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Strike: Public Tracker & DHT Searches Presented Cleanly


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Strike: Public Tracker & DHT Searches Presented Cleanly

Strike is a new torrent search engine and as far as we know the first to index not only all public trackers but also BitTorrent's 'trackerless' Distributed Hash Table. With a less is more philosophy, Strike tries to intelligently return only the best results and operates with zero advertising. A friendly API is provided for developers alongside a no-logging policy.

There are dozens of torrent site engines online today but to attract our attention new entrants have to stand out from the crowd by doing things somewhat differently.

Strike has only been online for a few days but it certainly fits that billing in a number of ways, despite its plain appearance.


Firstly, and in common with many other sites, Strike indexes public torrents. Creator Andrew Sampson informs TorrentFreak that his engine indexes all available public trackers, which is clearly a good start for a site of this type. However, Strike boosts its indexes by also scraping BitTorrent’s Distributed Hash Table. DHT search engines have appeared in the past but as far as we know, Strike is the first site to utilize both sets of resources.

We have covered DHT in detail in the past, but Sampson offers a quick refresher.

“DHT basically is a second P2P protocol aiming to replace trackers. It stores pairs of info hashes and updates the swarm if it receives announce messages. When it comes to DHT every [torrent] client is announcing themselves as being present. Because of this I’m able to scrape millions of torrents in a decentralized manner; not having to rely on trackers themselves,” the dev told TF.


Site - Update - they added a popup for a "donation" it mentions someone who has died, not sure who.


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