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The costs of our servers, domains and licenses (forum software) are about 800 - 900 USD a year. Since we had to move from Google AdSense to Infolinks and more and more people started using adblockers (which we completely understand, I'm using one myself) our ad revenue has declined to less than 50 USD a month. I'm not that good at math but 50 * 12

We've never asked for donations and we won't start now! Instead we offer you the opportunity to buy any of the graphics listed on our share page for a price of your choice. After purchasing one of these graphics you can simply go to the share page and download one of the graphics by right-clicking and choosing "Save image as".

If our "sales" amount to 2000 USD or more the artist has offered to individually pay for a faster server for the forums! (The money will only be used for our server costs, even if the target is not reached.)

Crowdfund here!

Do note that while it may be technically possible there will be severe punishments if you attempt to download an image without paying for it or if you download multiple images while making just one payment! ;)

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Done... ^_^ ($20 USD)

nsane forever! :wub:


I've been a member of nsane for some years now and when I wake up, the first thing I check is nsane FP and ofcourse the forums, the things I learned on this site are enormous, the community is very helpful and especially november_ra1n is a huge +1 for this site... and many other members are also a big help ofcourse..

I hope I will enjoy nsane many, many years to come and that more users will follow my example and donate.. :rockon:

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long live nsane.. but one thing......

The costs of our servers, domains and licenses (forum software) are about 800 - 900 USD a year.

our ad revenue has declined to less than 50 USD a month. I'm not that good at math but 50 * 12 < 800

almost already reaching to that mark :huh:

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Not running adblock on nsanedown, and nsaneforums will help for something I guess. I have excluded nsane from adblock.

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What is your opinion on developing app that would fetch frontpaged software from nsane to users.

Software could run in background/tray and would inform users about new software or updates, offer direct download, changelog etc.

You could add option so user can track other, non frontpaged, software approved by staff or trusted members.

Offer any software developer/customer/user to pay in order to place software on frontpage, for one year, in case software is clean and functional.

Another addition would be to allow developers/trusted members to easily, with app, upload software to nsane.

This is just a rough idea - I hope you get the point.

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What is your opinion on developing app that would fetch frontpaged software from nsane to users.

Software could run in background/tray and would inform users about new software or updates, offer direct download, changelog etc.

You could add option so user can track other, non frontpaged, software approved by staff or trusted members.

Offer any software developer/customer/user to pay in order to place software on frontpage, for one year, in case software is clean and functional.

Another addition would be to allow developers/trusted members to easily, with app, upload software to nsane.

This is just a rough idea - I hope you get the point.

I don't think we want to be forced to make any decisions due to any financial situation.

But good ideas are always welcome, please post it in the feedback section!

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long live nsane.. but one thing......

The costs of our servers, domains and licenses (forum software) are about 800 - 900 USD a year.

our ad revenue has declined to less than 50 USD a month. I'm not that good at math but 50 * 12 < 800

almost already reaching to that mark :huh:

The goal of 2000 is set to allow for a better server (which many users have requested in the past) which will cause some cost increase. If we don't reach that goal the money will simply be used to keep our current servers functioning.

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I would Gladly Make a Donation if someone could send me a PM with an Address to send a Check. I do not do Credit Cards on the Internet. I may make an Exception in this circumstance, if there is NO other way to make a Donation.

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I was also interested in donations this forum, How do ???

===========> ^-^ <===========

Click the link on first post and follow the instruction, you can donate with your paypal account or credit card

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I was also interested in donations this forum, How do ???

===========> ^-^ <===========

Click the link on first post and follow the instruction, you can donate with your paypal account or credit card

I am not have account paypal :unsure: but can donate on payout site, How do ??? :lol:

================> ^_^ <================

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nsane is worthy of a donation from me. I will purchase one of those VISA gift cards next friday when I get my first paycheck from new job. That way nsane gets a well deserved donation and I can keep my private info just that...private! Getting a faster server would be nice too but nsane needs to stay operational and if it takes a few bucks from us members (who can/want to contribute) thats OK with me. Glad to help...put nsane down on my to do list for payday along with my other bills. :)

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I don't think we want to be forced to make any decisions due to any financial situation.

But good ideas are always welcome, please post it in the feedback section!

Sorry for reply but,

I was thinking of creating value which you could offer so people can purchase it in order to support nsane.

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All donations have been received in order.

For those concerned with their privacy a prepaid debit card might be a good idea. I don't have much experience with it myself but it seems locoJoe does, so maybe he's willing to give a few pointers ;)

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I don't have much but paid $5

Long live Nsanedown :-)

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I don't have much but paid $5

Long live Nsanedown :-)

That's relatively infinitely more than 0 and a very well appreciated donation ;)

If 5% of our monthly visitors would give 5 USD we wouldn't have to ask for donations for about 10 years.

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All donations have been received in order.

For those concerned with their privacy a prepaid debit card might be a good idea. I don't have much experience with it myself but it seems locoJoe does, so maybe he's willing to give a few pointers ;)

Go here for all the info anyone would ever need about VISA gift cards

For the purpose of donating to nsane while keeping your info secure I believe these two facts are most relevant:

Can I use my Visa Gift card for online or phone purchases?
  • Yes. However, to make an online or phone purchase, you will need to register your card. You can do this by either calling the issuer, or by visiting their web site.
  • When you make an online or phone purchase, the name, address, and phone number you use will need to be exactly the same as the information you provided when registering your card. If the information is different, the transaction may be declined.
  • You can verify or update your information by visiting the card provider's web site, or by contacting them using the toll-free number provided in your card documentation.
Can I use my Visa Gift card outside of the United States?

If your gift card states Valid only in the United Stateson the front, your issuer has issued a Domestic Use Onlycard. Although your gift card will not be accepted at locations outside of the United States, it's welcome at millions of locations within the U.S. where Visa Debit cards are accepted.

The info must be identical but does not have to be true ;)

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