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Create Shortcut Icons for Keyboard Shortcuts


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Hi, is there a program that allows users to assign keyboard shortcuts and save those as icons on the desktop?

For example, pressing Alt + F4 shows the window that allows the user to shutdown, restart, etc. Now I would like this shortcut to be created as a icon on my desktop so when I click that icon, this same window should show up.


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create a shortcut & use the command

shutdown: %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 00

restart: %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00

Usage: shutdown [/i | /l | /s | /r | /g | /a | /p | /h | /e | /o] [/hybrid] [/f]    [/m \\computer][/t xxx][/d [p|u:]xx:yy [/c "comment"]]    No args    Display help. This is the same as typing /?.    /?         Display help. This is the same as not typing any options.    /i         Display the graphical user interface (GUI).               This must be the first option.    /l         Log off. This cannot be used with /m or /d options.    /s         Shutdown the computer.    /r         Full shutdown and restart the computer.    /g         Full shutdown and restart the computer. After the system is               rebooted, restart any registered applications.    /a         Abort a system shutdown.               This can only be used during the time-out period.    /p         Turn off the local computer with no time-out or warning.               Can be used with /d and /f options.    /h         Hibernate the local computer.               Can be used with the /f option.    /hybrid    Performs a shutdown of the computer and prepares it for fast startup.               Must be used with /s option.    /e         Document the reason for an unexpected shutdown of a computer.    /o         Go to the advanced boot options menu and restart the computer.               Must be used with /r option.    /m \\computer Specify the target computer.    /t xxx     Set the time-out period before shutdown to xxx seconds.               The valid range is 0-315360000 (10 years), with a default of 30.               If the timeout period is greater than 0, the /f parameter is               implied.    /c "comment" Comment on the reason for the restart or shutdown.               Maximum of 512 characters allowed.    /f         Force running applications to close without forewarning users.               The /f parameter is implied when a value greater than 0 is               specified for the /t parameter.    /d [p|u:]xx:yy  Provide the reason for the restart or shutdown.               p indicates that the restart or shutdown is planned.               u indicates that the reason is user defined.               If neither p nor u is specified the restart or shutdown is               unplanned.               xx is the major reason number (positive integer less than 256).               yy is the minor reason number (positive integer less than 65536).Reasons on this computer:(E = Expected U = Unexpected P = planned, C = customer defined)Type    Major   Minor   Title U      0       0       Other (Unplanned)E       0       0       Other (Unplanned)E P     0       0       Other (Planned) U      0       5       Other Failure: System UnresponsiveE       1       1       Hardware: Maintenance (Unplanned)E P     1       1       Hardware: Maintenance (Planned)E       1       2       Hardware: Installation (Unplanned)E P     1       2       Hardware: Installation (Planned)E       2       2       Operating System: Recovery (Unplanned)E P     2       2       Operating System: Recovery (Planned)  P     2       3       Operating System: Upgrade (Planned)E       2       4       Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned)E P     2       4       Operating System: Reconfiguration (Planned)  P     2       16      Operating System: Service pack (Planned)        2       17      Operating System: Hot fix (Unplanned)  P     2       17      Operating System: Hot fix (Planned)        2       18      Operating System: Security fix (Unplanned)  P     2       18      Operating System: Security fix (Planned)E       4       1       Application: Maintenance (Unplanned)E P     4       1       Application: Maintenance (Planned)E P     4       2       Application: Installation (Planned)E       4       5       Application: UnresponsiveE       4       6       Application: Unstable U      5       15      System Failure: Stop error U      5       19      Security issue (Unplanned)E       5       19      Security issue (Unplanned)E P     5       19      Security issue (Planned)E       5       20      Loss of network connectivity (Unplanned) U      6       11      Power Failure: Cord Unplugged U      6       12      Power Failure: Environment  P     7       0       Legacy API shutdown
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Thanks but I think you misunderstood my question. I am aware how to create the individual shortcuts for shutdown, logoff, etc., but I need a program that remembers key assignments and saves them as icons on desktop. In the above example, when I click on the icon, the same dialog box should show up.

Another example: Windows Logo+R shows the Run dialog box. However, I would like this to be a shortcut icon on desktop so that I can open the run dialog box when I click on it. Thanks!

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and to change the screen, you can create a .exe?
I have 2 screens connected to the computer
to change the screen I press Win + P

ok solved :P sorry for the post

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user@nsaneforums: Thanks! I used AHK and it worked. Would you suggest AutoIt? Which one is more easy & user friendly?

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