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ADGUARD for WIN / MAC [ Req Key ]


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Stop making people feeling bad by saying that they misunderstood you. I belive that november was spot on. You have a laptop, an android tab so you're keeping up to date with the technology somehow, but you use a pentium 3 with 40 gb HDD as a desktop? And then throw over problems with malware and etc., cmmon..

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I use the same endless premium key in two laptops+two androids+my friend's Desktop PC. :)

I think someone's prayers, were not fulfilled. ;)


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Stop making people feeling bad by saying that they misunderstood you. I belive that november was spot on. You have a laptop, an android tab so you're keeping up to date with the technology somhow, but you use a pentium 3 with 40 gb HDD as a desktop? And then throw over problems with malware and etc., cmmon..

@AlexCross, please make a note that I haven't upgraded my desktop. I am using it since 12 years . Try to understand my situation I decided not to spend money on upgrading my desktop, since I hardly use it just for emails. I make more use of my laptop since it has better Core2duo processor and big HDD compared to my desktop. Also, why are taking the side of @november_ra1n? Is he/she your relative? Are you his lawyer? Or something more..???By the way the misunderstanding was between @zavana and me & it has been sorted out . Why are you interfering in between? Mind your own business and don't poke your nose between other's affairs.

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Stop making people feeling bad by saying that they misunderstood you. I belive that november was spot on. You have a laptop, an android tab so you're keeping up to date with the technology somhow, but you use a pentium 3 with 40 gb HDD as a desktop? And then throw over problems with malware and etc., cmmon..

@AlexCross, please make a note that I haven't upgraded my desktop. I am using it since 12 years . Try to understand my situation I decided not to spend money on upgrading my desktop, since I hardly use it just for emails. I make more use of my laptop since it has better Core2duo processor and big HDD compared to my desktop. Also, why are taking the side of @november_ra1n? Is he/she your relative? Are you his lawyer? Or something more..???By the way the misunderstanding was between @zavana and me & it has been sorted out . Why are you interfering in between? Mind your own business and don't poke your nose between other's affairs.


Wow! To zavana you wrote that... ”I am not blaming @November_ra1n”, but to AlexCross you jumped like a lion, telling him...”Mind your own business and don't poke your nose between other's Affairs”.

Homo homini lupus est!

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Can you please share one key.? Can the key be applied after a few days ? Any risk involved of it getting blacklisted if not applied immediately ? :-)

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Here I doing things simple yet...

@blazeblaze456, already given you the benefit of doubt so stop being dramatic.. whether your are a key collector anot I'll know

@others cut the shit out.. ain't helping anyone this way

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Can you please share one key.? Can the key be applied after a few days ? Any risk involved of it getting blacklisted if not applied immediately ? :-)

OP updated, post back if its fine with you

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KIS for android ??


Oh sorry i needed to read the header :unsure:

Adguard for windows!

Spending too time here is making you blurly lol

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KIS for android ??


Oh sorry i needed to read the header :unsure:

Adguard for windows!

Spending too time here is making you blurly lol

No that would be all the alcohol :lol:

Moderatoring under intoxication! lol

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HI a noob on the forum joined up searching for a key for Adguard i totaly understand if I can not have one but here goes :)

May i have a windows key please.

Thank you.

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Like to have 1 key for my Samsung

Thanks in advance!

Send, see PM.

HI a noob on the forum joined up searching for a key for Adguard i totaly understand if I can not have one but here goes :)

May i have a windows key please.

Thank you.

Welcome to nsane, see PM

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Update Feb 27 2015

Android Adguard version 1.1.835

What's new?

  • Added support of Habit browser and Yandex browser beta.
  • Google Messenger app added to exclusions list
  • Fixed a bug with local network exclusion. Now local network is properly excluded on all devices. This should fix some compatibility issues: working with local FTP servers, Sonos, Amazon Fire TV, etc.
  • Fixed filtering issue with websites which use Content-Security-Policy.
  • Fixed an issue with proxy+automatic filtering mode on devices with kernel version 3.10.
  • Fixed Adguard filtering in case of using proxy server with port 80.
  • Fixed UI issue when bandwidth saved value is more than 1GB.
  • Fixed major bug in the filtering engine.
  • Fixed Google Play Music compatibility issue.
  • Fixed an issue with waiting for ROOT access on device boot.

More Info

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