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The money is safely stored and only used for these websites.

I haven't had time to setup a new server yet, but as jalaffa already indicated I will probably have time in the next few days.

We did not reach our goal indeed, so we might need to call for donations again some time in the future because the ad income is terrible...


might be usefull to take load off server with minimum effect on end user let google handle most on site searches

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i agree, we do need a faster server or a new hoster but it all comes down to cost, if people stop blocking ads on the site then we could get a new server or a faster provider. but as the members have said i do agree that when a site is slow we just switch to another site.

What I highlighted is no longer a wise practice (on this site) — you'll have ants in your pants. :lol:

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The money is safely stored and only used for these websites.

I haven't had time to setup a new server yet, but as jalaffa already indicated I will probably have time in the next few days.

We did not reach our goal indeed, so we might need to call for donations again some time in the future because the ad income is terrible...

Then put more ads on frontpage. Site with more ads is better than a site that is not working.

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Ill whitelist this site and suffer with ads I dont mind my own contribution to donations I would donate but I dont have the money I used to have. I love this web site Ill do anything to help it (not anything if I could raise a thousand dollars and run in public naked I would hahahaha..

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the problem with this forum is because it is hosted on Windows, you really should not host PHP on Windows !

You use Linux for PHP !

that or the webmaster(s) suck :D

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Kinda off topic here ... not about where the $$ went but it does have to do with members donating to nsane. Anyways I was searching TPB for Photoshop and to my amazement I seen this: https://thepiratebay.gd/torrent/9500830/Adobe_Photoshop_CC_v14.2_Lite_Portable_%28PAF%29

read the comment 4th from bottom. It says this:

trusted.png XxFukenGruvenxX at 2014-02-14 04:30 CET:


Stay away from NsaneForums.. they are snitches.. they will leak your IP to law enforcements.. DO NOT DONATE ! that's how they can get your info.. if you do... use fake information.

the admin "Lite", "dMog", and "Turk" are all snitches..


BS. I just don't believe this... or else the big contributors would be busted and word would be out. This is someone whining for whatever his reason might be... which I can't imagine given it's a free site.

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Agreed it's a good starting question and there's nothing like accounting transparency and status reports to members that admins acknowledge there's a performance problem and what steps they're taking and when to resolve issues.

In the end I hope they do make enough to buy themselves some drinks & food for the hours they put in; after the performance issues are resolved be they hardware or configuration or hosting. Hell, I put down my M&E when I'm on expense accounts fixing clients & systems and no one is surprised or whines as long as the system is delivered as spec'd and/or issues are resolved.

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problems with the site are not something from the past few months but the problems are getting bigger and bigger.

Reason enough to think that nothing's being done about it. Migrating to another server is only a few days or week work and I'm only glad I never donated

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Yes after disabling many features but how long do you wanna bet with me?

I seen this film before i know the end ---- for a little while relaxation and i was here before.

Edit: Three musketeers in this forum.

----->one for all all for one<-----
You know them don't you.
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Now the site feels great, don't know what happened but no more lag..

Chapeau! :showoff:

Blame shought for it :)
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Blame shought for it :)

Are you going to celebrate in the local pub nearby red light street if you are close by?

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november_ra1n, just one thing: you're incredibly sarcastic up until the point I'd consider it annoying.

The thing is, with most people you just ignore this behaviour for a couple of weeks and it fades away. With you, however, it keeps on going.

You disrespect staff all the time and have a generally negative attitude towards anything related to this forum and how it is managed.

Your contributions are much respected, by me and all the other members, but your personality is "not the best". I hope you consider this as constructive criticism and do something with it.

A kind request: if everything is as bad as you say it is, please leave.

Most of the staff have spent months of their lives on this site and some have even donated significant sums of money. They believe in the spirit of sharing (and not in the spirit of whining).

Instead of you demanding all kinds of things, I'd like to demand something from you: respect. Respect which we well-deserved over the past years.

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@everyone else

I hope you enjoy the upgrades to the forums, they were long overdue, but I simply didn't have the time (and it's unlikely I will have any time to monitor the situation for the next couple of months).

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problems with the site are not something from the past few months but the problems are getting bigger and bigger.

Reason enough to think that nothing's being done about it. Migrating to another server is only a few days or week work and I'm only glad I never donated

Thanks for freeloading and the dis too. Your advice is constructive as well as revealing.

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problems with the site are not something from the past few months but the problems are getting bigger and bigger.

Reason enough to think that nothing's being done about it. Migrating to another server is only a few days or week work and I'm only glad I never donated

Thanks for freeloading and the dis too. Your advice is constructive as well as revealing.

maybe you like to kiss some ass; I don't

Everyone's been complaining and nothing's done to improve anything so therefor I'm glad I never donated anything. And about your statement about me being a freeloader: I'm not a freeloader whatsoever and have been contributing to the site probably more than you do or have done

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  • Administrator

Please stop with the childishness - Everyone.

Its actually amazing the amount of mis-conceptions and thoughts that are being spouted with no/ limited basis on a regular basis in this topic.

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november_ra1n, just one thing: you're incredibly sarcastic up until the point I'd consider it annoying.

The thing is, with most people you just ignore this behaviour for a couple of weeks and it fades away. With you, however, it keeps on going.

You disrespect staff all the time and have a generally negative attitude towards anything related to this forum and how it is managed.

Your contributions are much respected, by me and all the other members, but your personality is "not the best". I hope you consider this as constructive criticism and do something with it.

A kind request: if everything is as bad as you say it is, please leave.

Most of the staff have spent months of their lives on this site and some have even donated significant sums of money. They believe in the spirit of sharing (and not in the spirit of whining).

Instead of you demanding all kinds of things, I'd like to demand something from you: respect. Respect which we well-deserved over the past years.

There is no one is best in the real world nor i am trying to be. You don't just “get” respect, you “earn” it!

What i see so far you have nothing to earn in my opinion. I have no problem nor any disrespectful with any staff here but admin but especially you... I have no time repeating myself what I think you should probably know about it by now.

If you are looking for thankfulness for updating server with the money has been donated by members thanks goes for those member who donate from the first place.

I am demanding nothing from you but those people who donate has right to ask you what happens to their donate money and better server and it was for a long time ago non of you say anything till there are some people start shouting with the disappointment they have.

I will not stop raise my word when it is necessary no one can stop that however if you don't like criticism you can always ban me and I have no problem about that.

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