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How to Fix the "Windows Installer Service couldn't be accessed" [Error in Windows 7]


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How to Fix the "Windows Installer Service could not be accessed" [Error in Windows 7]

or you Can not Installed MSI Files

If this thing happens certainly, you will be panic and annoying enough

Simply, follow the steps below:


Have you tried to install a program in [Windows 7] that uses an MSI file as its installer and instead you saw the above error?

or you can't Installed MSI Files

Never fear. There is an easy solution and we’re here to help you with it.

First, click on the Start menu and select Run.

Note: If you don’t see the Run command on the Start menu

See this Article


In the Open edit box on the Run dialog box, enter “cmd” (without the quotes) and click OK.


The Command Prompt window displays. For 32-bit Windows, type the following at the prompt and press Enter.

%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /unregister

This unregisters the msiexec.exe file in the C:\Windows\system32 directory.

Note: I will show you the commands to enter for 64-bit Windows below


Type the following at the prompt and Press Enter.

%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /regserver

This re-registers the msiexec.exe file in the C:\Windows\system32 directory.



This unregisters the msiexec.exe file in the C:\Windows\syswow64 directory.


To close the Command Prompt window, type “exit” (without the quotes) at the prompt and press Enter.


Reboot your computer. You should now be able to install programs that use MSI installer files.

To fix this problem in 32-bit Windows, open the Command Prompt window as described above. Type the following commands in order, pressing Enter after each:

msiexec /unregistermsiexec /regserver

Exit the Command Prompt window and reboot your computer to complete the fix.


Hopefully This topic will helped you alot


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In .bat file, would be awesome :)

yep, you can make by yourself, will be added batch [*.bat] files

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I've not tested this but wonder if it is of application to the issue ??

Fix Windows Errors by Re-registering All Your DLL's WITH .BAT FILEDOS PROMPT AS ADMIN Re-register All .dll Files Within Registry.txtI ran across this the other day on another site and I thought that a couple people might find it helpful, so here we go:1) First go Start/Run, and type in 'cmd' to bring up the Command Prompt.2) Type 'CD \' and hit enter.3) Type 'DIR *.dll /s /b > regdll.bat' and hit enter.4) Type 'Notepad regdll.bat' and hit enter.Now Notepad is going to bring up a list of your .dll files, nevermind that for a moment.5) Now type 'Path' and hit enter to see your current path. It will bring up something like: Path=c:\Windows;c:\windows\Command6) (supplement your Windows Version, ex: C:\WINNT, or C:\Windows) Now type: 'Path=c:\windows;c:\windows\Command;c:\Windows\Program~\Accessories' and hit enter.7) Verify again by typing 'Path' and hitting enter, and then type: 'C:\WINNT\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\' and hit enter again.8) Now, go back to Notepad and if you have Win98 use the replace feature in Wordpad (CTRL + H) or notepad to search for 'C:\' and replace it with this: 'C:\Windows\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\'If you have Win2000, etc. use the replace command in note pad to search for 'C:\' and replace it with this: 'C:\WINNT\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\'*Be sure to type the replace string exactly like above or it won't work*9) Use "Replace All" to make the changes to the entire file.10) When it finishes, save it, exit notepad or wordpad, and return to the Command Prompt.11) Type 'regdll' and press enter. If you followed the above steps correctly it will now go through and re-register all your .dll files. 
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