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DVDFab is all-in-one DVD copying/converting/burning software. In just one or two steps, you can copy any DVD to DVDR/PSP/iPod/etc. DVDFab is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on more than 6 years of DVD copy software development. It allows you to remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc. It is constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections and has a very fast copying speed, normally it's about 10 - 20 minutes.


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@ChVL R U preparing a "cracked" EXE for this version?

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jvidal I assume you know how to read the TheEmpathicEar wrote "@ChVL R U preparing a "cracked" EXE for this version" btw all @ChVL patches work the specific version its not a generic patch so when its ready we will all know please don't start bugging us like you do with EZ CD Audio Converter you are known for this.

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@cyberber: why don't you STFU once and for all?????

Exentios answered my question. If you don't have anything useful to say, just shut your mouth!

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Please guys, take it easy. I don't want this thread to be closed.

And to be fair jvidal asked if the BRD patch still works not for the cracked exe. He didn't mention it but that is what he meant to say.

And returning to the topic:

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Thx! When U say "International" version, do you mean non-US version? I ask because the US version is limited?

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Confirmed the patch still works (W7 Ultimate). One note: The first time I opened DVDFab this time after patching, it showed as a trial, second time was the charm! To quote THGTTG, "Don't Panic" :)

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instead of always asking everyone else why not try it yourself to see if its working the same way we do. how do any of us know if its working unless we try it. i think this is why some people get annoyed same way as if someone asks the same question over and over in a forum.... and i dont mean any offense here but next time try it out then you can report back or not if its working

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Confirmed the patch still works (W7 Ultimate). One note: The first time I opened DVDFab this time after patching, it showed as a trial, second time was the charm! To quote THGTTG, "Don't Panic" :)

thats because you have to open it once after install and select trial. then close it. then run the patch. same way every time.

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This patch, http://www.datafilehost.com/d/6a6254e7, from a previous thread works w/o having to start DVDFab in trial mode. I'm pretty sure of this. I just used it on this version and it activated all modes w/o having to start DVDFab in trial first.

EDIT: [My bad] The archive is password protected and the password is "nsaneforum"

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DVDFab Portable [by Fuken]

Size: 81.7 mb - 180 mb
Stealth: Yes

Dependencies: None
Minimal Requirements: Windows XP
Languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, SimpChinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, TradChinese, Turkish, Ukrainian.
How to Install: extract to desired location, launch DVDFabPortable.exe

Note: BRD's CRK is flagged as Malware. Researching ESET's Detection Win32/Packed.VMProtect.ABO results in a fairly common detection with Game Trainers / fixed EXEs. Ultimately.. the decision is yours.



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Empathicear: The archive is password protected.And, it's the same patch I use. And I DO have to start as trial the first time.

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Empathicear: The archive is password protected.And, it's the same patch I use. And I DO have to start as trial the first time.

Thx! My bad. The next time I upgrade I'll try this patch again. I could have sworn that I did not need to run trial first.

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I wonder why the staff don't update the new patch by BRD,

too lazy or don't have much time ? :dunno:

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Try the new patch by the black Riders not the one with the infected .dll

I thought that the new patch (0.6) is the one with the 'infected' dll.

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Mad Fox : Can you post the new patch without being infected .dll? Thanks for the assistance !

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