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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 12


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I have a file called ' ' IDM Trial Resetter for Cleaner.bat ' ' and resetter.reg but no crack in .bat files or reg . Please help me how to and share crack using batch file ( .bat ) or .reg not faulty Fake Serial

I'm very bad english

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I have a file called ' ' IDM Trial Resetter for Cleaner.bat ' ' and resetter.reg but no crack in .bat files or reg . Please help me how to and share crack using batch file ( .bat ) or .reg not faulty Fake Serial

I'm very bad english

IDM proper Crack can't be created just by using .bat file or .reg file . . .

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Playing a cat and mouse game with iDM every time add a new ip and block you is not what I call a proper fix ether . Its like playing whack a mole with peoples system . :)

anything working that idm can't mess up easy? even trial reset missed up on me after being offline a week but still seems to work for others . :lol:

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Those who are forced to restore their systems are not qualified about which fix is proper and which is not - as far as the cat-n-mouse game is concerned, my team won't mind playing it as long as we are being able to bell the cat . . . . . . . . . . every time (without being forced to restore.) :lmao:

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it dont matter how I done it . It was less time consuming for me to restore back to a few hours before it happen. Than to try clean my system . blah, blah, blah still fact remains every time they add a new ip you have to remove blacklist from registry . because you cant just re register add the new ip and use it . A proper fix would at lest keep working tell the next version . :P

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Every time Tonec adds a new IP only those who do not know how to use a firewall find themselves shafted and forced to remove blacklisted entries from their registries - Advanced Users who have the basic knowledge on how to prevent new IPs do not have to restore their systems. :lol:

We have to spend 0 . . . . . . . . . . . zilch time when a new IP is allotted.

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it didn't bother me it takes just a few minutes to restore I just had tested another app that had made a restore point i just went to it , Restored with my net off and added the new ip I didnt have do nothing but trun my net back on. Hours before the ip was even posted here . :lol:

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It did not take me even those precious few minutes - would have embarrassed me no end confessing on a global forum that I had to restore my system just because a company like Tonec decided to allot a new IP to their product (my doggy would stop adoring me for being an uber n00b.) :tehe:

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you call everyone a noob who didn't run you're batch cleaners etc , etc, etc . Its your way are its the highway with boring lectures on does the chicken or egg come 1st got stale and overkill long ago. Whats the point of using all that stuff when a simple restore can whip it right back into shape ? if i done it you're way it dont make anyone any smarter it makes you dumber because they had to use someones else idea. I didn't have re register or nothing the way i done it.

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I never initiate an attack - I only defend myself (and my methods) against accusations made by self-confessed, unqualified and proven failures.

There is nothing to be proud about being forced to restore your system - regardless of the time taken up in that avoidable chore.

BTW, feel free to point out link where I am supposed to have called everyone a n00b.

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when it comes to blocking ips or server patch with blacklisted keys or keygen keys there's no proven methods no one can see in the future to see what the developers will do. So stop giving people false hope . What goes up must come down . Even people who buy it its not good but one year unless they renew it.

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what does eset have do with IDM ? Nothing besides you to try sell everyone on and idea that blocking ips would keep you activated forever and it never worked to began with . Just like you try sell them and idea IDM will and its stops working over and over .

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i been using idm since 2007 and anyone who said they never had trouble activating that's been around as long as me unless they buy it would not be truthful.

But the thing is in a matter of days always someone made a patch that would cure it and all boring lectures never mattered about it. Its just like nod32 v3- v8 never needed no ips blocked to use it ether and when v9 comes out of beta what we learned will not matter . :showoff:

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there's people who used IDM longer than me who still use a byte patch . Is that all you got? I was not forced to anything I restored it on my free will . Just like no one is forced to use IP block to begin with .. what I dont get if it were not for me bringing the idea up about blocking you would had never knew about it no ways But you call me a noob and bust my chops even though I blocked ips way before you ever knew about it even. Even when most still used hostblock I blocked ips in my FW .

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You merely brought the idea of just one single IP block - not the firewall blocking . . . . . . . . . . excuse me! h3uXN07.gif

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the reason i brought the idea up about blocking that one ip was because at the time everyone was still trying use host block and that was the main thing that was giving them trouble but if you go on the topic I done had converted host block into ip block again 1st time since like 2009 i used it . The 1st time I ran test I seen and ip was getting thorough host block the 2nd build I tested I seen that it didn't check activate it was checking in updates . Back then was different than now . Because it was a different blacklist and much easier to overcome . I dont like sitting around waiting to get blacklisted again and that's basically what were doing with ip block.

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Good - it is always better to demarcate our goal posts lest people start being given a false and misleading idea about who initiated the firewall method. Would like to take this opportunity to thank my team for contributing much more IPs than you. uu0vOfR.gif

The terms "IP block" and "firewall block" are distinctly different - BTW, nobody is interested in what someone is claimed to have done in the ancient by-gone era of 2006 and 2007 (especially when those claim/s cannot be verified - for a very obvious reason.)

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You think we didn't block ips before then? you're very misinformed . I already knew about it are i would never brought it up . There's another post in tuts were another guy had been doing it for years in FW a little different than you do he uses ranges instead iof single ps. The only thing you and me do different than we didn't do back then is block it thorough the exe than adding the ips overall in you're firewall. All firewalls and other methods I know dont have a way to block though the exe . But we didnt invent blocking ips though exe ether it was already there you cant take credit for some firewall developers invention .

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You really believe that you are the one and only person on this planet who has been blocking IPs? Did you invent it? :coolwink:

Everybody has their own preferred way of blocking IPs - some use a firewall, some use the hosts, some use IP blocks.

Many of them succeed while some fail - but there is a difference post-failure (only one person on Earth is forced to restore his system only to make an appearance here and boast about it . . . . . . . . . . . . only one.) zDLbIxl.gif

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No i dont think i was the only person someone told me and someone told you how . How to block ips for TU was posted here way before host blocks stopped working in IDM witch is just another forum of blocking IPS . Just like IDM use to work with host block TU did too . And now IP block only works good in very few firewalls for TU . life is like a flat circle people keep doing the same things over and over tell one day it stops working all together .

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