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40 Reasons Why You DON'T Need An Antivirus


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A new article was just released on EMSISOFT BLOG.

In humorous form it basically lists various occasions for getting infected by malware.

Some of them are rather obvious, while other are not at all.

Therefore it is worth to read and check how safe is our comp.




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They make it sound like if you install Emsisoft Antivirus, you will never get infected.

If you trust your antivirus too much, you will get infected sooner or later (100% guarantee). If you have an antivirus installed, it will make you less careful and you will likely download and install some malware because you think your antivirus would protect you if it was malware.

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I will give you 1 reason why you dont need an antivirus soft:> because you dont need one! IMO anyone who still relies on an AV solution to protect their system is living in the past.

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I don't use antivirus, since many years ago...

But, if you a beginner in computer technology / software, etc, don't take a risk, or you can infected, even hacked easily...

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I actually find a hundred reasons why I still need one :P

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I only enable Kaspersky for scanning cracks and USB Flash drives or other storage media :showoff:

Aaaaaand that is a wonderful example of how you get infected with malware :)

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Aaaaaand that is a wonderful example of how you get infected with malware :)

Yea you are right ! :) But my pc never get infected from past 5 years :showoff: :D

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Additionally - some comments from Emsisoft blog :

Tempus •

To have an antivirus solution running on your system is like having an extra lock on your door. It's nice, that ekstra feeling of security, and it helps somewhat . But as we all know, then it's not a guarantee that something bad will not happen. That ekstra lock will only minimize the risk.

For me is the most important security measure, " backup", then a well updated system, (with mitigation tools like EMET..) and no use of browser plugins/toolbars as they, in my perspective, will lower your overall security further , like a Schweiz cheese full of holes. Then common sense/and education. And first then, a good anti malware solution.

musicmugger •

Apple said. If top class hackers want to infiltrate a system, and that system is get at able, they will.
The NSA will go through your system like a lightening bolt, thanks to all the corrupt companies, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Linkedin, etc., that are quite happy give them access to your details, and who will be watching, and plundering those corporations, and bringing them down
Our friends the hackers. If they can get into the Pentagon, your bank, and the White House, what chance do you think your new toy has?


Yes, being smart can play a key role in preventing malware from infecting your PC but it's the PUPs that usually get by most folks radar. I usually try to avoid bundled downloaders and such and try and grab the actual file that I'm looking for but even then, the file itself might have been replaced by either a compromised version or malware. Being smart is one thing, using software that can help prevent infections is another element to add to your "smartness", sort to speak.

sd854 >. Ixscoerz

Agreed - PUPs are getting sneakier and nastier- and the most common way people get them is through bundled installs. The issue is again that there's a lot of money involved, so for some freeware and even shareware companies it's an ethical versus money consideration. Even some well known brands bundle or have bundled with questionable programs or malware, but they're off course quiet about it. PUP's can offer a few dollars per install, so if a freeware/ software is popular and gets installed hundreds or thousands times a day, that means thousands in extra revenue per day.

Even Emsisoft got approached once: http://blog.emsisoft.com/2014/02/28/the-potentially-unwanted-person/

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I'm not going to read everything that is mentioned above, but they do not really need anyone. I mean antivirus programs.
What is needed is an anti virus scanner and some tips and tricks, if there is a suspicious thing - namely, how to get rid of them.
None antivirus cannot never defend anyone. If some virus will be detected, they have already done what they must to do.
Do not forget that the virus program makers are not at all stupid people.

And all antivirus programs makers are always one step behind of them.

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It's all about how paranoid you are, the more paranoid you are the less conventional tools you will use in order to maximize protection.

Methodology today to compromise someone/something is more about gathering information based on which you purchase 0-day exploits, then you write and deploy malicious code.

For me, false sens of protection and privacy is lethal, just observe how people of computer expertise got (are being) compromised.

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Why do i need an antivirus if my PC is Off 7 days a week/366 days a year? :)

Yeah right, your PC needs to get repaired not an av then :D

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Why do i need an antivirus if my PC is Off 7 days a week/366 days a year? :)

Right, why do you need a PC - you need a calculator. ;)

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