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nsanedown blocked by ESET


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i dont get any report of nsaneforums block by eset.

i use legitimate key.

for those who is using those kind of fix will get that message.

look at this picture amigo ( usin' a key too)qt0ytdpoqt0j.jpg

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i dont get any report of nsaneforums block by eset.

i use legitimate key.

for those who is using those kind of fix will get that message.

look at this picture amigo ( usin' a key too)qt0ytdpoqt0j.jpg

exclude this code & url *nsanedown.com*

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i dont get any report of nsaneforums block by eset.

i use legitimate key.

for those who is using those kind of fix will get that message.

this isn't even remotely true. i resently had a problem with bitdefender not installing when i first went to win 8.1.1 and i installed eset and used a crack with it without ANY problems. that includes going to any website including nsame before turning off website monitoring.

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  • 1 month later...

Add *nsanedown* and not *nsanedown.com* to the whitelist as described in the following ESET Knowledge Base article:


The ESET article at the link you provided advises to use *nsanedown.com* and not *nsanedown* - the exact opposite of whatyou state:--


thanks but am already using *nsanedown* and as u see am nsaner ( :o )

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Add *nsanedown* and not *nsanedown.com* to the whitelist as described in the following ESET Knowledge Base article:


The ESET article at the link you provided advises to use *nsanedown.com* and not *nsanedown* - the exact opposite of whatyou state:--


thanks but i already using *nsanedown* and as u see am nsaner ( :o )

Of course, I know that you are nSaner - everyone does . . . . . . . . . . now. :yes:

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  • 3 months later...

just installed ESET 8 today. I first ran the box then eset and then went into safemode and ran the box so it would actually finish. then updates virus data in normal mode. seems to be working. I also added *nsanedown* * *nsanedown.com* to the list. if you wait 5 minutes the stuff takes effect and you are able to visit nsane.

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You have to love the AV updates now days....They aren't focusing on adware. malware, viruses, etc but instead lets focus on warez sites. LMAO! You got to love it. lol

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After adding this to the Whitelist I have never had any trouble. Old Topic but here is what I use.




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  • 3 months later...

Today ESET block


as well for along time i obly had to use *nsanedown.com* now I had to add *www.nsaneforums.com* i never needed it tell today was it blocked before once? :lol:

I only exclude "nsanedown.com" ESET don't block forums with me

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Today ESET block


as well for along time i obly had to use *nsanedown.com* now I had to add *www.nsaneforums.com* i never needed it tell today was it blocked before once? :lol:

I only exclude "nsanedown.com" ESET don't block forums with me

it just blocked me for the 1st time maybe your dns may have not updated yet? It was not classified as a threat ether because not in my logs . only i got a popup if don't exclude it now in my browser.

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Today ESET block


as well for along time i obly had to use *nsanedown.com* now I had to add *www.nsaneforums.com* i never needed it tell today was it blocked before once? :lol:

I only exclude "nsanedown.com" ESET don't block forums with me

it just blocked me for the 1st time maybe your dns may have not updated yet? It was not classified as a threat ether because not in my logs . only i got a popup if don't exclude it now in my browser.

I tested it in Vmware with google dns and working also it's strange

Do you use Parental Control ?

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Today ESET block


as well for along time i obly had to use *nsanedown.com* now I had to add *www.nsaneforums.com* i never needed it tell today was it blocked before once? :lol:

I only exclude "nsanedown.com" ESET don't block forums with me

it just blocked me for the 1st time maybe your dns may have not updated yet? It was not classified as a threat ether because not in my logs . only i got a popup if don't exclude it now in my browser.

I tested it in Vmware with google dns and working also it's strange

Do you use Parental Control ?

No i don't and yes its strange because i removed it and its not doing it anymore i was in the sub forums clicking to go in software updates when it happen :unsure:

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Yes i found it in my logs were they blocked me but i remove it now its ok.


It says blocked by internal blacklist so it was them blocking nsane lol .

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itss not nsaneforum its nsaneforums>>> add S at last

also there's no HTTPS used by nsane so..no need of that entry


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I do not have a single entry on my exceptions - yet, I never get blocked by nSane or any other site. :naughty:

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