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“Millions Upon Millions of People Are Going to Die


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“Millions Upon Millions of People Are Going to Die
:wtf: :lol:
Analyst: “Millions Upon Millions of People Are Going to Die on a World-Wide Scale When the Debt Bubble Bursts”
It can be difficult to understand the repercussions that would follow a collapse of the global economy, stocks and debt markets. While we know a serious financial event is coming, determining how it will impact our lives and preparing an appropriate strategic plan to mitigate the fallout can be a confusing and stressful undertaking.
The questions being asked by concerned Americans are plenty, but the answers are not so easy to come by. Should I keep money in my retirement accounts? What publicly traded companies are recession-proof? Will gold and silver really be of value if the whole system comes crashing down? Should I have some cash? How much food should I stockpile if the regular flow of commerce is affected? Will there be riots in my city?
In the following interview with X22 Report Spotlight, well known analyst and contrarian thinker Greg Mannarino of Traders Choice succinctly explains the challenges we face as individuals and as a nation. He doesn’t mince words and goes straight to the heart of the problem: out of control debt.
As Mannarino explains it, we are facing an event so serious that it will directly impact just about every person on earth. But before we can prepare for it, we need to understand what it is that’s going to happen and what a worst-case scenario may look like:
The central banks… by us adopting a debt-based economic model, which demands that cash be borrowed from the future in greater and greater amounts to sustain what we have here, have created an alternative universe which would not exist. If we did not have access to all of these funds that we’re borrowing from the future and inflating this debt we would not have the lifestyle that we have now.
It’s created a population boom… a population boom has risen in tandem with the debt. It’s incredible.
So, when the debt bubble bursts we’re going to get a correction in population. It’s a mathematical certainty.
Millions upon millions of people are going to die on a world-wide scale when the debt bubble bursts. And I’m saying when not if…
When resources become more and more scarce we’re going to see countries at war with each other. People will be scrambling… in a worst case scenario… doing everything that they can to survive… to provide for their family and for themselves.
There’s no way out of it.
They understand where this is going… Let’s put this into perspective… The world’s central banks, by going negative [interest rates] they’ve turned the entire financial system upside down. That’s how desperate they’ve become. They’re charging people to put cash into these institutions…
It can’t work. It’s not how it’s designed to work.
So, that should tell us all how close we must be to this moment.
As Mannarino notes, it should be obvious that we are on the very cusp of an implosion of the debt-based system upon which our entire societal structures are built. When that system falls, so too will life as we have come to know it.
Hoping Mannarino is wrong, but assuming he’s right with his assessment, we are looking at an event that may well lead to a bursting of the population bubble, something the late Michael Ruppert warned about a half-decade ago:
There are only two great bubbles on this planet left to go. The Chinese bubble and the human population bubble. And after the Chinese bubble goes the human population bubble goes.
Last week we highlighted a report suggesting that by 2025 the population of the United States could be reduced by up to 78% as a result of a global crisis such as what Mannarino describes.
The expansion of commerce, food, energy, housing, and just about everything else we’ve seen over the last fifty years has been the result of credit, and thus debt, expansion. Once credit markets seize up and no more debt can be thrown onto the backs of a populace who is broke and unable to repay their existing loans, the system seizes up.
To get a small-scale view of what an event like that may look like we need only look to Greece in recent years. When credit markets froze and their government, local businesses and population could no longer get loans and commerce essentially came to a standstill. Not only were jobs hard to come by, but access to medicine disappeared, people were fighting for food, and the power to the entire country was almost shot off.
In Greece we saw what happens to a thriving nation once the money stops flowing. It wasn’t pretty. Luckily, because it was just one country within the European Union, the-powers-that-be were able oversee the collapse much like a controlled demolition of a building.
But what happens when the same effect goes global, as Mannarino says it likely will?
Who will come to the rescue?
In the immediate aftermath, the simple answer is “no one.” The average person will be left to fend for themselves.
Assuming the worst case scenario comes to pass and the multi-trillion dollar global debt markets collapse, the immediate aftermath will indeed be met with panic. That will quickly turn to anger as people realize that no help is coming. Subsequently, as Mannarino recently noted, the world will become Baltimore.
So how do we prepare for such an outcome?
First and foremost start acquiring essential resources now – that means food and medicine.
Have a way to source clean water and energy, because in the middle of a crisis utility infrastructure workers will, just like you, stay home to protect their families.
And on that note, have a way to defend yourself. When everywhere becomes Baltimore, emergency response from law enforcement will be virtually non-existent.
In her book The Prepper’s Blueprint, Tess Pennington outlines a long-term strategic preparedness plan designed to cover multiple layers of preparedness, from immediate emergencies lasting two to eight weeks, to longer-term sustainability for an extended crisis of one year or more.
Failure to plan accordingly will mean that you and your family will be directly exposed to the rioting, looting and violence as the system comes unhinged.
When a massive, unplanned disaster occurs, societal breakdowns, gang driven crime and chaos are all a part of what happens when a society is turned upside down. It is actually the people and not the disaster that create societal breakdowns. Unfortunately, some who participate in the breakdown of society feel their desperation is a justified reason and opportunity to steal. While some participate out of desperation to get what they need for their family.
However, the running theme in these scenarios is that desperation has no boundaries. This is the human condition and a harsh reality. When a person is in a desperate situation, they will stop at nothing to get what they need to survive. This is the entire point of preparing for disasters.
A person cannot rely solely on their country to rescue them. There has to be some sort of self sufficiency if a person wants a better chance at survival.
Hoping for the best will only get you so far. Planning for the worst may save your life.
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Interesting story, the Karma of the world and it's owners

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This has been said again and again, in different decades and societies - and it never seems to happen at the time and for the precise reasons people "in the know" state.

People say we are "Borrowing on the back of our children," and then say simultaneously that our economy will collapse, we will default on our loans, and the dollar will become worthless (it already has, so what's the difference?).

The result of all of this? We go bankrupt as a nation, and our children are not stuck with anything except finding their own way - which is no different than it has ever been.

The only effect such a collapse would have - that I can see - is that the 1% who have been struggling so long to keep us at war, and afraid, and believing WE must pay back the worthless dollars THEY have created and then stolen, will watch their multi-generational "Mr. Burns" - style monetary "mastery" of their assets becomes as worthless as the rest of us - without the money to create new, profitable wars.

My advice to young people (I am old, and won't (and don't want) to "survive it):

Learn to make ammunition. It will literally be worth it's weight in gold.

Learn to repair and manufacture firearms. They will be needed desperately. Learn to manufacture explosives (for mining, excavation, and defensive perimeter placement).

Learn to repair and build solar water-stills, panels, welding, animal husbandry (and veterinary medicine, even if incomplete).

Build the largest library on digital media you can possibly build, and make dozens of back-ups of it to run on simple computers that only need to act as searchable, solar-rechargeable readers for the library. This must hold the sum of our civilization - art, philosophy, music, science, language, and every other useful and beautiful thing about what we have achieved - including what destroyed. The equivalent of a modern-day "Library of Alexandria

Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Machining, medical procedures, chemical formulas for everything, a compendium of plants by region - medicinal, poisonous, and hallucinogenic.

Books on farming, hydroponics, small-engine maintenance, communications codes, short-wave radio repair. Audio files of every kind of music, and lessons to play instruments, and anything of this vast, diverse sets of skills and memories (Parliamentary procedure, the structure of various governments, military strategy), will rebuild, in time, much of what has been lost that is of real value.

Human beings are survivors - we have been nearly wiped out numerous times, and seem to struggle back no matter what the odds against us. We inhabit the most inhospitable places on earth - like "extremophiles" - and eventually thrive there. Even in space, if we have enough time. We are strong beyond what we realize, and capable beyond all expectations of survival - not a race of beings to bet against.

If I had to guess, I'd say the people who'll suffer the most are the ones who always had the most to lose: the banksters, their minions, and the Military/Industrial/Congressional complex (that was the way Eisenhower was going to say it - but he changed it to leave out "Congressional" when he was leaving office, and addressing Congress. They will have, after a while, nothing to pay their guards - the Police and Military with, and will be left with no worthwhile skills to make them valuable. They will, in fact, be among the first to die (Karma's a bitch). The rest of us will suffer for a while, but will be fine after an adjustment back to local trading of skills for food and tools.

Be a blacksmith, or any of the people with the skills mentioned above, and you will do not just o.k. - you will thrive as never before.

There is about to be a paradigm shift in the value of skills and those who have them. And it's far past time this corrupt, rotting system was felled and burned - that is what this scenario describes. You will not need to put away money, or gold: you must have extremely valuable skills. That's a meritocracy , and a democracy of the common man will arise from it. Not rulers - leaders.

Just an old man's take on what is happening - and will happen as a result.

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This has been said again and again, in different decades and societies - and it never seems to happen at the time and for the precise reasons people "in the know" state.

People say we are "Borrowing on the back of our children," and then say simultaneously that our economy will collapse, we will default on our loans, and the dollar will become worthless (it already has, so what's the difference?).

The result of all of this? We go bankrupt as a nation, and our children are not stuck with anything except finding their own way - which is no different than it has ever been.

The only effect such a collapse would have - that I can see - is that the 1% who have been struggling so long to keep us at war, and afraid, and believing WE must pay back the worthless dollars THEY have created and then stolen, will watch their multi-generational "Mr. Burns" - style monetary "mastery" of their assets becomes as worthless as the rest of us - without the money to create new, profitable wars.

My advice to young people (I am old, and won't (and don't want) to "survive it):

Learn to make ammunition. It will literally be worth it's weight in gold.

Learn to repair and manufacture firearms. They will be needed desperately. Learn to manufacture explosives (for mining, excavation, and defensive perimeter placement).

Learn to repair and build solar water-stills, panels, welding, animal husbandry (and veterinary medicine, even if incomplete).

Build the largest library on digital media you can possibly build, and make dozens of back-ups of it to run on simple computers that only need to act as searchable, solar-rechargeable readers for the library. This must hold the sum of our civilization - art, philosophy, music, science, language, and every other useful and beautiful thing about what we have achieved - including what destroyed. The equivalent of a modern-day "Library of Alexandria

Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Machining, medical procedures, chemical formulas for everything, a compendium of plants by region - medicinal, poisonous, and hallucinogenic.

Books on farming, hydroponics, small-engine maintenance, communications codes, short-wave radio repair. Audio files of every kind of music, and lessons to play instruments, and anything of this vast, diverse sets of skills and memories (Parliamentary procedure, the structure of various governments, military strategy), will rebuild, in time, much of what has been lost that is of real value.

Human beings are survivors - we have been nearly wiped out numerous times, and seem to struggle back no matter what the odds against us. We inhabit the most inhospitable places on earth - like "extremophiles" - and eventually thrive there. Even in space, if we have enough time. We are strong beyond what we realize, and capable beyond all expectations of survival - not a race of beings to bet against.

If I had to guess, I'd say the people who'll suffer the most are the ones who always had the most to lose: the banksters, their minions, and the Military/Industrial/Congressional complex (that was the way Eisenhower was going to say it - but he changed it to leave out "Congressional" when he was leaving office, and addressing Congress. They will have, after a while, nothing to pay their guards - the Police and Military with, and will be left with no worthwhile skills to make them valuable. They will, in fact, be among the first to die (Karma's a bitch). The rest of us will suffer for a while, but will be fine after an adjustment back to local trading of skills for food and tools.

Be a blacksmith, or any of the people with the skills mentioned above, and you will do not just o.k. - you will thrive as never before.

There is about to be a paradigm shift in the value of skills and those who have them. And it's far past time this corrupt, rotting system was felled and burned - that is what this scenario describes. You will not need to put away money, or gold: you must have extremely valuable skills. That's a meritocracy , and a democracy of the common man will arise from it. Not rulers - leaders.

Just an old man's take on what is happening - and will happen as a result.

Those pieces of s..... will probably be on their private islands guards or not hoping nobody can cross that much ocean.

Meanwhile people will be killing each other over scraps. It's going to be hell on Earth either way.

I'd rather us just nuke Earth from orbit and get it over with. We're all f..... either way.

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the debt bubble and the Yellowstone super volcano and that big honking comet are all set to hit at the exact same time,,,info wars said it is all true ...so what one does not get one of the other two will...as reported by chicken little...the newest and mot accurate reporter yet to be hired by Alex Jones

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Pardon me for being amused, but...

Folks are more worried about $$$ than...anything.

We live on ONE planet.

It is being made uninhabitable for our species BY our own species.

Will there be enough oxygen to sustain life after the world ocean is a huge dead rotting ooze of radioactive sludge ??

WHAT !?!?

NEVER MIND THAT silly stuff - COUNT YOUR $$$ !!

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all kidding aside when you look into how the world works..IE how sand storms in the Sahara fertilize the amazon and how the melting ice in Antarctica creates fresh water currents deep into the ocean that take hundreds of years to resurface and also reach well as the British isles it does not take extreme intelligence how mankind is influencing this balance on an extremely large and detrimental scale... too bad the people in power are not in possession of any intelligence what so ever

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