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Batch File


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Hi all:

I run manually the NTR 2014. Once run it I select the Revert/Convert option to finish the process.

My question:

Can I do that in a batch part, the part I do not know to write is:

click the Revert/Convert option.

Thanks for the help.

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why do you even bother that way, they make to ease not to hassle

However if you wish you can tried, see the scripts below:


NTR [Not For NS 2015]

@echo off
copy "%~dp0\cltDynam.dat" C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_21.6.0.32\Product
if %processor_architecture% == AMD64 goto X64
if %processor_architecture% == x86 goto X86

:X86 tested by iih1 nsane, wont works on NS2015
RD /S /Q C:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082
REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MSSYCLM /f

RD /S /Q C:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082
REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MSSYCLM /f

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why do you even bother that way, they make to ease not to hassle

However if you wish you can tried, see the scripts below:


NTR [Not For NS 2015]

@echo offcopy "%~dp0\cltDynam.dat" C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_21.6.0.32\Productif %processor_architecture% == AMD64 goto X64if %processor_architecture% == x86 goto X86:X86 tested by iih1 nsane, wont works on NS2015RD /S /Q C:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MSSYCLM /fCLS:X64RD /S /Q C:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MSSYCLM /fCLS

Wow!!!. I do not understand almost nothing. Going to follow your recomentation and use the traditional way.


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why do you even bother that way, they make to ease not to hassle

However if you wish you can tried, see the scripts below:


NTR [Not For NS 2015]

@echo offcopy "%~dp0\cltDynam.dat" C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_21.6.0.32\Productif %processor_architecture% == AMD64 goto X64if %processor_architecture% == x86 goto X86:X86 tested by iih1 nsane, wont works on NS2015RD /S /Q C:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MSSYCLM /fCLS:X64RD /S /Q C:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MSSYCLM /fCLS

Wow!!!. I do not understand almost nothing. Going to follow your recomentation and use the traditional way.Thanks.


Curiosity question. You must used a program for some of the information there in the batch file. If so which one you used?


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He used no program just looked under paths to find locations of needed info to remove/delete. I would add 2>nul to the beginning of line and >nul at the end, to remove directory incase other folders and files are still inside it which could cause error on some OS's. Also would add >nul to the end of the reg files to delete to null output. Then no need to use CLS to clear the screen. Just some suggestions. I have never used this app myself but I do a lot of scripting on a daily basis. It all depends on the OS you are wanting to use the batch file on. Win 8.x comes with powershell where vista/win7 doesn't unless the end user installs it themselves. Powershell gives the command prompt more options thus why some commands work in win vista/7 and some don't.

Example of powershell added command that is not in win vista and 7 natively.

RD /S /Q yada yada yada 2>nul&1

The & symbol is seen as next line without powershell installed. With powershell it is seen as one command. This command nulls out 3 outputs so nothing is shown in command prompt window.

This method seen here will work on either OS's with/without powershell and does the same...

2>nul RD /S /Q yada yada yada >nul

I probably confused you even more. lol

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