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Total Uninstall 6.11.0


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Total Uninstall is a complete uninstaller which include two working modes: - "Installed programs" module analyze existing installations and create a log with installation changes. It is able to uninstall applications even without the help of supplied Add/Remove program. - "Monitored programs" module helps to monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new application. It allows you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied Add/Remove program which can leave files or changes behind.


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Total Uninstall and Directory Opus: two good, uncrackable apps :D

Uncrackable? Give me a working key for Total Uninstall 6.11.0. I bet you I can whip it in to shape real fast . I never seen a version TU I couldn't get to work yet if there was a working key .. :)

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There isn't such a thing as an "uncrackable" program, but lack of time, talent and/or interest mainly. As steven36 said, this one is still usable, given you have a valid setup and a key, there are some workarounds for it. I don't use any special uninstaller but ccleaner sporadically, and I don't see the point about all the fuzz around this program, maybe it's because the constant cat and mouse's game Gavrila likes to play? Anyway, "if it runs it can be cracked", reversers use to say.

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With Registry Trash Keys Finder everytime, this is applied TU Trial shows 30 days again...

Not going to bother, due to lack of keys before I used 6.3.1 for almost a year now there's a lack of keys again i should be just fine using 6.7.1 tell windows 10 comes out 2 things i plain to buy in 2015 is windows 10 if its not free to windows 8.1 users and a vpn when mine expires if there's no more good giveaways by then . But I'm not sure about buying something for a year just to uninstall programs :lol: I wonder did YU become abandon-ware they didn't update around Christmas like they always do? This topic got boreing back in October. :P

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With Registry Trash Keys Finder everytime, this is applied TU Trial shows 30 days aga

as i tried. although TU can run and show 30 days left. but analyst not working and can not uninstall any thing. so not work at all !

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We should remove this app from frontpage :lol: lol

can't we have a wishlist for uncracked, then use a small portion from forum donation to buy & share those top-wished

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We should remove this app from frontpage :lol: lol

can't we have a wishlist for uncracked, then use a small portion from forum donation to buy & share those top-wished

I belonged to many boards that had request sections and there's cracker boards that have them ..But really this app never gets cracked right . When ever the crackers get just about cracked right they lose interest and never make a really good crack . Many have swore off even cracking this program . You crack it right no telling what Gavrila may do next . :lol: With this program really there's only 2 options use old versions and wait on a key that's even if your computer setup permits you to use it blocked or rent it by buying a key once a year . :P

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TU is powerful application, why hackers don't put it on wanted list ? :showoff:

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1st off dont get crackers confused with hackers . There's a big difference in an reverse enginner who can reverse code for fun than some script kiddies that try to hack your computer. :P

​Once JW. who target this software , revo pro and others before . He told us dont even use nothing but normal windows uninstall . And his computer worked fine without it . You take the majority of people they just normal windows uninstall. If your just update overtop and use portables you dont be doing much uninstalling no ways . Only time I uninstall something is mostly when I find a portable to replace something or I find I dont want use it anymore . Most everything i just update over top B)​ .

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no fix =,don't spam .

​Because you have a fix it gives you a license to spam ? Someone who bought this software or uses this software has a right to talk about if they want, its a news post .

​Here's a good article I found about 3rd party uninstallers HTG Explains: Should You Use a Third-Party Uninstaller?


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Good article and it mentions REVO Uninstaller which I use. I stopped using Total Uninstall a long time ago as it was too aggressive in removing registry keys and if you don't know what you're doing, then you'll have problems. For me, it ruined my operating system and its stability. I will stick with only two uninstallers. REVO, which I already mentioned, and Your Uninstaller. Neither one of these programs have screwed up my operating system. I guess everyone has their preference though.

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^^^ This guy, again.... asking for "free key" what a joke :tooth: ! he never learn for what he did in past.

Good job @software182 !!! :P :doh: :tooth:

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With Registry Trash Keys Finder everytime, this is applied TU Trial shows 30 days aga

as i tried. although TU can run and show 30 days left. but analyst not working and can not uninstall any thing. so not work at all !

Yes it works, @kien-vip! I always test before ... You forgot something for sure.

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Kien is right

analyst section doesn't work even if you got still the 30 days after using RTKF

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First of all mine is Win7 Pro Sp1 (x64) and this method works for me.

How to do in order to get again 30 days trial using Registry Trash keys Finder with Total Uninstall 6.11.0 :-

1)- Should be done with Net Off ;

2)- Install Revo Uninstaller 3.12 ;

3)- Uninstall previous Total Uninstall with Revo Uninstaller and reboot PC;

4)- Clean remained files. ( I use Filelocator pro 7.5.2077, Registry Crawler, Wise Care 365-v. 3.41.298, Registry Organizer 7.01 b, CCleaner 5.01.5075 + CCenhancer 4.2 , Xleaner 4.28.1368 ) ;

5)- Clean Registry keys ( WinLicense 1.x - I clean all ) with Registry Trash Keys Finder and reboot PC when done;

6)- Install now TU 6.11.0 and verify then if all is OK opening program. It must show 30 days trial unregistered ;

7)- Advance Windows date ( i did to 1 February 2016) ;

8a) - Open again TU 6.11.0 and it should show Trial Expired ;

9)- Close TU and use again RTKF, cleaning all Winlicense 1.x ;

10)- Open TU and see if shows 30 days left ;

11)- Uninstall some program (s) you have in your PC and see if it works well ;

12)- Return to actual date;

13)- Apply again RTKF if necessary and reboot PC in order to get 30 days .


Note :- If it fails that`s probably because you are using Windows 8.1.



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