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[General Election] 7th May 2015


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As someone whose first language is English my view is that it should be an in this instance "An NHS".

If the language rules were applied pedantically - by the first letter - how do we account for such anomalies as "an hour"? Wouldn't that be "a hour"?

My understanding has always been that the controlling factor is whether it's spoken with a vowel sound. (So "an hour", "a unicorn", "a national health service", "an NHS", etc.)

Still doesn't make we want to vote for that particular party as I believe they will send the economy into a downward spiral again.

The word hour is pronounced with a silent H.

Or it wold be er Howeer.

A N.H.S. is correct A NHS is wrong anyway.

An N.H.S. & An NHS is plainly wrong.

Perhaps we need to agree to disagree (even though you are wrong)


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As someone whose first language is English my view is that it should be an in this instance "An NHS".

If the language rules were applied pedantically - by the first letter - how do we account for such anomalies as "an hour"? Wouldn't that be "a hour"?

My understanding has always been that the controlling factor is whether it's spoken with a vowel sound. (So "an hour", "a unicorn", "a national health service", "an NHS", etc.)

Still doesn't make we want to vote for that particular party as I believe they will send the economy into a downward spiral again.

The word hour is pronounced with a silent H.

Or it wold be er Howeer.

A N.H.S. is correct A NHS is wrong anyway.

An N.H.S. & An NHS is plainly wrong.

Perhaps we need to agree to disagree (even though you are wrong)


I am right ''a set of initials representing a name, organization, or the like, with each letter pronounced separately'' is called an acronym.

This is why I believe people should have to undergo a series of tests before being able to access and use the internet.

Been saying that since when I first used it (1991).

Hear say a.k.a. laziness comes around and people try and start up a new language.

Example L33t, words like m8, gr8 et cetera.

They then become accepted (by some) and some even believe these are real words.

So we need to rid life of this poor language.

An is placed before a vowel, all times, not when one fancies it.

When one asks a question, they should ask ''do you?'' not ''don't you?''.

One should say ''anything'' not ''anythink', or ''nothing'' not ''nothink''.

A letter is a letter, not a number, so when a phone number is read out, it should be said (example 01732 000 000) zero one seven three two zero zero zero zero zero zero, not oh one seven three two et cetera.

Finally when you wish to get past someone in a tight space, it's ''excuse me'' not sorry once you have shoved past them.

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Well, check out the Google results even if "A NHS" is used as a search parameter instead of "An NHS":--


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Well, check out the Google results even if "A NHS" is used as a search parameter instead of "An NHS":--


My whole point, net lamers believing everything they read on the world wide web before facts.

Just because Google said it, does not mean it's true.

You might as well believe it as some man in a pub said it.

Yes and there are a billion others:


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Conversely, if "An NHS" is used as a search parameter instead of "A NHS" Google results continue to affirm that one would always come across that one oddball:--


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.arguing a dumbass point especially to the point you have taken this... to the point of flogging a dead elephant only proves one thing about you.... and it ain't a pretty picture.......I was going to insert "an" for every "a" just to prove another point but that may have gone over your head...along with the meaning of the rest of this post which is that among other things, politics is something you feel passionate about and it is a proven fact you feel at home with partisan politics no matter how much that does hurt your country...and are also totally blind to even try critical thinking or listen to anything that would or could prove you wrong or change you mind...or for that matter make you admit to a mistake,,,and that my friend would make you an excellent candidate for political office no matter which party you wished to run for

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.arguing a dumbass point especially to the point you have taken this... to the point of flogging a dead elephant only proves one thing about you.... and it ain't a pretty picture.......I was going to insert "an" for every "a" just to prove another point but that may have gone over your head...along with the meaning of the rest of this post which is that among other things, politics is something you feel passionate about and it is a proven fact you feel at home with partisan politics no matter how much that does hurt your country...and are also totally blind to even try critical thinking or listen to anything that would or could prove you wrong or change you mind...or for that matter make you admit to a mistake,,,and that my friend would make you an excellent candidate for political office no matter which party you wished to run for

dumb means 'cannot speak'' another fine mess you got yourself into there Stanley.

We are not friends.

I am showing that ignorance is bliss as there are so many lamers out there that cannot use the English language correctly.

You were part of the empire till recently, show some manners to a superior.

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To put this to bed once and for all, here are some copy/pastes from Google:-

Finding an NHS dentist - The NHS in England - NHS Choices Family Law Week: An NHS Trust v SR %5B2012%5D EWHC 3842 ... An NHS Trust v SR | LexisWeb

I rest my case M´lud...now please don't anyone tell LeeSmithG that the world is round!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is coming from an art student teaching foreigners English as a second language.

Like the blind-leading-the-blind.

I bet they LOL at you when your not listening.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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.arguing a dumbass point especially to the point you have taken this... to the point of flogging a dead elephant only proves one thing about you.... and it ain't a pretty picture.......I was going to insert "an" for every "a" just to prove another point but that may have gone over your head...along with the meaning of the rest of this post which is that among other things, politics is something you feel passionate about and it is a proven fact you feel at home with partisan politics no matter how much that does hurt your country...and are also totally blind to even try critical thinking or listen to anything that would or could prove you wrong or change you mind...or for that matter make you admit to a mistake,,,and that my friend would make you an excellent candidate for political office no matter which party you wished to run for

dumb means 'cannot speak'' another fine mess you got yourself into there Stanley.

We are not friends.

I am showing that ignorance is bliss as there are so many lamers out there that cannot use the English language correctly.

You were part of the empire till recently, show some manners to a superior.

once again proving the point everyone is agreement with

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George Bernard Shaw said

"two nations divided by a common language".

there are other differences but that is the main one and the greatest offender is Microsoft

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there are actually several meanings to the word dumb..there are several other examples but you dumbly choose to ONLY look at the old world definition.. and at that...ONLY the ENGLISH as in Great Brittan from 300 years ago...the sun set on that empires hold on the ONLY place where dictionaries are recognized a long time ago and other parts of the world also have a real say in how things are now...even us dumb-asses in Canada,,,making argument like you do it is no wonder hardly any living soul ever agrees with you


Stupid; mentally sluggish; dim: You think I'm pretty dumb, don't you?(1823+)


damn, darn (1787+)

[fr Pennsylvania German dumm]

The Dictionary of American Slang, Fourth Edition by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD. and Robert L. Chapman, Ph.D.
Copyright © 2007 by HarperCollins Publishers.
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Now I dare you to go down town in the USA and ask for a "Fag" heheheheh

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Now I dare you to go down town in the USA and ask for a "Fag" heheheheh

my point exactly.... words are not what they used to be...even for those who choose to live in the 1730's ...the rest of the world does not have to live there with them...nor should we be expected to do so because someone likes to be a political dinosaur

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going back to the subject i.e. UK Elections which happen today thought people might like this

Pinocchio, Snow White and Superman are out for a stroll in town one day.

As they walk, they come across a sign: "Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world."

"I am entering" said Snow White.

After half an hour she comes out and they ask her, "Well, how did you do?"

"First Place," said Snow White.

They continue walking and they see a sign: "Contest for the strongest man in the world."

"I'm entering," says Superman.

After half an hour he returns and they ask him, "How did you make out?"

"First Place," answers Superman. "Did you ever doubt?"

They continue walking when they see a sign: "Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?"

Pinocchio says "this is mine."

Half an hour later, he returns with tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" they asked.

"Who the f-c- is Ed Miliband?" asked Pinocchio.

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To Quote LeeSmithG's post #27:- "An is placed before a vowel, all times, not when one fancies it."

Er, Lee- An umbrella A university grant

It's the sound of the vowel that determines whether you use "a" or "an" before the word, not the fact that it is simply a vowel. One of the most difficult things for foreign students who are learning English is the fact that we pronounce our alphabet in one way, but then we pronounce many of the letters in several different ways depending on the group (i.e.the word).

e.g. although sounds like "o"

through sounds like "oo"

enough sounds like "uf"

thorough sounds like "uh"

So Lee you're obsessive quoting of a rule that you have interpreted in an incomplete manner shows that

your grasp of your own language is shaky to say the least. Have a nice day...how's the Election going

by the way? I'm watching the BBC at the moment to see what happens. Still think it'll be a close thing.

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Minnie Mouse was down in the dumps because Mickey was divorcing her. Donald Duck asks her what the grounds for divorce are. Minnie says "stupidity". Donald Duck says "That can't be right; I've never heard that as grounds for divorce, are you sure?"

Minnie says "Yes, he says I'm f*cking Goofy". :lol: :lol: :lol:

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So Lee you're obsessive quoting of a rule that you have interpreted in an incomplete manner shows that

your grasp of your own language is shaky to say the least. Have a nice day...how's the Election going

by the way? I'm watching the BBC at the moment to see what happens. Still think it'll be a close thing.

Personally, I avoid Politicians (and politics) like the plague.

Can't help suspecting though, that this thread was created with a very specific objective - to influence and to cause an outcry against the Labour party, under the extremely flimsy (and stupid) pretext of incorrect grammar.

ATM, looks like that vested interest has failed to pay off - Ed Miliband seems to have got a thumping victory (at least on the last 2 pages of this thread.) Would like to see LeeSmithG's face if that win extends to the real world, too.

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Do not really care who wins the election but why do some have to grasp at straws to prove why one party is bad or for that matter great....as lee has done when he started this post...it only showed him to be shallow and every post he made afterwards confirmed that opinion of shallowness.

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Well the Conservatives have won and as I type with a few seats still to declare they almost have overall control they are certainly the winners but what a "Blood Letting" for the other Partys

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routs happen in politics...in Canada here Alberta just had a provincial election...the party that held the government for the past 44 years was decimated losing to party that was basically a non -entity in those same 44 years.... basically i think people were tired of the party that had rules for 44 years and felt that politicians in that party especially the ilte leaders had a feeling of entitlement and had lost touch with the voting public

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Now that the Conservatives have been voted in - they might probably make it mandatory for everyone to use the revised grammar highlighted at point # 3:--


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Now that the Conservatives have been voted in - they might probably make it mandatory for everyone to use the revised grammar highlighted at point # 3:--


yes...rumor has it that lee will be the new head of language propaganda... however as yet he will not be allowed any weapons in order enforce his agendas...yet...but must assume eventually he will get what he wants

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I don't like any politicians from any party.
Personally, I avoid Politicians (and politics) like the plague.
Do not really care who wins the election but why do some have to grasp at straws to prove why one party is bad or for that matter great....


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The Banks and the Stock Exchange are celebrating the Conservative victory...that sums up in a nutshell who the Conservatives represent. Labour got totally wiped out in Scotland (they only have 1 seat left there) by the SNP, something that was unimaginable 18 months ago. Similar to what dMog says in his post #45, the people of Scotland have basically gotten sick of Labour's inability to stop the damage that has been done to Scotland under every Conservative government and have turned to the SNP to see if they can do more. Not everyone who voted SNP wants Independence, but yes everyone who voted SNP wants Scotland free from that Tory (Conservative) rule. I think now that this result brings us closer to an independent Scotland and whenever the next Independence Referendum takes place the result will be a resounding "Yes". Labour have shot their bolt, they won't recover from this in Scotland and the SNP will only grow stronger. This was a magnitude 10 result in Scotland and it will change the UK dramatically. It's not my preferred result, but it's Democracy and many others are pleased with it, so..ho hum!!! :showoff: :showoff: :showoff:

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