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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 12


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Someone must have told you - sorry, but nobody was willing to tell me; had to work my butt . . . . . . . . . . . . which is the reason I decided to share these nuggets at the knowledge base on the playground instead of just loitering the alleys of this site, bragging about my lineage from 2006 and 2007.

Nobody cares for empty words - not unless:--

  • You demonstrate what you claim and
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that's good it shows you're smart no one should have tell anyone but the basics of what you need to know . Most stuff I figured out for myself and what I did learn from others was just from reading I never asked for help or have I ever had to get someone to team-view with me to show me how to do something .

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There is nothing wrong with the multitude who request me for a TeamView session, on IDM - they are humble and I admire them for what I lack . . . . . . humility. :dunno:

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The 1st time i blocked IPS IDM it was in Comdo version 3 the person told us this they blocking with Kis 7 the IP instead of host block. I took and converted the IPS over from hostblock and put them in Comdo he didn't show me how he didn't even use the same thing i did at the time even . I just put the ips in were it needed to go and it worked. Its not rocket science to learn it. Blacklisting by developers changing something is more of a problem than blocking ips. Because when they change something it could effect everyone that uses ips or cracks. ;)

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Life is like that - nothing is permanent (not even diamonds.) I hate permanency - I want to be challenged.

What would be the fun in that unadventurous, drab life - if the Developers of IDM, refuse to put up a fight?

I want to to wake up every morning believing that Publishers of every software are gonna be throwing me a new challenge.

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The thing was that blocking ips with a firewall worked well for years tell we made it public again. The developers never attacked it tell that happened . That's why I keep most stuff I know to myself anymore unless already public then I will say if it works are not. You're never going achieve anything by telling what you know to others but it will stop working in the long run. But and temporary ego boost from people you dont even know in real life that will be short lived . Because pride becomes before the fall.

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In . . . . . . . . as far as I am concerned, blocking IPs with a firewall will always remain a public affair - regardless of the product (be it IDM, Skype, Windows Firewall Control, Process Lasso Pro - be it, whatever.)

Our work will continue to reflect this brazen, in-your-face attitude - we will never hide behind the purdahs of The Fallout Bunker.

If Publishers stop innovating measures to stop us - I would contemplate . . . . . . . . . . . retirement.

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WFC has been activated the same way many years , Even before I took a break from this in 2011 -2014 its always been some cracker make a keygen after the keygen gets old you must update and old version to make it work on a clean machine . Tell a new keygen is done . Process lasso use be good even as freeware then they added so many nags to it that we switched over to retail version then they stop making retail and started with keys . The key format has never changed since the devopler even said on here he dont care about it really. IDM fixes have always been a slow death . Host blocks worked years tell the devopler weeded it out patches have even worked for a year or more but the day comes you must update them. Now hes working on weeding out ip block or he would not changed ips after so many years.

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Never mind, with all those challenges thrown by the Developers - we will continue to prevail . . . . . . . . as always (accuse me of anything pride, ego, immodesty, arrogance, rude - well anything, so be it . . . . . . . . . but the end-point is we shall prevail - everything shall be shared.)

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You seem to try to challenge them quite often when you use a key that dont belong to you and make a topic on how use ips on some releaser keys or keygens . Blocking ips is not cracking anything shareware wont work without someone giving you activation . You never could make a crack team for knowing how block ips you must know how to fish serials, write keygens , make cracks or test them to be useful to any known team.

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I never claimed that I am an angel who does not use an IDM key - BTW, KeyGens and keys are 2 different things.

What makes you presume that my reluctance in using a KeyGen, Patch, Trial Resetter, Loader, etc., etc. for IDM, translates into the assumption that I do not know how to compile them?

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Thing is IDM activation is not needed at all if someone writes a trial reset that 100% works those serials that were fished or carded that's posted on here work no better than any keygen I seen them years ago on VDown they been always blacklisted . I got a keygen internet.download.manager.v4.03.keygen-explosion it works as good as any of them. The activation never changes just the checks do .

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Nah . . . . . . . nah - I am absolutely unconvinced! 5F7Wk2b.gif

Someone like me who has used IDM, in its mint factory state next only to genuine would never even dream of switching - nope, I am the Tonec "nightmare on nSane street' (they watch my matinee show on a daily basis.)

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I tired patches , I tried IP block , I tried Trial reset . That Trial reset patch started telling me my trail was expired after being offline for a week but many says ill works for them at lest with it you dont worry about blacklisting . The activation of black listed keys causes black list the worse thing with trial reset is you're trial will expire . Id rather use it if I had a choice.

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I love the existing IDM firewall method which inexplicably makes everyone else feel as though we are screaming "noob!!!" . . . . . . . . . at them - actually, we aren't (it is just that our method continues to work and work inexhaustibly.)

Some of the Users of this method who do manage to get injured are quickly helped back onto their feet on a personal level.

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Its not about being a noob or not a noob its about I use IDM everyday for something . I just want it to work when I need it and if something stops working I will switch to something that does . Its not a contest were My method is better than sue and jimmy's method. Its about what will work with the lest bad side effects when it dues stop working. I got better things to do than having spend all my time fixing one program. You're stealing it ether way :lol:

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I used IDM_Cleaner.BAT

... then immediately ran Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) with found and deleted some additional [iDM] BHO registry keys.

~~~ Registry Keys

Successfully deleted: [Registry Key] HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{0055C089-8582-441B-A0BF-17B458C2A3A8}
Successfully deleted: [Registry Key] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{0055C089-8582-441B-A0BF-17B458C2A3A8}
Successfully deleted: [Registry Key] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{0055C089-8582-441B-A0BF-17B458C2A3A8}

It unregistered when I started messing with my working firewall.

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Whether I am stealing or not whether you are a Saint or not - spending avoidable time unfixing your fix, using system restore is not better in my eyes (it is deplorable & pathetic for lack of kinder words.)

BTW, the other methods with which you have (unsuccessfully) tried to convince me are not Angelic tools . . . . . . . . no? So . . . . . . . a thief cannot adopt a "holier than thou" kinda posture - can you?

And hey, it is not about being a n00b - like I already said our method only gives folks like you that feeling (exactly as I mentioned in my previous post.)

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Trying Trail reset patch again, clean installed idm used TU used IDM Trial Resetter and Cleaner batch file and repatched with babelpatcher latter fix hopefully it will hold like it did before for some months and I want have worry with topic but when it updates . :showoff:

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We will all pray that the freshly unconsecrated IDM through the unholy grace of the angular Trial Resetter with the intervention of all the unholy cracks & fixes comes and dwells upon your activation forever (and ever.) :pope:

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Is not that the way to Nut IDM using the .reg file and batch
If so, people can share files IDM silent cracking . Thanks everyone
I'm very bad English

I find files by file .reg crack IDM as follows :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ Classes Software \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ Classes Software \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ Classes Software \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}][-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ Classes Software \ Wow6432Node \ CLSID \ {07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}][HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ DownloadManager]"Fname" = -"LName" = -"Email" = -"Serial" = -[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Internet Download Manager]"Fname" = -"LName" = -"Email" = -"Serial" = -[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Internet Download Manager]"Fname" = -"LName" = -"Email" = -"Serial" = - 
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager]"FName"="IDM trial reset""LName"="(http://bit.ly/IDMresetTrialForum)""Email"="[email protected]""Serial"="9QNBL-L2641-Y7WVE-QEN3I"[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}]"MData"=hex(0):21,9e,ac,77,b5,b5,26,3c,9d,ff,86,40,2d,b9,55,6c,13,17,81,2f,93,54,\  2e,ab,2c,34,ca,dc,32,1f,a4,b0,c6,cc,4c,83,48,84,2c,1e,68,5f,4d,d7,ac,41,2e,\  52,5c,6a,4a,78,7c,3b,39,8d,b3,d5,62,d6,a0,e8,12,e5,46,8f,3c,f2,5c,68,ee,21,\  15,a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,5c,77,3b,01,33,e9,9b,4f,12,8e,c4,a7,a1,35,9f,eb,15,\  a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,ef,ac,0d,ee,9b,62,b8,89,1c,42,98,d2,36,ce,b3,9e,e7,56,\  88,5b,cc,7f,1d,40,34,a2,cd,43,fe,e6,97,15,40,11,6c,23,3f,1a,3c,92,0b,f9,20,\  e6,17,ac,22,68,8f,45,30,16,84,0d,f4,de,9c,e8,e5,a9,15,5d,d9,1c,22,d2,1b,76,\  2d,b4,c4,bb,e8,84,71,b7,16,8a,2e,35,a0,a8,66,49,b7,1a,ec,38,0b,5f,4e,35,4e,\  59,31,63,cd,d2,af,85,4e,90,32,ea,15,44,53,e0,8d,7b,af,34,b8,fe,c8,ec,2c,ef,\  8a,26,01,77,38,5b,df,31,59,65,36,d8,51,ef,7f,20,6d,43,d6,c2,e8,d6,17,18,16,\  a4,d0,f3,ea,f7,83,c5,55,00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}]"MData"=hex(0):21,9e,ac,77,b5,b5,26,3c,9d,ff,86,40,2d,b9,55,6c,13,17,81,2f,93,54,\  2e,ab,2c,34,ca,dc,32,1f,a4,b0,c6,cc,4c,83,48,84,2c,1e,68,5f,4d,d7,ac,41,2e,\  52,5c,6a,4a,78,7c,3b,39,8d,b3,d5,62,d6,a0,e8,12,e5,46,8f,3c,f2,5c,68,ee,21,\  15,a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,5c,77,3b,01,33,e9,9b,4f,12,8e,c4,a7,a1,35,9f,eb,15,\  a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,ef,ac,0d,ee,9b,62,b8,89,1c,42,98,d2,36,ce,b3,9e,e7,56,\  88,5b,cc,7f,1d,40,34,a2,cd,43,fe,e6,97,15,40,11,6c,23,3f,1a,3c,92,0b,f9,20,\  e6,17,ac,22,68,8f,45,30,16,84,0d,f4,de,9c,e8,e5,a9,15,5d,d9,1c,22,d2,1b,76,\  2d,b4,c4,bb,e8,84,71,b7,16,8a,2e,35,a0,a8,66,49,b7,1a,ec,38,0b,5f,4e,35,4e,\  59,31,63,cd,d2,af,85,4e,90,32,ea,15,44,53,e0,8d,7b,af,34,b8,fe,c8,ec,2c,ef,\  8a,26,01,77,38,5b,df,31,59,65,36,d8,51,ef,7f,20,6d,43,d6,c2,e8,d6,17,18,16,\  a4,d0,f3,ea,f7,83,c5,55,00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}]"MData"=hex(0):21,9e,ac,77,b5,b5,26,3c,9d,ff,86,40,2d,b9,55,6c,13,17,81,2f,93,54,\  2e,ab,2c,34,ca,dc,32,1f,a4,b0,c6,cc,4c,83,48,84,2c,1e,68,5f,4d,d7,ac,41,2e,\  52,5c,6a,4a,78,7c,3b,39,8d,b3,d5,62,d6,a0,e8,12,e5,46,8f,3c,f2,5c,68,ee,21,\  15,a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,5c,77,3b,01,33,e9,9b,4f,12,8e,c4,a7,a1,35,9f,eb,15,\  a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,ef,ac,0d,ee,9b,62,b8,89,1c,42,98,d2,36,ce,b3,9e,e7,56,\  88,5b,cc,7f,1d,40,34,a2,cd,43,fe,e6,97,15,40,11,6c,23,3f,1a,3c,92,0b,f9,20,\  e6,17,ac,22,68,8f,45,30,16,84,0d,f4,de,9c,e8,e5,a9,15,5d,d9,1c,22,d2,1b,76,\  2d,b4,c4,bb,e8,84,71,b7,16,8a,2e,35,a0,a8,66,49,b7,1a,ec,38,0b,5f,4e,35,4e,\  59,31,63,cd,d2,af,85,4e,90,32,ea,15,44,53,e0,8d,7b,af,34,b8,fe,c8,ec,2c,ef,\  8a,26,01,77,38,5b,df,31,59,65,36,d8,51,ef,7f,20,6d,43,d6,c2,e8,d6,17,18,16,\  a4,d0,f3,ea,f7,83,c5,55,00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}]"MData"=hex(0):21,9e,ac,77,b5,b5,26,3c,9d,ff,86,40,2d,b9,55,6c,13,17,81,2f,93,54,\  2e,ab,2c,34,ca,dc,32,1f,a4,b0,c6,cc,4c,83,48,84,2c,1e,68,5f,4d,d7,ac,41,2e,\  52,5c,6a,4a,78,7c,3b,39,8d,b3,d5,62,d6,a0,e8,12,e5,46,8f,3c,f2,5c,68,ee,21,\  15,a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,5c,77,3b,01,33,e9,9b,4f,12,8e,c4,a7,a1,35,9f,eb,15,\  a4,0a,99,ab,bf,d8,2c,ef,ac,0d,ee,9b,62,b8,89,1c,42,98,d2,36,ce,b3,9e,e7,56,\  88,5b,cc,7f,1d,40,34,a2,cd,43,fe,e6,97,15,40,11,6c,23,3f,1a,3c,92,0b,f9,20,\  e6,17,ac,22,68,8f,45,30,16,84,0d,f4,de,9c,e8,e5,a9,15,5d,d9,1c,22,d2,1b,76,\  2d,b4,c4,bb,e8,84,71,b7,16,8a,2e,35,a0,a8,66,49,b7,1a,ec,38,0b,5f,4e,35,4e,\  59,31,63,cd,d2,af,85,4e,90,32,ea,15,44,53,e0,8d,7b,af,34,b8,fe,c8,ec,2c,ef,\  8a,26,01,77,38,5b,df,31,59,65,36,d8,51,ef,7f,20,6d,43,d6,c2,e8,d6,17,18,16,\  a4,d0,f3,ea,f7,83,c5,55,00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager]"scansk"=hex(0):6f,4e,79,b5,cc,8b,50,bb,f4,b7,e2,6d,2e,38,d2,8b,ad,10,0b,03,a6,\  1b,53,30,6b,b8,8b,92,d6,04,22,c7,55,b9,a5,33,4d,a8,4e,9b,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}]"scansk"=hex(0):6f,4e,79,b5,cc,8b,50,bb,f4,b7,e2,6d,2e,38,d2,8b,ad,10,0b,03,a6,\  1b,53,30,6b,b8,8b,92,d6,04,22,c7,55,b9,a5,33,4d,a8,4e,9b,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}]"scansk"=hex(0):6f,4e,79,b5,cc,8b,50,bb,f4,b7,e2,6d,2e,38,d2,8b,ad,10,0b,03,a6,\  1b,53,30,6b,b8,8b,92,d6,04,22,c7,55,b9,a5,33,4d,a8,4e,9b,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}]"scansk"=hex(0):6f,4e,79,b5,cc,8b,50,bb,f4,b7,e2,6d,2e,38,d2,8b,ad,10,0b,03,a6,\  1b,53,30,6b,b8,8b,92,d6,04,22,c7,55,b9,a5,33,4d,a8,4e,9b,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}]"scansk"=hex(0):6f,4e,79,b5,cc,8b,50,bb,f4,b7,e2,6d,2e,38,d2,8b,ad,10,0b,03,a6,\  1b,53,30,6b,b8,8b,92,d6,04,22,c7,55,b9,a5,33,4d,a8,4e,9b,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00

I find files by file .reg crack IDM as follows :

Currently still used but do not know when will be Fake Serial

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