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FBI Holds “Special” Meeting in Juárez to Address ISIS...


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FBI Holds “Special” Meeting in Juárez to Address ISIS...

...DHS Not Invited... :wtf: :lol:


"...Silence is equivalent to concealment where it is the duty of a party to speak..."

Responding to Judicial Watch’s report earlier this week of ISIS activity along the Mexican border, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supervisors called a “special” meeting at the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juárez.

A high-level intelligence source, who must remain anonymous for safety reasons, confirmed that the meeting was convened specifically to address a press strategy to deny Judicial Watch’s accurate reporting and identify who is providing information to JW. FBI supervisory personnel met with Mexican Army officers and Mexican Federal Police officials, according to JW’s intelligence source. The FBI liaison officers regularly assigned to Mexico were not present at the meeting and conspicuously absent were representatives from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It’s not clear why DHS did not participate.

Publicly, U.S. and Mexico have denied that Islamic terrorists are operating in the southern border region, but the rapid deployment of FBI brass in the aftermath of JW’s report seems to indicate otherwise. A Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector were among the sources that confirmed to JW that ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas. The base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm. During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.

“Coyotes” engaged in human smuggling – and working for the Juárez Cartel – help move ISIS terrorists through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. To the east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing.

Last August JW reported that ISIS, operating from Ciudad Juárez, was planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level U.S. federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources confirmed then that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border had been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies were placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning the imminent terrorist threat.


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does anyone truly think that is isis WAS operating a so calls camp or base 8 miles form the american border that that camp would just not suddenly disappear one dark moonless night well before the publishing of this post that was copied and pasted from an infowars clone type site...don't forget to donate to that site by the way...as that what it is is a money making scam targeting the paranoids... aside from also a place for nut cases to congregate and blame obama for everything from their last trip and fall to downfall of the free world as you know it...want proof...just read the comments section from those that haunt that place and others like it posted from the rank and file ...and how can one miss the 'Please donate" buttons

edit...here is post from that site... shows the mentality of those who use this site as an basis for reality...plain and evident the poster missed the reality train when they were very young and decided to get on broken down bus headed the other way Dear President Perverted Communist Barrack Hussein Obama and your evil Communist followers,

You are the most disgusting human to ever live, Obama you are infiltrating the National Organization of Perverted Woman, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Paedophiles, Islamists, Al Qaeda, Homosexuals, Jihadists, Hamas, Sexual Perverts, LaRazaists, Muslims, Child Molesters, Illegal Aliens, Narco/Cyber Terrorists and Atheists into Local/City/State and Federal Power and Non Power Positions ie.. Courts, City/County/Fed Counsel seats, Managers, Supervisors, Human Relations, Executive Branch Departments and all areas of tax payed positions to eliminate God, America Loving Righteous Civilized People for the Communist.

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does anyone truly think that is isis WAS operating a so calls camp or base 8 miles form the american border that that camp would just not suddenly disappear one dark moonless night well before the publishing of this post that was copied and pasted from an infowars clone type site...don't forget to donate to that site by the way...as that what it is is a money making scam targeting the paranoids... aside from also a place for nut cases to congregate and blame obama for everything from their last trip and fall to downfall of the free world as you know it...want proof...just read the comments section from those that haunt that place and others like it posted from the rank and file ...and how can one miss the 'Please donate" buttons

edit...here is post from that site... shows the mentality of those who use this site as an basis for reality...plain and evident the poster missed the reality train when they were very young and decided to get on broken down bus headed the other way Dear President Perverted Communist Barrack Hussein Obama and your evil Communist followers,

You are the most disgusting human to ever live, Obama you are infiltrating the National Organization of Perverted Woman, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Paedophiles, Islamists, Al Qaeda, Homosexuals, Jihadists, Hamas, Sexual Perverts, LaRazaists, Muslims, Child Molesters, Illegal Aliens, Narco/Cyber Terrorists and Atheists into Local/City/State and Federal Power and Non Power Positions ie.. Courts, City/County/Fed Counsel seats, Managers, Supervisors, Human Relations, Executive Branch Departments and all areas of tax payed positions to eliminate God, America Loving Righteous Civilized People for the Communist.

To think that ISIS is not In Mexico or around the USA is a sad mistake and a big mistake all in one. Articles have come out already admitting that ISIS is likely already in all 50 USA states so why does it seem like a stretch of the imagination to suspect them in Mexico as well???

ISIS present in all 50 states, FBI director says

FBI investigating ISIS suspects in all 50 states

Perhaps....just maybe you should rethink all your rage and vengeance against information sources and pay attention.

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does anyone truly think that is isis WAS operating a so calls camp or base 8 miles form the american border that that camp would just not suddenly disappear one dark moonless night well before the publishing of this post that was copied and pasted from an infowars clone type site...don't forget to donate to that site by the way...as that what it is is a money making scam targeting the paranoids... aside from also a place for nut cases to congregate and blame obama for everything from their last trip and fall to downfall of the free world as you know it...want proof...just read the comments section from those that haunt that place and others like it posted from the rank and file ...and how can one miss the 'Please donate" buttons

edit...here is post from that site... shows the mentality of those who use this site as an basis for reality...plain and evident the poster missed the reality train when they were very young and decided to get on broken down bus headed the other way Dear President Perverted Communist Barrack Hussein Obama and your evil Communist followers,

You are the most disgusting human to ever live, Obama you are infiltrating the National Organization of Perverted Woman, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Paedophiles, Islamists, Al Qaeda, Homosexuals, Jihadists, Hamas, Sexual Perverts, LaRazaists, Muslims, Child Molesters, Illegal Aliens, Narco/Cyber Terrorists and Atheists into Local/City/State and Federal Power and Non Power Positions ie.. Courts, City/County/Fed Counsel seats, Managers, Supervisors, Human Relations, Executive Branch Departments and all areas of tax payed positions to eliminate God, America Loving Righteous Civilized People for the Communist.

To think that ISIS is not In Mexico or around the USA is a sad mistake and a big mistake all in one. Articles have come out already admitting that ISIS is likely already in all 50 USA states so why does it seem like a stretch of the imagination to suspect them in Mexico as well???

ISIS present in all 50 states, FBI director says

FBI investigating ISIS suspects in all 50 states

Perhaps....just maybe you should rethink all your rage and vengeance against information sources and pay attention.

i never said they are not present or not active...but for you to actually believe isis to have a base or a camp 8 miles from the American border is kind of f#cked thinking and only could be reported by lameass websites that make up 99 .9999% of all they print...and as i said...the typical comment post i printed from that website speaks to the mentality of people that frequent that type of web page..this place is populated by people who believe the rich are on the cusp of killing off 99 percent of the worlds population and have the proof that america did 911 on themselves or that the boston bombings and all other school shootings were false flag ops... you yourself said ad much when you used to post under another persona here

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I love the USA, warts and all. The yanks are great at everything they do, movies, shows, sporting events, etc. Why even their soccer team has become an opponent to respect in the World Cup. But their loonies are something else....and they have more of them per square meter than any other country has per sq kilometer. How anybody can believe the BS that Infowars and other similar sites spout is beyond me. Yes, I believe that politicians and governments often get up to no good and don't always reveal the truth....but some of the conspiracy theories that appear just simply defy logic and sanity. I blame the wee green men in Area 51. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I love the USA, warts and all. The yanks are great at everything they do, movies, shows, sporting events, etc. Why even their soccer team has become an opponent to respect in the World Cup. But their loonies are something else....and they have more of them per square meter than any other country has per sq kilometer. How anybody can believe the BS that Infowars and other similar sites spout is beyond me. Yes, I believe that politicians and governments often get up to no good and don't always reveal the truth....but some of the conspiracy theories that appear just simply defy logic and sanity. I blame the wee green men in Area 51. :lol: :lol: :lol:

totally agree with you...every country has it's warts, don't get me wrong, am not or never have claimed the USA in perfect...but i just do not understand why so many Americans are loony tunes enough to believe all the crap Enigmatism has under his different incarnations believed are true

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