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How to block Ads and Trackers in IE 11 Without 3rd Party Software


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Go to safety , turn on tracking protection ,

You can add EasyList Standard and EasyPrivacy + 5 more list from here


And at Fanboy Site there's 5 more list you can add from here


And Abine list can be found here



See how easy that was :) If anyone know anymore list feel free to share ,,

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I use my own "IE9+_lists.html" file, open in IE, click on links and accept. Here is the code, you can adjust to your needs, so simple:

<a href="javascript:window.external.msAddTrackingProtectionList('http://easylist-msie.adblockplus.org/bulgarian_list+easylist.tpl', 'EasyList Bulgarian Protection List')">Add EasyList Bulgarian Tracking Protection List</a><br><br><a href="javascript:window.external.msAddTrackingProtectionList('http://easylist-msie.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.tpl', 'EasyPrivacy Protection List')">Add EasyPrivacy Tracking Protection List</a><br><br><a href="javascript:window.external.msAddTrackingProtectionList('http://easylist-msie.adblockplus.org/malwaredomains_full.tpl', 'Malware Domains Protection List')">Add Malware Domains Tracking Protection List</a>

PS: Don't use too much lists, especially major ones that can overlap each other, it can lag your browsing experience.


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Free tip of the day:

If you really must use IE, and you really shouldnt, but if you do, you should also go into Internet Options > Advanced
and tick Empty Temporary Internet Files Folder When Browser Is Closed

This alone can help alleviate your chances of getting malware on a windows PC. God only knows why, in the age of ADSL etc, when caching isnt as needed, this STILL isnt enabled by default.......

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Free tip of the day:

If you really must use IE, and you really shouldnt, but if you do, you should also go into Internet Options > Advanced


I use Gecko based browsers ether Firefox or Cyberfox mostly . in order to use it with a vpn and it not leak your ip using these you must disable WebRTC ... But in other browsers Goggle Chrome , Iron , Aviator , Opera and other Chromium based browsers there's no way to stop your ip from leaking .You got all these people who are using a VPN and proxies with the illusion that there ip is hidden .

So what do you use for a spare browser? .. Well IE dont contain WebRTC so it dont leak your ip to began with . So its security vs privacy .. As I pointed out and you pointed out there's ways to make IE safer ..Plus Microsoft patches it every month plus your anti malware programs . But dont seem Chromium is going to do anything about the WebRTC backdoor . And you like it or not IE is still the 2nd most used browser out there maybe that will change once windows 10 comes out if it ever get enough users . If people cared about there privacy at all they would stop using Chromium based and disable known backdoors in Gecko based browsers .

Even if you block Ads and Trackers in IE here's another tip you can blacklist known tracking sites yourself go to Internet Options > Security> Restricted Sites > Sites> Add witch sites you want to stop from being able to set cookies and stuff to you computer .

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