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Internet Download Manager 6.21 Build 18


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Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use. Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.

Thanks to sternog for the update.


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IDM 6.21 Build 18-[Pre-Patched IDMan.exe + Serial + Retail Installation]:


VirusTotal 0/57 >>>

here we go

Dr.November_Ra1n of IDM

BTW I like this day for updates when IDM comes with Adobe Flashplayer,Adobe Air and Adobe Shockwave

BEST WISHES FOR ALL U NSANE :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Hello,are Patch Reis Update 4 still works ? Because when I try to patch,when it comes to Internet Download Manager.exe,it says can't found. Maybe there's a new Patch Reis Update 5 ? Please give me some info. Thanks.

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Where is preactivated version by BRAVO? :(

Just wait..Bro..it's will comes...as usual.

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Hello,are Patch Reis Update 4 still works ? Because when I try to patch,when it comes to Internet Download Manager.exe,it says can't found. Maybe there's a new Patch Reis Update 5 ? Please give me some info. Thanks.

Still works open the patch inside the IDM Directory or browse the IDMan.exe

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Confirmed :(

And even if i force flash (with click to play), still problems

Did you try Find the file called ffmpegsumo.dll where Chrome is installed ..Delete it or move it out of that folder, the problem is Goggle owns YouTube they baned all add ons that can download from YouTube from there store . its against Chromes terms of service to download from YouTube. You would be better off using Firefox are a app that can download from YouTube without a browser. Its not and IDM problem its a Chrome problem.

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Patch by T3D1-MC is also working perfectly

also this patch doesnot contain virus like REiS

T3D1-MC still [include IDMGrHlp.exe], Used REiS Update 4 more less False Positive or Patcher by iOTA,D10N4,addhaloka.

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REiS dont contain virus most antivirus contain bogus data bases (false postives) is all . I dont think a respected cracker group in the web seance like REiS would give you a virus . Once you patch the exe the file is clean . Anyways I didn't have to patch at all blocking ips in my firewall still holds. :lol:

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Did you try Find the file called ffmpegsumo.dll where Chrome is installed ..Delete it or move it out of that folder, the problem is Goggle owns YouTube they baned all add ons that can download from YouTube from there store . its against Chromes terms of service to download from YouTube. You would be better off using Firefox are a app that can download from YouTube without a browser. Its not and IDM problem its a Chrome problem.

First of all, when i say problems i don't mean anything major, just the IDM panel isn't shown correctly. And that only if i change default YT options (HTML5 with autoplay).

This ffmpegsumo.dll, what it does is to force YT to use HTML5. If i delete it, it uses flash. Anything else

It's a conflict between IDM and Magic Actions or something

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Confirmed :(

And even if i force flash (with click to play), still problems

Did you try Find the file called ffmpegsumo.dll where Chrome is installed ..Delete it or move it out of that folder, the problem is Goggle owns YouTube they baned all add ons that can download from YouTube from there store . its against Chromes terms of service to download from YouTube. You would be better off using Firefox are a app that can download from YouTube without a browser. Its not and IDM problem its a Chrome problem.

Don't delete, or move ffmpegsumo.dll. YouTube Crashes. Copy / paste ffmpegsumo.dll to the desktop. Rename it to ffmpeg.dll, move it back to Chrome's folder. Go to YouTube. Load a video, and look for IDM's icon is its usual spot. If not, it might be one of changes below, or both.

1. Delete every safebrowsing file here. C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Safebrowsing

2. Delete YouTube 4.2.6 C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo\4.2.6_0


buy renaming it , still the samething as removing it.


people have been removing for years even before they had addons to force flash .

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Hi every nsane member :) :) :yes: ...thank for this update of IDM. :stfu: .

SBox i currently unavailable from here.. so if u don't mind i want to ask for a help. Plz anybody if got the latest update of Movavi Video Converter 15.2.0 crack of patch working... :ermm: :ermm:

Plz help, thanks in advance... :thumbsup:

I don't know it is ok to reply u here in IDM Topic

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I'm having problem getting IDM plugin to work at all on the x64 portable version of the current chrome . I can get magic actions to load flash player but IDM module not working for me . I never had this trouble before testing it .

ffmpegsumo.dll. YouTube Crashes. Copy / paste ffmpegsumo.dll to the desktop. Rename it to ffmpeg.dll

renaming it , still the same thing both crashes on me seems they killed that work around after all these years .. All this crap Ill just stick with Firefox for my default browser

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Patch by T3D1-MC is also working perfectly

also this patch doesnot contain virus like REiS

Yes, REiS patch much of a virus is, it eats your PC in a whole and the only thing left will be crumbs consisting of dust and aero, don't use! LMAO.

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