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Windows Firewall Control


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Microsoft Windows have already built-in default, free and powerful firewalls, but unfortunately, they lack a simple interface to define own simple rules and can be difficult sometimes to configure them the right way. Windows Firewall Control is a nifty little application which extends the functionality of the Windows Firewall and provides quick access to the most frequent options of Windows Firewall. It runs in the system tray and allows user to control the native firewall easily without having to waste time by navigating to the specific part of the firewall. Windows Firewall Control offers four filtering modes which can be switched with just a mouse click. WFC is free to use, registered users will get the advantage of learning mode which provides notifications for outgoing blocked connections.

Thanks to ARMOUR for the update.


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I did an over the top install of this version over my previously activated one,

The product is activated but I am not able to receive any notification popup about apps trying to connect online.

Profile - Medium , Notification - High.

What is wrong? :think:

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I did an over the top install of this version over my previously activated one,

The product is activated but I am not able to receive any notification popup about apps trying to connect online.

Profile - Medium , Notification - High.

What is wrong? :think:

yep happened to me i just reset my wfc settings to default an it worked!!

do one thing goto RUN

and type

wfc -reset

HOPE this works


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Hello all. I have found the problem with the missing notifications, there is a problem, but the problem was in the old implementation.


With the old implementation of the notification system, when a connection is blocked, the notification system works like this:

1. It checks against all existing block rules for the same path. If there is a block rule which denies the local port, remote port, remote address or protocol, then the notification is not displayed.

2. It checks against all existing allow rules for the same path for the same criteria. If there is an allow rule that matches the blocked connection, then a new notification is not displayed. This step is for compatibility purposes because other programs may block a connection, not only Windows Firewall, but all this activity is logged in the Security log.

But the problem with this implementation is that generic rules that apply to all programs are not taken into consideration. This implementation checks only the rules defined for the same path.

This means that you can define a block all rule for a specific remote port and when you launch a program that uses that remote port, the notification system does not check against this generic rule and displays a new notification. Which is not correct.


In the new algorithm introduced in version I have also added at step 1 and 2 all existing rules for the same path and ALL EXISTING RULES DEFINED FOR ALL PROGRAMS.

Now, when WFC is searching for matching rules it will check also against the generic rules to avoid the red problem. For this reason, a lot more rules will match the search criteria. Especially generic allow rules which should be avoided.

So, to cut the story short:


I have added a new check box in the Notifications tab. Check the screenshot below.


A) When this check box is checked, the new algorithm is used. This is the correct algorithm that should be used. This will reduce the number of notifications because more rules will match the search criteria. Some notifications will not appear because of the generic allow rules that apply to all programs. You should consider removing such rules and replace them with specific rules for specific programs. If you are forced to define an allow rule for all programs, make sure you customize it for specific ports, IP addresses, etc. Do not create generic allow all rules for all programs, because in this scenario, any phone home software will be able to connect to the Internet. This is not desirable.

B) When this check box is unchecked, the old algorithm is used. It will work like it worked in version But keep in mind this has some limitations, generic rules are not taken into consideration and some unwanted notifications may be displayed.

But the new thing is that I managed to add support for checking for the LOCATION of a rule. Now, WFC checks against local port, remote port, remote address, protocol and location. Now, we can define new rules for Public location and still get notifications in Private location.

Please download version from the URL below and let me know if this works for you.


Please share your feedback. If everything works fine for you too, I will make this public.

Thank you for your continuos support.

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yep happened to me i just reset my wfc settings to default an it worked!!

do one thing goto RUN

and type

wfc -reset

HOPE this works


Thanks, tip seemed to work, i also had to restore it to default through the app in the Rules Tab.

Kantry's advise mixed with Ultravires' note worked for me :thumbsup:

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