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Americans Unconcerned About Government Spying


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Americans Unconcerned About Government Spying
:lol: :lol: rTijMse.jpg :lol: :lol:
Americans are almost evenly divided when it comes to concern over mass government spying nearly two years after the leak of unprecedented bulk surveillance programs by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
According to a Monday report by Pew Research, 52 percent of Americans “describe themselves as ‘very concerned’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ about government surveillance of Americans’ data and electronic communications,” while 46 percent were “not very” or “not at all concerned.”
Of respondents who have heard of the programs, 61 percent “have become less confident the surveillance efforts are serving the public interest,” and 37 percent have become more confident.
Fifteen percent of Americans have begun taking steps to secure data online by customizing privacy controls on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and another 15 percent say they’ve altered the way they use cellphones.
When it comes to taking the additional step of using encryption, 40 percent of Americans haven’t used or considered using the anonymous web browsing platform Tor, and 39 percent haven’t even heard of it. A similar number haven’t used or considered encrypted email services or privacy plugins such as PGP or DoNotTrackMe. Fifty-four percent believe such tools would be too difficult to find or use.
Pew found that there were “no partisan differences when it comes to those who have changed their use of various technologies.”
A larger percentage approve of such surveillance provided it’s deployed overseas or against high-profile public figures. For instance, 60 percent said it was okay to monitor the communications of American and foreign leaders, and 54 percent said it was acceptable to monitor foreign citizens in general.
Fifty-seven percent said it was “unacceptable for the government to monitor the communications of U.S. citizens.”
The study comes several months before the congressional deadline to renew several key provisions of the Patriot Act, which provide the legal underpinning for such programs. (RELATED: Lawmakers Push To Pass NSA Bill Before Patriot Act Expires)
An extension is unlikely to pass without at least some of the changes proposed in a bill defeated late last year by Senate Republicans, who have yet to propose a solution of their own. (RELATED: Senate Sinks NSA Reform)
Officials in the intelligence community including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have already begun warning that the U.S. will face a significant risk of missing valuable intelligence related to terrorism without renewal.
(RELATED: NSA Bulk Records Collection Faces Renewal) via the link below...


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As long as they can watch crappy TV shows and talk about the Kardashians, the average person won't care until the world is actually on fire and looters are stealing their shit and raping and killing their family.

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hey the public let ron reagan to circumvent the constitution and they even called him an american hero for doing it....and the bush family did whatever they wanted regardless of the law or moral right /wrong ....and ....clinton and JFK got away being a jerks of husbands/men... so why is this a surprise to you...just to scratch the surface of politics....

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hey the public let ron reagan to circumvent the constitution and they even called him an american hero for doing it....and the bush family did whatever they wanted regardless of the law or moral right /wrong ....and ....clinton and JFK got away being a jerks of husbands/men... so why is this a surprise to you...just to scratch the surface of politics....

Society elects the worst psychopaths to rule them, thinking that psychopaths are the obvious creepy slow guys who go on murder and rape binges, when the true measure of a successful psychopath is can they put on a suit, smile, and get elected promising the world while devising a master plan to screw the voters. The kind of people who get a kick out of buying businesses and destroying them for gain at the loss of thousands of jobs, businesses that could have been saved and made profitable. We were royally screwed when our choice was a man like that, vs the spineless backstabbing appeasing fool we have now. Voting is choosing between getting bent over by a Donkey or an Elephant. We don't allow anything else to happen. People are too stupid to have allowed the system to become anything but two-party groupthink.

The founding fathers knew it would happen, believed regular revolutions would be required to prevent it, and it is too late now. There will be no hope and change, no chance of increasing prosperity, just a sham to let people think it is still OK (food costs skyrocketing but we kept TV and alcohol low), this is the decline, the country has been bought and sold and they own us all, and nobody gives a damn. I don't expect people to DO anything, what could they do? Protest and get killed with Tanks or just shout in vain? But they don't even give a shit that their quality of life has been ruined, that they will work 60+ hours a week with ZERO job security and record low pay if you adjust for inflation, nothing more than "human resources" like pieces of scrap paper, and never get the pensions that those lucky enough to have been born far enough back and die before the money runs out and they end up thrown in the cold to starve. They don't care that their "rights" are conditional, a complete sham. I can say whatever I want - EXCEPT if it offends someone or if the government doesn't like it. I can expect not to be searched without a warrant - oh wait only from actual men with guns, drones, viruses, GPS under the car, all fair game, surely the founding fathers only meant privacy invasion could be done in person. Guns are evil because one low-life a year gets blasted on the media like it happens 24/7, never mind that crime has nosedived. Oh but we buy AR-!5s by the thousands, call them great defensive weapons in buildings (home), but if you want one you must be an evil psycho baby killer and we'll spy on you and tell everyone we thought you were a terrorist if it goes public.

Many people loved Reagan, JFK, and more recently Clinton. Sure Clinton had a paper surplus, but he made NAFTA and kicked the can down the road. Bush got his own shit, and Obama inherited the housing crash. Sure as hell something bad will happen in a few years. That absurdly high stock market looks long overdue for a correction, and I'm still waiting for negative interest rates so the bank can take their pathetic interest they give on thousands and thousands and just charge to hold all that money. The same money they use to make the economy unstable with their damn derivatives and bogus loans.

Well I've ranted on too long, gotta catch up on that celebrity gossip and trashy reality TV!

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Politicians scare them into giving up their privacy and freedom.....Congress overwhelmingly voted to take away protections because Reps and Senators were scarred of being thrown out of office if the didn't.

The scare machine works especially when you have half or less of eligible voters even bothering to register to vote and not even paying attention to what is going on.

It won't get any better because the millennials are even worse at participating then the rest of the population. Younger people seem not to care much about privacy either posting all their private business all over the net.

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Politicians scare them into giving up their privacy and freedom.....Congress overwhelmingly voted to take away protections because Reps and Senators were scarred of being thrown out of office if the didn't.

The scare machine works especially when you have half or less of eligible voters even bothering to register to vote and not even paying attention to what is going on.

It won't get any better because the millennials are even worse at participating then the rest of the population. Younger people seem not to care much about privacy either posting all their private business all over the net.

Even if they did vote it wouldn't matter. Mitt Robme or Scumbag puppet in chief. You get the illusion of Democracy but all these people are cut from the same cloth. You can't run for office without being corrupt and protection your own and other powerful interests at odds with most people's interests.

Besides rich old dudes really decide how Washington is run, from inside the system.

People who DO vote, do so because the electoral process has you believe that Left = Communism if you are a Republican, or Right = Nazis if you are a Democrat. Really they are the two most central and similar parties out of any nation, and in the end they are the same, arguing on just how few drops need to trickle down to make people shut up and keep voting for them.

The overall direction of the country hasn't budged one inch from Bush to Obama. Economy still in the gutter, still dealing with degenerate oxygen thieves who strap bombs to kids, while praising their neighbors who provide the oil, and still losing freedoms and jobs. Voting is the illusion of choice. I put my votes in and not a damn thing changed.

It was called public service because you weren't supposed to become royalty from legal insider trading and insane perks. It was supposed to be a job with awful benefits, so that only those who took up the job would be making a sacrifice to push changes they felt were good for the country. Today it is just the rich, powerfull, well connected, passing whatever doesn't screw them over.

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I agree with you....Both parties are just two faces on one party....No argument there.

They are all paid for by the same corporate masters. So why wouldn't the be the same. Without turning corporations into entities that only get to operate with the permission of the government and can not interfere or donate to elections. There is no real solution there.

Both parties also have their useful idiots...The extreme right wing and evangelicals on one side and the extreme left and social liberals on the other. We are definitely being played. But we as you point out don't have real power to stop it.

No independent candidate exists that could get the billion or so needed to run for President. Just not possible and without that money no chance whatsoever.

That is why the two parties have already picked out Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton to run. Either way, corporations win. Either will pump money into wasted defense projects. Both will hand out just enough social program money to keep people thinking that neither is so bad.

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I agree with you....Both parties are just two faces on one party....No argument there.

They are all paid for by the same corporate masters. So why wouldn't the be the same. Without turning corporations into entities that only get to operate with the permission of the government and can not interfere or donate to elections. There is no real solution there.

Both parties also have their useful idiots...The extreme right wing and evangelicals on one side and the extreme left and social liberals on the other. We are definitely being played. But we as you point out don't have real power to stop it.

No independent candidate exists that could get the billion or so needed to run for President. Just not possible and without that money no chance whatsoever.

That is why the two parties have already picked out Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton to run. Either way, corporations win. Either will pump money into wasted defense projects. Both will hand out just enough social program money to keep people thinking that neither is so bad.

Exactly, another Bush (Because that worked out so well), or another Clinton, who has not performed very well in the admin to deserve a shot (maybe get elected, so people can say hey I elected a black man and now a woman). Both families going way back and having the connections.

I don't even think money is enough. An honest man with billions of funding will lose to a crook who can evade being seen as a crook, and use dirty methods to wreck the other guy. I don't believe you can make it past the elections and actually have good morals. It is a dog eat dog game.

What we need is to have power over these people. They both just propose an awful law, so that people accept a less awful one that is still 110% bad for them, they both place their own beyond legal reproach (their banker funders don't go to jail for ruining the economy, they pay $100 million, take their $100 billion profit, fire 50% of their employees, and work the rest 3X harder for 50% pay. How can you possibly change a system that anyone who makes it to power in is completely beyond punishment?

If you most of them AIDS or Cancer, that would be cured almost immediately. If most of them went to jail, no matter how rich, powerful or connected, and I'm talking pound my ass prison in general population, not Club Fed luxury hotel, there'd be a hell of a lot less corruption. But they own the SEC and the DOJ and all the people who would bring charges against them, and we the people aren't allowed to take them direct to court to a fair trial.

The extent of most peoples' political activism, is them fighting about something the other party supposedly supports. It is why 99.999% of the news (which they own) debates are abortions and gay marriage, stuff that has completely no effect on the prosperity, but people are heavily divided on. Bankers and this crap get footnoted. They dare not mention to the unwashed masses who get called off 1 sick day and fired (at a restaurant, we demand you sneeze on the food so we can fire you for cause), that other countries have mandated.

Oh that and healthcare are socialism (like the highways)! It will take away all the jobs and destroy us. But we dare not touch Social Security because we have large elderly voting bases. When they die you young dumbasses lose that too, who cares that you paid in.

I don't want us to become a nation where people who refuse to work still get everything, but I believe that nobody that puts in a full week's work (and that's not 12 hours 6 days a week, managers), should have to worry about the cost of food being too expensive and gas spiking and see nothing but financial ruin staring back every day, or fear their family will be destroyed if they get cancer or even so much as a minor injury. But they do because GM used to be the biggest employer and people would be making like $40 today, but the biggest employer now is Wal-Mart, and they design it so you can't possibly only work there and not get on the system, while they consume all small business in their area bit by bit. Everyone that is actually a decent productive citizen, shouldn't be a slave who will work half their worth and disposed of because everywhere sucks and people have to eat. This isn't the 1800s.

The news dare not tell that those 100K jobs they praise our leaders for bringing to the table are all low wage service jobs where you can be fired for looking the wrong way and there are 1000 people they will replace you with once they've burned you out, or that unemployment is down because people ran out and there's no jobs to get them back to 1/2 their former state, because they went away, so they work the gas stations and dollar stores. $8 an hour, just a few quarters above minimum wage, you aren't keeping that house you bought when you could get 5X money easily before outsourcing sent the high skilled jobs away with the low skilled ones.

It isn't the corporations that donate (don't know why, they are officially people now), but the CEOs who run them. they donate for short term gain. Everything, Big Business or Big Government, is about Short-Term Gain, Long-Term Loss, because fuck you I got mine and I won't be around when people see the damage I caused, someone else will be the CEO or the President.

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