goto :Deleteif %ConfirmAction%==n goto :Cancel:DeleteEcho.Echo Deleting Visual Protect Key 3.5+ ...Echo.Reg delete !VPath! /fEcho -----------------------------------------Goto :End:CancelEcho.Echo Closing program script ...Echo -----------------------------------------Goto :End:EndEcho.Echo Log Result saved in "%VPKlog%"Echo -----------------------------------------pauseexit
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@boops... the best resource you can get for IDM reset is from DCS18 thread and other nsane members contributions

you can check below


Post #1.

IDM ( What your looking for??): See post #4 (Green label) By Dukun Cabul

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yes i have the same version of idm plugin installed !

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Dukun Cabul


The best method to reset/clean-up IDM is :

IDM_Cleaner by @dcs18 combined with Visual Protect Remover by @sledge101

Thus, the script will be looks like this (for illustration only)

@echo off

md "%SystemRoot%\System32\Test"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Please "Run as administrator"
echo Press any key to exit . . .
pause >nul
rd "%SystemRoot%\System32\Test"

set "HKCU=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager"
for /f "tokens=3*" %%a in ('reg query "%HKCU%" /v ExePath') do set "IDM=%%a %%b"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (
set "PATH=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Download Manager"
set "HKLM=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager"
) else (
set "PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Internet Download Manager"
set "HKLM=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager"

tasklist /fi "imagename eq IDMan.exe" | find /i "IDMan.exe" >nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
echo Terminating IDM process . . .
taskkill /im IDMan.exe /f /t

echo Creating permissions . . .
echo %HKCR%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7} [7] >Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >>Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192} [7] >>Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >>Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671} [7] >>Permissions
regini Permissions
del Permissions
echo Deleting IDM keys . . .
reg delete "%HKCR%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}" /f
if exist "%IDM%" (goto :IDM_EXIST) else (goto :IDM_NOT_EXIST)

echo Deleting IDM registration data under HKCU . . .
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v Serial /f
echo Deleting IDM registration data under HKLM . . .
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v Serial /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v InstallStatus /f

echo Deleting IDM leftover items . . .
rd "%PATH%" /s /q
rd "%ProgramData%\IDM" /s /q
rd "%AppData%\IDM" /s /q
reg delete "%HKCU%" /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /f

set "VPKlog=%temp%\VPKlog.txt"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (set "VPK=HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID") else (set "VPK=HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID")
reg query %VPK% /v /f ++YcVi8JRaz75 /t REG_SZ /s /d> %VPKlog%
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "eol=E tokens=*" %%a in (%VPKlog%) do (if !VPath!'==' set "VPath=%%a")
if not "%VPath%"=="" reg delete %VPath% /f
del %VPKlog%
echo Done !
echo Press any key to exit . . .
pause >nul

All credits to @dcs18 and @sledge101

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The best method to reset/clean-up IDM is :

IDM_Cleaner by @dcs18 combined with Visual Protect Remover by @sledge101

Thus, the script will be looks like this (for illustration only)

@echo off


md "%SystemRoot%\System32\Test"

if errorlevel 1 (

echo Please "Run as administrator"


echo Press any key to exit . . .

pause >nul



rd "%SystemRoot%\System32\Test"


set "HKCU=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager"

for /f "tokens=3*" %%a in ('reg query "%HKCU%" /v ExePath') do set "IDM=%%a %%b"


if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (

set "PATH=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Download Manager"


set "HKLM=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager"

) else (

set "PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Internet Download Manager"


set "HKLM=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager"



tasklist /fi "imagename eq IDMan.exe" | find /i "IDMan.exe" >nul

if not errorlevel 1 (

echo Terminating IDM process . . .

taskkill /im IDMan.exe /f /t




echo Creating permissions . . .

echo %HKCR%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7} [7] >Permissions

echo %HKCR%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >>Permissions

echo %HKCR%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192} [7] >>Permissions

echo %HKCR%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >>Permissions

echo %HKCR%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671} [7] >>Permissions

regini Permissions

del Permissions


echo Deleting IDM keys . . .

reg delete "%HKCR%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /f

reg delete "%HKCR%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}" /f

reg delete "%HKCR%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}" /f

reg delete "%HKCR%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}" /f

reg delete "%HKCR%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}" /f


if exist "%IDM%" (goto :IDM_EXIST) else (goto :IDM_NOT_EXIST)


echo Deleting IDM registration data under HKCU . . .

reg delete "%HKCU%" /v Email /f

reg delete "%HKCU%" /v FName /f

reg delete "%HKCU%" /v LName /f

reg delete "%HKCU%" /v Serial /f


echo Deleting IDM registration data under HKLM . . .

reg delete "%HKLM%" /v Email /f

reg delete "%HKLM%" /v FName /f

reg delete "%HKLM%" /v LName /f

reg delete "%HKLM%" /v Serial /f

reg delete "%HKLM%" /v InstallStatus /f




echo Deleting IDM leftover items . . .

rd "%PATH%" /s /q

rd "%ProgramData%\IDM" /s /q

rd "%AppData%\IDM" /s /q

reg delete "%HKCU%" /f

reg delete "%HKLM%" /f



set "VPKlog=%temp%\VPKlog.txt"

if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (set "VPK=HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID") else (set "VPK=HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID")

reg query %VPK% /v /f ++YcVi8JRaz75 /t REG_SZ /s /d> %VPKlog%

setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /f "eol=E tokens=*" %%a in (%VPKlog%) do (if !VPath!'==' set "VPath=%%a")

if not "%VPath%"=="" reg delete %VPath% /f

del %VPKlog%


echo Done !

echo Press any key to exit . . .

pause >nul


All credits to @dcs18 and @sledge101

Will this work as Trial Reset too?


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@Dukun Nice one for integration... you might also add this one for miscstatus in IDM...

For /f "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%c in ('reg query HKCR\CLSID /s /k /e /c /f MiscStatus /v Data /t REG_BINARY') do (SET Var=%%c)
If defined Var (Reg DELETE %Var% /f 1>NUL) else (@echo %Var% not found 1>NUL)
- This is you posted on DCS18 thread regarding trial but works also in IDM Retail as im using the retail version now with no exe patching.
- Tested in Windows 10 X64 Education Edition. Nil for issues . All IDM miscdata reg clean.
@DC With the above script and the one integrated script you posted , might better this way:
:IDM_CLEANER...............:: MISCDATA CLEANUPEcho Deleting other IDM Miscellaneous Data...echo.For /f "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%c in ('reg query "%HKCR%" /s /k /e /c /f MiscStatus /v Data /t REG_BINARY') do (SET Var=%%c)If defined Var (Reg DELETE %Var% /f) else (@echo %Var% RESULTS: MiscData Not Found.)echo.
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Dukun Cabul

... you might also add this one for miscstatus in IDM...

For /f "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%c in ('reg query HKCR\CLSID /s /k /e /c /f MiscStatus /v Data /t REG_BINARY') do (SET Var=%%c)
If defined Var (Reg DELETE %Var% /f 1>NUL) else (@echo %Var% not found 1>NUL)

OK, I will try it on my Windows 10 Enterprise x64 .......... still, figuring out all features .... :tehe:

but works also in IDM Retail as im using the retail version now with no exe patching.

- Tested in Windows 10 X64 Education Edition. Nil for issues . All IDM miscdata reg clean.

Wow ... glad to know that, I must try the retail version then :cheers:

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... you might also add this one for miscstatus in IDM...

For /f "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%c in ('reg query HKCR\CLSID /s /k /e /c /f MiscStatus /v Data /t REG_BINARY') do (SET Var=%%c)
If defined Var (Reg DELETE %Var% /f 1>NUL) else (@echo %Var% not found 1>NUL)

OK, I will try it on my Windows 10 Enterprise x64 .......... still, figuring out all features .... :tehe:

but works also in IDM Retail as im using the retail version now with no exe patching.

- Tested in Windows 10 X64 Education Edition. Nil for issues . All IDM miscdata reg clean.

Wow ... glad to know that, I must try the retail version then :cheers:

Yes DC. When you first install IDM Retail without registering it will behave as trial too until you register with a key... so IMHO, it doesnt matter. the addon script removes other miscellaneous leftovers value data besides the other clsid.. i placed it inside the :IDM exist...

Btw, some findings also when i was installing Win10 as fresh install then installed IDM first install( with out an exe patch ) which might help other people experience later. ( Heads up!)

Serial Nag screen occurs despite normal IDM download or update functions ( i can still use the program but have occasional nag prompts after using IDM cleaner).... later i found out, the vpkey is there so i removed it...and fw blocked it ... that solve the problem...

No serial nag prompts experienced after --> restart, during and shutting down events ( fine.)

Enjoying exploring Win10 @DC... so far so good... faster in my previous windows 8/8.1.

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Fantastic. Thanks for your work. There will be updates of your script tool?

... you might also add this one for miscstatus in IDM...

For /f "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%c in ('reg query HKCR\CLSID /s /k /e /c /f MiscStatus /v Data /t REG_BINARY') do (SET Var=%%c)

If defined Var (Reg DELETE %Var% /f 1>NUL) else (@echo %Var% not found 1>NUL)

OK, I will try it on my Windows 10 Enterprise x64 .......... still, figuring out all features .... uhoh.png

but works also in IDM Retail as im using the retail version now with no exe patching.

- Tested in Windows 10 X64 Education Edition. Nil for issues . All IDM miscdata reg clean.

Wow ... glad to know that, I must try the retail version then cheers.gif
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Some good news for Users of Windows 10 — those who find the firewall method too daunting may now use the hosts blocking method, instead (provided they are running Windows 10.)RlW5CMh.gif

As per a post made by november_ra1n, confirmed by LOQUILLO and Cereberus, Windows 10 now, supports blocking IPs with the hosts — please note, previous Windows do not possess this capability.

Users of Windows 10 who wish to use the hosts blocking method may block the following IPs:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  1. post # 22 (november_ra1n)
  2. post # 41 and post # 63 (LOQUILLO)
  3. post # 56 and post # 61 (Cerberus)
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