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Urgent: Mega screwed up laptop


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It seems this laptop is completely screwed, the way it behaves is very abnormal. i cant drag and drop items using the mouse, i cant run check disk program because at the start of every boot a the laptop randomly pressed keys so it skips the check screen very quickly, programs such as jv16 powertools freeze when opened, and i cant seem to delete certain files because everything seems to be corrupted....

Any programs that can check the computer other than check disk? Any programs to help? Any thing i should check out?

I need help otherwise i will be forced to reformat it, but is something i dont want to do since he is against it just as much as i am. Friends laptop btw.

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try running "spinrite 6". its a bootcd that checks every sector on your disk, and repares them. corrupted files as well. works great! ive used it to fix several of my drives. fantastic program.

edit: dont understand what you mean with "start of every boot a the laptop randomly pressed keys so it skips the check screen". but if you cant boot to anything other than win with the selection screen (f8?) then set the cd to first boot priority in bios.

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