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If You Think Jade Helm’s Bad Wait Till You Hear this...


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If You Think Jade Helm’s Bad Wait Till You Hear this...
If You Think Jade Helm’s Bad Wait Till You Hear About The Presidential Police Force Established on the Heels of Jade Helm! It’s About to Get Wild!
On December 18, 2014, President Barack Obama secretly signed an executive order creating a Presidential Task Force geared at 21st Century Policing. This Force seeks not only to identify ways for police departments to better themselves but also promotes increased interaction of our local police officers in our schools, businesses, communities and many other aspects of our lives. The main objective of the force is to get the public acquainted with their presence and to establish a trust connection in communities.
While this all sounds like “sunshine and lollipops” we must consider this a step towards the integration of preparation for martial law. Considering this task force comes on the heels of Jade Helm—who’s object it is to gain public trust as well— we must consider the possibility. What are the chances that both Jade Helm, (a military training exercise) and the Presidential Task Force for the 21st Century (a police objective report) are geared at gaining the publics trust? Could there be a link between them and martial law preparation? Or am I thinking too much into it?
Here is the breaking report….
Oops Leaked Info You’re Not Supposed to Know: Military Plans a Martial Law Visit to Multiple US Towns! Why? The Answer Will Make You Rethink What You Thought You Already Knew
According to Jade Helm one of the main objectives for the Military is to: “…work with civilians to gain their trust and an understanding of the issues.”
According to the Presidential Task Force for the 21st Century Policing Report the main objective is to promote: “Trust between law enforcement agencies and the people they protect and serve…” It further states that “People are more likely to obey the law when they believe those who are enforcing it have the right—the legitimate authority—to tell them what to do.” (page1)
The report also exposes the goal of having local police highly involved in our communities, schools, businesses and lives on a daily basis, “The mission of the task force is to examine how to foster strong, collaborative relationships between local law enforcement and the communities they protect…” (page 1)
These similarities are striking! And while it seems like a good thing, the question needs to be asked; why is their an uptick in readying the community to trust the military through Jade Helm and the police force through the Presidential Task Force? Do they fear something is around the corner?
But that’s not all the Presidential Task Force Report Reveals. I also found these interesting facts enclosed in the document:
Pages 2 and 3 describe seven sessions conducted as a result of this task force that discuss a wide range of recommendations from faith leaders, law enforcement, academics, and more. It includes:
Building Trust and Legitimacy (gaining trust of community)
Policy and Oversight (policies)
Technology and Social Media (How to use technology to help police and privacy issues)
Community Policing and Crime Reduction (community policing and more trust building.)
Training and Education (Of which Jade Helm is a part of, just how to train)
Officer Safety and Wellness
Future of Community Policing (how to implement procedures)
Some recommendations on how to implement the above polices are as follows:
“The President create a National Crime and Justice Task Force to review and evaluate all components of the criminal justice system of rate purpose of making recommendations to the country on comprehensive criminal justice reform.” (pg. 3) It further stated the reason why was because “the justice system alone cannot solve many of the underlying conditions that give rise to crime. It will be through partnerships across sectors and at every level of government that we will find the effective and legitimate long-term solutions to ensuring public safety.” (pg. 4)
This clearly could indicate a future partnership of sorts between the local law enforcement, the federal government, and even branches of local businesses, churches, schools, etc. The problem with this is that it could turn into a mesh pot of information gathered against each individual kicking our privacy issues out the door. Further when our local police are continually interacting through “partnerships” we are likely to see an increase in police activity in our cities. Here are a few more recommendations promoting such interactions:
“Community policing should be infused throughout the culture and organizational structure of law enforcement agencies.” (pg. 43)
“Law enforcement agencies should develop programs that create opportunities for patrol officers to regularly interact with neighborhood residents, faith leaders, and business leaders.” (pg.46)
“Law enforcement agencies should work with schools to develop and monitor school discipline policies with input and collaboration from school personnel, students, families, and community members. These policies should prohibit the use of corporal punishment and electronic control devices.” (pg.48-49)
“Communities and law enforcement agencies should restore and build trust between youth and police by creating programs and projects for positive, consistent, and persistent interaction between youth and police.” (pg. 50)
“The U.S. Department of Justice should explore public-private partnership opportunities, starting by convening a meeting with local, regional, and national foundations to discuss the proposals for reform described in this report and seeking their engagement and support in advancing implementation of these recommendations.” (pg. 71)
Am I reading to much into this? Or is there a link to be made? I guess the ultimate decision is yours. But either way, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Here is the video clip of the FEMA Camp Roundup Drill in Florida (Video by NextNewsNetwork):
For More Information See:
“It’s Just a Training Exercise”: Army Special Ops Shoot Down Jade Helm Conspiracy Theories...
The Special Operations Command for the U.S. Army may be preparing to blend in during its mock engagement of hostile populations in the U.S. Southwest this summer, but first it is going on the offense to counter the claims of “conspiracy theorists” about the true nature of the controversial Jade Helm 15 exercises.
The Army Times reported:
U.S. Army Special Operations Command says that, contrary to reports circulating on conspiracy websites, it has no plans to invade Texas.
Some fringe websites have paraded a PowerPoint presentation, reportedly from USASOC, as evidence of Jade Helm 15, a series of military exercises across California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas. They say it will train the U.S. military to suppress American citizens rebelling in a coming military coup or civil war.
“It’s a training exercise. Just a regular training exercise,” Lastoria said of Jade Helm, which USASOC documentation references as a training exercise in at least one previous year as well.
The article singled out reports from Infowars and All News PipeLine, among others stressing concern about the preparations for martial law:
Conspiracy websites painted language regarding civilian impact as revealing of the true nature of the mission: to prepare for abducting dissidents from their homes.
Many of the conspiracy sites have focused in on the selection of Texas as a “hostile” territory. To them, a high degree of libertarian support, pro-gun leanings and patriotism make Texas a target. The slides also mark Utah and a pocket in Southern California as “hostile,” while New Mexico is “uncertain (leaning hostile)” and Arizona is “uncertain (leaning friendly).”
The presentation slides say the area was chosen for its large undeveloped tracts of land and low population density. Texas in particular was chosen as the hub of the operation because it has been traditionally military-friendly, easing the impact or alarm the forces’ presence might impose on localities, according to the slides.
Though disputing any ill intent, the Army Times admits that the Jade Helm drill is real, and that soldiers have trained for the approach – “mastering the human domain” – before.
A “Civilian Research Project” paper from the U.S. Army Special Operations Forces states:
“the human domain is the totality of the physical, cultural and social environments that influence human behavior to the extent that success of any military operation or campaign depends on the application of unique capabilities that are designed to fight and win population-centric conflicts. It is a critical and complementary concept to the recognized domains of land, air, maritime, space and cyberspace.”
In an apparent predecessor to the drill, officers wrote on the need to project military operations and occupation efforts into the “human domain,” in order to engage the social, political and economic spheres seen as critical for mission success.
It is a technological continuation of the double-edged philosophy of the Pentagon and White House to “win over hearts and minds” over the course of the flawed Vietnam War, a term known in more technical terms as pacification of the population.
It’s focus on mapping the “Human Terrain” – using the expertise and techniques of anthropology – lends credence to the idea that the military are “rehearsing” scenarios concerning how to deal with independent-minded and anti-establishment people living inside Texas and Utah, the “hostile” states identified in the Jade Helm drill. On the human domain:
“What we know and project about the future operating environment tells us that the significance of the ‘human domain’ in future conflict is growing, not diminished,” the service leaders wrote.
One controversial tool to aid in the collection, processing and analysis of information in regards to the human domain has been the US Human Terrain System (HTS) in which social scientists, primarily anthropologists, have been utilised to conduct research and provide analysis to military commanders in support of the military’s operations [...] At the height of the programme there were 30 HTS teams in Afghanistan and despite the challenges of the programme, it was widely viewed as providing value [...] .
Currently tools such as PMESII (Political, Military, Economic, Societal, Infrastructure, Information)[xxxiv] through to the excel spreadsheet in the British issued human terrain packs can provide valuable tools to begin the collection and processing of human domain information
In short, it utilizes the psyop to persuade the population with co-opted leaders and copious amounts of propaganda and more subtle means of compliance and coercion.
While watchful Americans shudder at the possibilities suggested by these training exercises, those who have been involved in these ‘humanitarian’ occupation campaigns throughout the convoluted and dragged out Aghanistan war have pointed to its profound failures:
“The use of short-term aid and relief programmes as part of counter-insurgency has been ineffectual, and that, in places
such as Afghanistan, it may even have undermined the overall military goal of defeating insurgents.”
After all, the tactic – as its cries of peace play against a backdrop of a military invasion – are as chilling and empty as the words of a Martian visitor repeating “We come in peace” before attacking a stunned and off guard opponent.
What history does teach us it is good for, however, is dealing with dissidents and stifling opposition.
Many of the conspiracy theorists watching the events so closely have suggested that Jade Helm-type exercises are the perfect pretexts for “red list” operations.
Meanwhile, someone caught footage of a drill in Florida wherein military personnel roundup up citizen role-players and loaded them into vans for rendition:
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and now for something completely different...ever since monty python quit their show we have to relay on infowars for good chuckles...infowars is actually even more funnier than montypython...too bad some think infowars is actually true

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Why does this forum continue to attract fuckwits who like posting conspiracy theories

Take your meds and leave the rest of us alone....

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